The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 24, 2023 at 6:30 PM PDT



      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order Discuss William Schaff 1 m
  B. Record Attendance   Damaris Espinosa 2 m
II. Consent Agenda 6:33 PM
  A. Approve Draft Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes William Schaff 2 m
    Minutes for Board Retreat on August 13, 2023  
  B. Check Registers FYI William Schaff 1 m
  C. Credit Card Statements FYI William Schaff 1 m
  D. Vote on Consent Agenda Vote William Schaff 1 m
III. Board Communication 6:38 PM
  A. Opening of the School Year Report - Elementary Discuss Leah Rubin 15 m

A brief presentation on the teachers' professional development leading up to school and the first few days of school by elementary principal, Leah Rubin.

  B. Student Success Data - Elementary Discuss Leah Rubin 25 m

A presentation by elementary principal, Leah Rubin, on student success data from the 22-23 school year.

  C. Opening of The School Year Report - Middle School Discuss Ann Gilcrease 15 m

A brief presentation on the teachers' professional development leading up to school and the first few days of school by middle school principal, Ann Gilcrease.

  D. Student Success Data - Middle School Discuss Ann Gilcrease 25 m

A presentation by middle school principal, Ann Gilcrease, on student success data from the 22-23 school year.

  E. Enrollment Report Discuss Christine Chilcott 15 m

To discuss the 23-24 opening enrollment numbers as well as expectations for the 24-25 SY enrollment and starting TK since advertising and enrollment for 24-25 begins October 1.

  F. Board Committee Reports Discuss William Schaff 15 m

Reports from the following committees:

  • Finance Committee
  • Student Success Committee
  • Governance Committee 
IV. Action Items 8:28 PM
  A. Human Resource Director Pay Scale Vote William Schaff 10 m

Requesting that the board vote to move the Human Resource Director's payscale to the same level as the Director of Operations. 


It is currently on the Human Resource Manager's payscale and the pay levels are lower and the increases are accrued at a lesser rate than the Director of Operations and the principals which all are higher, similar pay scales and accure at the same higher rate. 


Draft Motion: The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors votes to move the Human Resource Director's payscale to the same payscale as the Director of Operations.

  B. Board Local Authorization Credentials Vote William Schaff 10 m

Each year The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors is required to approve teachers that are teaching a subject outside of the credential they hold.


Draft Resolution: 


WHEREAS, Academy of Alameda (“The School”) makes every effort to recruit fully prepared teachers; and


WHEREAS, when fully prepared teachers are not available, The School recruits candidates who qualify for an intern credential; and


WHEREAS, there are fully credentialed teachers at the School who have consented to teach in a needed subject area under limited assignment, and others who personnel available who have not yet completed their intern or preliminary credentialing requirements and are in the process to complete them; and they are specifically listed below:


  • Jennifer Whatley: 6th Grade Math, Single Subject Local/Limited Assignment Permit
  • Patty Devlin: 6th Grade Science, Single Subject Local/Limited Assignment Permit 
  • Celeste Ansley: 6th Grade History, Multiple Subject Local/Limited Assignment Permit 
  • Sheila Hewitt: 6th Grade English & History, Multiple Subject Local/Limited Assignment Permit 
  • Kevin Jia: 7th Grade Math & Algebra, Single Subject Local/Limited Assignment Permit 
  • Ally Fromson Ho: 7th Grade History, Multiple Subject Local/Limited Assignment Permit 
  • Joana Dzib: 2nd Grade Teacher, Multiple Subject Provisional Internship Permit 
  • Paola Carillo - 5th Grade Teacher, Multiple Subject Provisional Internship Permit 
  • Vanessa Bell - Middle School English Teacher, Multiple Subject Provisional Internship Permit 
  • Nolan Legaspi - Elementary School Teacher, Multiple Subject Provisional Internship Permit 
  • NahJah Culberson - Kindergarten Teacher, Multiple Subject Provisional Internship Permit

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognizes that there are an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the School’s specific employment criteria; and


WHEREAS, Title 5 Section 80026 requires that a Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators and resolution by the Governing Board be submitted by an employing agency prior to the issuance of any emergency permit and/or limited assignments permit for that agency in a given school year; and


WHEREAS, Title 5 Section 80026 specifies that said Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators and resolution be adopted by the Governing Board of a Charter School in a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Board on an annual basis; and


WHEREAS, said revised Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators shall not be adopted by the Board as part of a consent calendar; and


WHEREAS, all employees invest their time, energy and countless hours to provide all students with quality programs and services that support their individual needs and educational goals;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Academy of Alameda Board of Directors hereby requests that a revised Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators be submitted to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the 2023-2024 school year.

V. Closing Items 8:48 PM
  A. Individual Board Member Reports Discuss William Schaff 5 m
  B. Executive Director Report FYI Christine Chilcott 5 m
  C. Upcoming Board Meetings Discuss William Schaff 2 m

September 28:


Vote on Family Handbook

Vote on Local Indicators - Due to the state by September 30

Board Member training on the Brown Act by Jerry Simmons from Young, Minney, and Corr

  D. Adjourn Meeting William Schaff