The Exploris School

Annual Orientation

Date and Time

Tuesday July 30, 2019 at 4:30 PM EDT


Middle Campus - 401 Hillsborough St. Rm 7N (upstairs)


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on June 18, 2019
  D. Public Comment

Fifteen minutes will be allocated on the agenda for public input at each meeting. Additional time may be added at the discretion of the Chair.

Public comment may be oral, in person, or in written form to be read by the Chair.
Public comment is limited to no more than 3 minutes per person.
It is recommended that public comment be written out and provided to the board following the three minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board. 

Each speaker will clearly state their full name and county of residence.

All public comment should be factual and should not include personally identifiable 
information of students or personnel in order to maintain confidentiality. Speakers 
should avoid using names of students or staff and maintain confidentiality and 
privacy standards.

All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit 
an immediate written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and
a brief summary of topics or input will be included in the meeting minutes published.

A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.

Specific issues about a particular student or teacher should be addressed to the school’s executive director, rather than the Board of Directors.
II. Team Building and Introductions
  A. Ice Breaker
III. Charter School Funding
  A. Charter School Funding
  • Board Member Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Difference between Charter & Public School Funding
  • How to Read Financial Statements
  • Analyzing cash on hand and liquidity
IV. Exploris History
  A. Exploris Hallmarks, Values, Vision
Global Education
V. Board Expectations and Commitments
  A. Expectations
Board and Committee Expectations (Tom Miller & Camesha Jones)
Residency - license
Conflict of Interest

Documents are attached in the packet.  Please bring signed documents and a copy of your license. (All members)
VI. Executive Director Report
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Academics/ Personnel/ Operations
Personnel and Staffing Update:

Board Approval is requested for the following positions:

Associate Director Middle School – Deborah Brown
1st Grade Teaching Partner – Matt Moreland
K Teacher – Jessica Thorn
Miranda Joseph- Western Governors University Student Teacher working with Ashley Moser in 1st Grade
Board approval is requested to accept the resignation of Laura Lewis.

Board Approval is requested for the 2019-2020 Personnel Handbook and Parent / Student Handbook:

The 2019-2020 Personnel Handbook and Parent Student Handbook are attached for review and approval.  Modifications are highlighted in yellow.

Charter Update to Office of Charter Schools
Amendments submitted to Office of Charter School to update the school mission, vision, values and goals as outlined by the new strategic plan.  Documents submitted were provided as part of the Board packet.
  B. Finance
The Finance committee has worked with Charter Success to analyze our monthly budget variance reports and project the latest for end of year activity.  There are June bills that have come in during July and still need to be finalized in the end of year accounting during August. At this time, the 2018-2019 end of year surplus is estimated to be $ 96,291.03.  This does not include all end of year expenses that will be finalized within the next month.
The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD 18-19 June budget are attached for your review. 

2019-2020 Budget Update
Salary savings reflected with the new hires is estimated to be $24,486.  We will also realize savings of $22,103 from 6 staff members not electing benefits coverage which was not anticipated.  An additional cost savings of $3,677 is reflected in the working copy of the 19-20 budget from a change in provider for our insurance coverages.  We switched from Wright Insurance for liability and Eastern Alliance for Workers Compensation and moved coverages to Hanover Insurance umbrella package.  The student Accident policy will remain with Hartford Insurance.  At this time we are projecting a surplus of 64,289.67.  Amendments to the budget will be presented once the updated per pupil allocation is available.

VII. Standing Committee Updates
  A. Development Committee
  B. Governance Committee
Governance Committee is seeking members. We aim to share our goals and plan no later than the September meeting. 
  C. Excellence in Education
  D. Facilities
  E. Grievance

Committee Chair Needed

VIII. Other Business
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
Action Items and Topics for next agenda

The next Board meeting will be held on August 27, 2019 at 4:30 pm at the Middle School.