Making Waves Academy

May MWA Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 21, 2020 at 4:30 PM PDT


You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 967-255-093
If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la discapacidad, comuníquese con: 
Elizabeth Martinez at or 510-227-9856.

In accordance with Executive Order N-25-20 in the State of California, we will be hosting this board meeting via teleconference.

Public Comment 
  • The public may address the MWA Board regarding any item within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the MWA governing board.
  • Under Public Comment, members of the public may
    • Comment on items on the agenda
    • Comment on items not on the agenda
    • Presentations are limited to two minutes each, or a total of twenty minutes for all speakers, or the two-minute limit may be shortened.
  • In accordance to the Brown Act, the MWA Board may listen to comments, but can neither discuss nor take action on the topics presented. Members of the board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.
  • Speakers should submit a request to speak using one of the methods below: 
    • To submit a request during the meeting: send a direct message through the chat function to Elizabeth Martinez before the beginning of public comment for general public comment and before board discussion commences following staff presentations. Speaker requests will not be accepted for an item once the board has begun their discussion. 
    • To submit a request before the meeting: send an email to, please indicate if it is a general public comment for the beginning of the meeting or a comment for a specific agenda item (please include the item number).
  • Under SB1036 the minutes from this meeting will omit student and parent names and other directory information, except as required by judicial order or federal law. If a parent/ legal guardian wishes a name be included, one must inform the board prior to their public comment.  
If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related
accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la
discapacidad, comuníquese con:

Elizabeth Martinez at or 510-227-9856.

Please note that all agenda times are estimates. 

To Access the Agenda in Spanish CLICK HERE
Para ver la agenda en Espanol oprima aqui



I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
Alicia Malet Klein will call the meeting to order and review meeting norms regarding attendees. 
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
Roll call and verification of quorum.
  C. Public Comment
II. Standing Reports
  A. Compliance to Excellence: Remarks by Board President
Topics to be Covered:
  • Pivot to Distance Learning and Virtual Meetings 
  • Planning for a Changed Landscape 
  B. Q & A on Associated Student Body Report
Student government written report.
  C. Mission Connection: Meal Distribution Panel
Facilitated panel discussion with MWA staff who has been distributing meals during the campus closure. 
  D. Deep Dive: Distance Learning
Facilitated discussion with a panel regarding distance learning. 
  E. Q & A on Senior School Director Written Report
Items to be covered in reports:
  • Distance Learning
  • Socio-Emotional Learning 
  • Meal Distribution 
Board members will have an opportunity to ask questions and further discuss contents of the school's written report. 
  F. Q & A on CEO Written Report
Board members will have an opportunity to ask questions and further discuss contents of the CEO written report. 
  G. Q&A on Finance Written Report
Board members will have an opportunity to ask questions and further discuss contents of the finance update, which focuses on the FY21 budget.  
  H. Committee and Advisory Committee Updates
Committees and Advisory Committees will provide a summary of work-to-date and next steps for the committee.
  • Committees
    • WASC Review
    • Curriculum Review
    • Discipline
  • Advisory Committees
    • Finance
    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Audit
    • Climate & Culture
  I. School Site Council Update
Update on latest SSC meeting from SSC officer. 
III. Non-Action Items
  A. Curriculum Review Advisory Committee Presentation
Board member provides summary of the spring Curriculum Review Advisory Committee. 
  B. Talent Team Update
Board members will have an opportunity to ask questions and further discuss contents of the Talent Team's written report.
IV. Action Items
  A. Board Minutes: March 19, 2020 Board Meeting
    Minutes for March MWA Board Meeting on March 19, 2020
  B. Accept Minutes for Committees and Advisory Committees
    Minutes for Finance Advisory Committee on April 30, 2020
  C. Board Minutes: Special Board Meetings
  D. FY 2020-2021 Budget
Fiscal Impact: $28,125,697
  E. LCAP Operations Update
  F. 2020-2021 Student-Parent/Guardian Handbook
  G. 2020-2021 Employee Handbook
  H. Revision to Board Policy 5
  I. Instructional Minutes 2020-2021
  J. Bell Schedules (2020-2021)
  K. Academic Calendar 2020-2021
  L. Nob Hill Catering, Inc. Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $390,500
  M. iXL Contract
Fiscal Impact: $14,200
  N. Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy
No fiscal impact. 
  O. Policy on Chromebook Insurance
No fiscal impact. 
  P. Anchor Solutions Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $250,000
V. Consent Action Items
Combined Fiscal Impact: $4,778,864.29
  A. CCCOE Teacher Induction Program MOU
Fiscal Impact: 
  B. Teach for America (TFA) Memorandum of Understanding Renewal
Fiscal Impact: Up to $20,000 
  C. Master Contract Renewal: 2020-2021 SPED Services
No fiscal impact. 
  D. Speech Pathology Group (SPG) Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $70,000
  E. Arthur J. Gallagher - 2020-21 Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $2,364
  F. LBM Business Services Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $14,750
  G. Gaggle Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $10,675
  H. OKTA Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $11,269.97
  I. Cisco Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $67,040.32
  J. SolarWinds Service Desk Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $16,488
  K. Altura Renewal
Fiscal Impact: $7,745
  L. Vendor Invoices (Nov 2018-Apr 2019)
Fiscal Impact: $4,558,532
VI. Discussion Items
  A. Appreciations by the Board of Directors
As provided for in the State of California Open Meeting Act, actions cannot be taken under this agenda item. The only purpose of this agenda item is to provide an opportunity for Board of Directors to make comments.
VII. Closing Items
  A. Schedule of Board of Directors Meetings 2019-2020
  • June Meeting, TBD 
Regular Board Meeting Schedule for 2020-2021
  • September 10, 2020
  • October 15, 2020
  • December 10, 2020
  • February 4, 2021
  • March 18, 2021
  • May 6, 2021
  • June 17, 2021
  B. Adjourn Meeting