Camino Nuevo Charter Academy

CNCA Regular Board Meeting

Published on June 13, 2024 at 8:32 AM PDT
Amended on June 14, 2024 at 11:31 AM PDT

Date and Time

Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 4:30 PM PDT


3500 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90026

This meeting is open to the public at the CNHS Dalzell Lance Auditorium at 3500 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90004. 

The board meeting is also accessible at every CNCA Campus via teleconference connection:

CNCA Burlington 697 S. Burlington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90057

CNCA Kayne Siart 3400 W. 3rd Street., Los Angeles, CA 90020

CNCA Jose A. Castellanos 1723 W. Cordova St., Los Angeles, CA 90007

CNCA Jane B. Eisner 2755 W 15th St., Los Angeles, CA 90006

CNCA Sandra Cisneros 1018 Mohawk St., Los Angeles, CA 90026


Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to Sandra Herrera by email at or by telephone at 818-429-2514.

Members of the public who wish to address the Board may make public comment at any of the meeting locations. Public comments are limited to 2 minutes each. The Board Chair has the discretion to modify the amount of time allotted for public comment if they deem it necessary. Brown Act regulations restrict the Board from discussing or taking action on any subject presented that is not on the agenda. Procedures for public comment can be found at {}.


The CNCA Board can also be contacted via email at


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance Discuss Gil Flores 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order Discuss David Gidlow 1 m
II. Approve Minutes 4:32 PM
  A. Approve 4-9-2023 CNCA Regular Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes David Gidlow 1 m
    Minutes for CNCA Regular Board Meeting on April 9, 2024  
III. Public Comment 4:33 PM
  A. 2-Minute Limit per Speaker 5 m
IV. Consent Items 4:38 PM
  A. Student and Family Handbook Updates Vote Jeannette Sandoval 1 m

The Student and Family Support Team is requesting approval for the Student and Family Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year.

  B. Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy Vote Kimberly Plaza 1 m

CNCA schools have developed written Title I parental involvement policies with input from Title I families. The policies describe the means for carrying out Title I parental involvement requirements. These policies are approved annually by our CNCA board. 

  C. Homeless & Foster Youth Students Policy Vote Kimberly Plaza 1 m

This policy is intended to adhere to the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and ensure that each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youths. These policies are approved annually by our CNCA board. 

  D. FY24-25 Consolidated Application for Funding Vote Sonia Oliva 1 m

Approval of funding application for Title I, Title II, Title III - LEP and Title IV for CNCA#1, CNCA#2, CNCA#3, CNCA#4, and CNHS#2

  E. ELOP Contract with Bewilder Vote Lindsey Rojas 1 m

Approval for 24-25 programming with this outdoor education vendor.

  F. ELOP Contract with Tinker the Robot Vote Lindsey Rojas 1 m

Approval for 24-25 programming with this STEM vendor.

  G. ELOP Contract with Lunch Bunch Vote Lindsey Rojas 1 m

Approval for 24-25 programming with this nutrition and cooking vendor.

  H. Tech Agreement Between CNCA and PNEDG Vote Natasha Barriga 1 m

Approval for the 2024-2025 Tech Agreement between CNCA and PNEDG.

  I. Meal Provider Contract Renewal with Revolution Foods, PBC Vote Natasha Barriga 1 m

Meal Provider RFP renewal contract.

  J. Landscape Agreement Renewal with Pacific Vista Landscape Services Vote Carla Rivera 1 m

Landscape Agreement 1 Year renewal with Pacific Vista Landscape Services per approved contract.

  K. Prop 28 Arts & Music Annual Report Vote Nancy Cabrel 1 m

Approval of Prop 28 Arts & Music Annual Report.

  L. Director of Biliteracy and English Learners Agreement Vote Rachel Hazlehurst 1 m

CNCA is requesting approval for the 2024-2025 Director of Biliteracy and English Learners Agreement with PNEDG.

  M. TNTP Contract Vote Rachel Hazlehurst 1 m

CNCA is requesting approval for the 2024-2025 contract with TNTP for the purpose of Literacy program improvement. The proposed services will impact grades K-8, but the primary emphasis will be on Foundational Literacy Skills in grades K-2.

  N. Contract for Special Education Services from CCE Vote Rachel Hazlehurst 1 m

CNCA is requesting approval for the 2024-2025 CCE contract for Special Education Services.

  O. Contract for Special Education Services from Edlogical Vote Rachel Hazlehurst 1 m

CNCA is requesting approval for the 2024-2025 Edlogical contract for Special Education Services.

  P. Contract for Special Education Services from Sincere Behavior Solutions (SBS) Vote Rachel Hazlehurst 1 m

CNCA is requesting approval for the 2024-2025 SBS contract for Special Education Services.

V. Organizational Priority Panel 4:54 PM
  A. Organizational Priority Panel Discuss Adriana Abich and Rachel Hazlehurst 20 m
VI. School and Academic Updates 5:14 PM
  A. Attendance & Enrollment Updates Discuss Jeannette Sandoval and Crystal Day 10 m

The SFS Team will present updates on Q4 attendance and enrollment. 

  B. Graduating Seniors Update Discuss Elizabeth Nicho 10 m

The College and Career Team will present an update on our graduating seniors, including graduation data points and stories about our seniors. 

VII. Contracts 5:34 PM
  A. ExEd Contract Approval Vote Adriana Abich 10 m

Approval of ExEd Back-Office Contract Agreement.

  B. ELOP Contract with Think Together for Summer Field Trips Vote Lindsey Rojas 5 m

Approval for summer Think Together field trips.

  C. Commercial Insurance Policy Contract With CharterSafe Vote Nancy Cabrel 10 m

Approval of CharterSafe Contract Agreement.

VIII. 9th Amended Limited Services Agreement with Pueblo Nuevo Education and Development Group 5:59 PM
  A. 9th Amended Limited Services Agreement with Pueblo Nuevo Education and Development Group Vote Adriana Abich 5 m

Approval of 9th Amended Limited Services Agreement with Pueblo Nuevo Education and Development Group.

IX. 2024-2025 Calendar and Instructional Minutes 6:04 PM
  A. 2024-2025 Calendar and Instructional Minutes Vote Natasha Barriga 5 m

The Board of Directors will review the 2024-2025 Calendar and Instructional Minutes calculator and will vote whether or not to approve them.

X. Presentation of SY 23-24 Local Indicators 6:09 PM
  A. Presentation of SY 23-24 Local Indicators Vote Natasha Barriga 5 m

The CA Dashboard includes a concise set of state and local indicators that are founded on the LCFF priorities as well as aligned to the measures required under Every Student Succeeds Act. Annually, the Camino team must measure its progress in meeting the requirements o the LCFF priority and report on those measures as part of a non-consent item at the same public meeting at which the LCAP is adopted. CNCA Board of Directors will review and vote whether to approve the Local Indicators report for: CNCA, CNCA 2, CNCA 3, CNCA 4, CNCAHS2

XI. Local Control and Accountability Plan: CNCA, CNCA 2, CNCA 3, CNCA 4, CNCAHS 2 6:14 PM
  A. Local Control and Accountability Plan: CNCA, CNCA 2, CNCA 3, CNCA 4, CNCAHS 2 Vote Natasha Barriga 5 m

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for LEAS to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs. The CNCA Board of Directors will review and vote whether to approve the LCAPs for: CNCA, CNCA 2, CNCA 3, CNCA 4, CNCAHS2

XII. Financials 6:19 PM
  A. Approval of FY24/25 Budget Vote Sonia Oliva 5 m
  B. April 2024 Financials Discuss Sonia Oliva 5 m
  C. EPA Spending Plan Approval Vote Sonia Oliva 5 m
XIII. Board Member Elections 6:34 PM
  A. Election of Board Members for New Terms Vote David Gidlow 5 m
  B. Election of Officers and Chair of the Board Vote David Gidlow 5 m
XIV. Closed Session 6:44 PM
  A. Section 3549.1 Closed session regarding negotiations with an employee organization Discuss Adriana Abich 15 m
XV. Closing Items 6:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote David Gidlow 1 m