Making Waves Academy

September Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 9, 2021 at 10:30 AM PDT

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CLICK HERE to access agenda and cover sheets in Spanish
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para acceder a la agenda y portadas en español

CLICK HERE to access the school board report in Spanish 
HAGA CLIC AQUI para acceder el reporte escolar

If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la discapacidad, comuníquese con: 
Elizabeth Martinez at or 510-227-9856.

In accordance with Executive Order N-25-20 in the State of California, we will be hosting this board meeting via teleconference.

Public Comment 
  • The public may address the MWA Board regarding any item within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the MWA governing board.
  • Under Public Comment, members of the public may
    • Comment on items on the agenda
    • Comment on items not on the agenda
    • Presentations are limited to two minutes each, or a total of twenty minutes for all speakers, or the two-minute limit may be shortened.
  • In accordance to the Brown Act, the MWA Board may listen to comments, but can neither discuss nor take action on the topics presented. Members of the board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.
  • While meetings are held virtually, speakers must submit a request to speak before 9:00 AM on the day of the board meeting.
    • Send your request to speak by email to in English or Spanish.
    • Your submission should:
      • indicate if it is a general public comment for the beginning of the meeting or a comment for a specific agenda item (please include the item number).
      • include your name so that you can be called when it is your turn to speak. 
    • During the meeting, we will call your name and you should use the "raise hand" feature to identify yourself.
  • Under SB1036 the minutes from this meeting will omit student and parent names and other directory information, except as required by judicial order or federal law. If a parent/ legal guardian wishes a name be included, one must inform the board prior to their public comment.  
De acuerdo con la Orden Ejecutiva N-25-20 del Estado de California, tendremos esta reunión de la junta por teleconferencia.
Comentarios públicos
  • El público puede dirigirse a la Junta Directiva de la MWA con respecto a cualquier asunto dentro de la jurisdicción del tema materia por la Junta Directiva de la MWA.
  • Bajo comentario público, los miembros del público pueden:
    • Hacer comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día
    • Hacer comentarios sobre puntos no incluidos en el orden del día
    • Las presentaciones están limitadas a dos minutos cada una, o un total de veinte minutos para todos los oradores, o se puede acortar el límite de dos minutos.
• De acuerdo con la Ley Brown, la Junta Directiva de la MWA puede escuchar los comentarios, pero no discutirán ni tomarán medidas sobre los temas presentados. La respuesta de los miembros de la Junta Directiva a las declaraciones o preguntas de las personas que comentan temas que no figuran en el orden del día es muy limitada.
  • Aunque las reuniones se celebran virtualmente, los oradores deben presentar una solicitud de palabra antes de las 9:00 de la mañana del día de la reunión de la Junta.
    • Envíe su petición de palabra por correo electrónico a en inglés o español.
    • Su presentación deberá:
      • indicar si es un comentario público general para el comienzo de la reunión o si es comentario público sobre un artículo específico del programa (incluya el número del artículo).
      • Incluya su nombre para que pueda ser llamado cuando sea su turno de hablar.
    • Durante la reunión, le llamaremos por su nombre y deberá utilizar la función de "levantar la mano" para identificarse.
  • En virtud de la SB1036, las actas de esta reunión omitirán los nombres de los estudiantes y padres y otra información del directorio, excepto cuando lo requiera la orden judicial o por la ley federal. Si un padre/tutor legal desea que se incluya un nombre, se debe informar a la junta antes de su comentario público.
If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related
accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la
discapacidad, comuníquese con:

Elizabeth Martinez at or 510-227-9856.
Please note that all agenda times are estimates. 
Tenga en cuenta que todos los horarios de la agenda son estimaciones.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 10:30 AM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Alicia Klein
Alicia Malet Klein will call the meeting to order and review meeting norms regarding attendees. 
  B. Record Attendance   Alicia Klein 1 m
Roll call and verification of quorum.
  C. Closed Session Discuss Alicia Klein 15 m
  • Executive Evaluation  (safe harbor language)
  D. Compliance to Excellence: Remarks by Board President Discuss Alicia Klein 15 m
Topics to be Covered: Back to Campus; Additional Resources for Written Translation; Board policy on Parent/Guardian Conduct; Developing Parent/Guardian Survey
  E. Public Comment   Alicia Klein 20 m
  • The public may address the MWA Board regarding any item within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the MWA governing board.
  • Under Public Comment, members of the public may
    • Comment on items on the agenda
    • Comment on items not on the agenda
    • Presentations are limited to two minutes each, or a total of twenty minutes for all speakers, or the two-minute limit may be shortened.
  • In accordance to the Brown Act, the MWA Board may listen to comments, but can neither discuss nor take action on the topics presented. Members of the board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.
  • While meetings are held virtually, speakers must submit a request to speak before 9:00 AM on the day of the board meeting.
    • Send your request to speak by email to in English or Spanish.
    • Your submission should:
      • indicate if it is a general public comment for the beginning of the meeting or a comment for a specific agenda item (please include the item number).
      • include your name so that you can be called when it is your turn to speak. 
    • During the meeting, we will call your name and you should use the "raise hand" feature to identify yourself.
  • Under SB1036 the minutes from this meeting will omit student and parent names and other directory information, except as required by judicial order or federal law. If a parent/ legal guardian wishes a name be included, one must inform the board prior to their public comment.  
De acuerdo con la Orden Ejecutiva N-25-20 del Estado de California, celebraremos esta reunión de la junta por teleconferencia.
Comentarios públicos
  • El público puede dirigirse a la Junta Directiva de la MWA con respecto a cualquier asunto dentro de la jurisdicción del tema materia por la Junta Directiva de la MWA.
  • Bajo comentario público, los miembros del público pueden:
    • Hacer comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día
    • Hacer comentarios sobre puntos no incluidos en el orden del día
    • Las presentaciones están limitadas a dos minutos cada una, o un total de veinte minutos para todos los oradores, o se puede acortar el límite de dos minutos.
• De acuerdo con la Ley Brown, la Junta Directiva de la MWA puede escuchar los comentarios, pero no discutirán ni tomarán medidas sobre los temas presentados. La respuesta de los miembros de la Junta Directiva a las declaraciones o preguntas de las personas que comentan temas que no figuran en el orden del día es muy limitada.
  • Aunque las reuniones se celebran virtualmente, los oradores deben presentar una solicitud de palabra antes de las 9:00 de la mañana del día de la reunión de la Junta.
    • Envíe su petición de palabra por correo electrónico a en inglés o español.
    • Su presentación deberá:
      • indicar si es un comentario público general para el comienzo de la reunión o si es comentario público sobre un artículo específico del programa (incluya el número del artículo).
      • Incluya su nombre para que pueda ser llamado cuando sea su turno de hablar.
    • Durante la reunión, le llamaremos por su nombre y deberá utilizar la función de "levantar la mano" para identificarse.
  • En virtud de la SB1036, las actas de esta reunión omitirán los nombres de los estudiantes y padres y otra información del directorio, excepto cuando lo requiera la orden judicial o por la ley federal. Si un padre/tutor legal desea que se incluya un nombre, se debe informar a la junta antes de su comentario público.
II. Standing Reports 11:21 AM
  A. Mission Connection: Acknowledgement of Alton B. Nelson Jr. FYI Alicia Klein 10 m
Video in celebration of Alton B. Nelson Jr's ten years of service to MWA. 
  B. ASB Update FYI Melissa Macho 5 m
  C. Deep Dive: Academic Intervention Team Introduction Discuss Micah Stilwell 20 m
Overview of the approach to Teaching and Learning post-distance learning and introduction of the new Academic Instruction Team:
  • Micah Stilwell, Senior Director of Academic Instruction 
  • Radhika Kolachina, Director of Academic Instructions for Math & Science 
  • Eric Becker, Director of Academic Instructions for Humanities
  D. Senior School Director Written Report: Start of the Year Discuss Evangelia Ward-Jackson 15 m
Board members will have the opportunity to discuss the Senior School Director's report on the return to in-person learning and goals for the year. The report will also feature overviews of:
  • Professional Development (Micah Stilwell)
  • RT Fisher services (Robyn Fisher) 
  • The school's approach to learning loss (Emalyn Lopez, Intervention Services Coordinator) 
  • Onboarding of new students (Dean's Office) 
  E. CEO Report Discuss Alton B. Nelson Jr. 10 m
Board members will have an opportunity to ask questions and further discuss contents of the CEO report. 


  F. Q&A on Written Chief Operating Officer Report (COO) Discuss Elizabeth Martinez 5 m
Topics to be Covered:
  • School Operations
  • COVID Safety Team Update
  G. Q&A on Written Finance Report (CFO) Wallace Wei 5 m
Board members will have an opportunity to ask questions about the contents of the written report.
  H. School Site Council (SSC) Written Update FYI Latiphony Wells 5 m
Written update from SSC President, Latiphony Wells.  
III. Non-Action Items 12:36 PM
  A. Committee and Advisory Committee Updates Discuss Alicia Klein 10 m
Committees and Advisory Committees will provide a summary of work-to-date and next steps for the committee.
  • Committees:
    • Curriculum Review
  • Advisory Committees
    • Finance
    • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion/Audit
    • Culture and Climate/Layla Naranjo and Margaret Watson will present
    • WASC 
  B. Memo Regarding T-Mobile ECF Contract & CDW ECF Quote for Chromebooks FYI Damon Edwards 1 m
Memo that provides an update to the board on the items approved during the August 11th Special Board Meeting: T-Mobile ECF Contract & CDW ECF Quote for Chromebooks.
IV. Action Items 12:47 PM
  A. Board Minutes: June 17th, 2021 Board Meeting Approve Minutes Alicia Klein 1 m
    Minutes for June Board Meeting on June 17, 2021  
  B. Approve Minutes for Special Board Meeting Approve Minutes Alicia Klein 1 m
    Minutes for Special Board Meeting on August 11, 2021  
  C. Anchor Counseling Solutions Contract Renewal Vote Karen Snider 1 m
Renewing special education Non Public Agency provider contract with Anchor Counseling Solutions. Anchor provides MWA with school psychologist, special education educationally related mental health evaluations, speech and language therapy and caseload management, and behavior specialist support.
Fiscal Impact: $210,000
  D. Catalyst Seneca Vote Karen Snider 1 m
Approval for Individual Services Agreement contract for1 MWA student placement at a non public school- Catalyst Seneca.
Fiscal Impact: $46,000
  E. FY21 Unaudited Actuals Report Vote Wallace Wei 1 m
Board to review and approve 2020-21 Unaudited Actuals.
No fiscal impact. 
  F. Education Protection Account (EPA) Vote Hung Mai 1 m
The spending plan must be approved by the governing board during a public meeting. EPA funds cannot be used for the salaries or benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs.
  G. Vendor Invoices Vote Hung Mai 1 m
Review and approval of vendor invoices for the months of April to July 2021.
  H. Mindful Educators Contract (2021-2022) Vote Brandon Greene 1 m
As we enter the 2021-22 school year, we look to add to our successes from last year by continuing to prioritize the social-emotional well-being of all stakeholders. To this end, we seek to extend our mindfulness-based community partnership (previously referred to as Seeds of Awareness) via the Mindful Educators proposal.
Fiscal Impact: $25,000
  I. CTC Declaration of Need Vote Fe Campbell 1 m
The Declaration of Need allows MWA to apply for and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue Emergency Cross-Cultural and Academic Development (CLAD), Limited Assignment Permits and more for teachers. In a year where staffing teachers is difficult, these emergency permits ensure compliance while teachers are enrolled in a current credential program and/or studying to pass required examinations.
No fiscal impact. 
  J. The Education Team (New Substitute Vendor) Vote Fe Campbell 1 m
To address the staffing concerns related to teacher vacancies in the 2021-2022 school year, MWA has identified The Education Team has a new vendor to source of short, medium, and long-term substitute coverage.
  K. Scoot (New Substitute Staffing Vendor) Vote Fe Campbell 1 m
To address the staffing concern related to teacher vacancies in the 2021-2022 school year, MWA has identified Scoot as a new vendor to source of short, medium, and long-term substitute coverage.
  L. Swing (Substitute Staffing Vendor) Vote Fe Campbell 1 m
To address the staffing concern related to teacher vacancies in the 2021-2022 school year, MWA has renewed the contract with Swing to source of short, medium, and long-term substitute coverage.
  M. Board Resolution Vote Alton B. Nelson Jr. 1 m
Board reviews a resolution that authorizes CEO to enact a school closure under emergency conditions. 
  N. New Board Policy: Parent Code of Conduct Vote Alicia Klein & Elizabeth Martinez 5 m
Board reviews the new board policy, Board Policy 14: Parent Code of Conduct. The policy outlines general operating principles, prohibited behaviors, and consequences related to parent conduct at MWA. 
  O. RIDS Transportation Expense Vote Karen Snider 1 m
Transportation service for students who require school-provided transportation as outlined in their IEP. 
Fiscal Impact for Semester 1: $50,000
V. Consent Action Items
Combined Fiscal Impact: $
VI. Day-of Presentation Slides (MWA Board: Do Not Read in Advance)
  A. Full Slide Deck FYI Elizabeth Martinez
  B. Documentos traducidos al espaƱol/Documents translated to Spanish FYI Alicia Klein
Este año, continuaremos traduciendo la agenda de la junta directiva al español. Además, este año traduciremos las portadas que contienen una breve explicación de los articulos incluidos en la agenda, así como el informe escolar que sera escrito por la directora principal de la escuela y sus líderes escolares.

This year, we will continue to translate the board agenda to Spanish. Additionally, this year we will be translating the coversheets which provide a brief explanation of the items on the agenda as well as the school report which is written by the Senior School Director and her school leaders. 
VII. Discussion Items 1:06 PM
  A. Appreciations by the Board of Directors FYI Alicia Klein 5 m
As provided for in the State of California Open Meeting Act, actions cannot be taken under this agenda item. The only purpose of this agenda item is to provide an opportunity for Board of Directors to make comments.
VIII. Closing Items 1:11 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Alicia Klein
  B. Schedule of Remaining Board of Directors Meetings 2021-2022 FYI Alicia Klein
  • October 14th, 2021, 4:00pm-7:30pm
  • December 9th, 2020, 10:30am-2:00pm
  • January 27th, 2022, 10:30am-2:00pm
  • March 10th, 2022, 10:30am-2:00pm 
  • May 5th, 2022, 4:00pm-7:30pm 
  • June 16th, 2022, 10:30am-2:00pm