The Main Street Academy

Monthly Finance Committee Meeting

Published on October 16, 2023 at 9:57 PM EDT
Amended on October 24, 2023 at 3:25 PM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday October 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM EDT


Virtual Meeting via Zoom


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order Shameka Smith 1 m
  B. Record Attendance   Shameka Smith 1 m
  C. Approval of Agenda Vote Shameka Smith 1 m
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Shameka Smith 2 m
    Minutes for Monthly Finance Committee Meeting on August 22, 2023  
II. CFO Financial Report 6:05 PM
  A. August 2023 Preliminary Financial Report Vote John Stiffler 5 m
  B. September 2023 Preliminary Financial Report Vote John Stiffler 10 m
III. Executive Director's Report 6:20 PM
  A. ED October 2023 Report FYI Chad Owes 20 m
  • PTO Financial Report
  • Title I Budget - FY24
  • FY24 Budget Overview (2023-2024)
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Fundraising
  • Student Enrollment 2023-24
  • Human Resources & Staffing
  • Facilities, Operations, & Maintenance Updates
IV. Unfinished Business 6:40 PM
  A. Finance Committee Goals for 2023-2024 Discuss Shameka Smith 10 m

Finalize 2023-2024 committee goals (agree on 3-6 goals):


  1. Prepare and present accurate, timely, and meaningful financial statements to the Board monthly.
  2. Training and understanding of TMSA's finances by all Governing Board members.
  3. Comply with all Fulton County and State financial reporting requirements and ratios.
  4. 100% participation with Governing Board Member required annual contributions.
  5. Develop an annual budget that supports our vision of excellence
  6. Conduct an annual audit
  7. Review annual audit results with full board
  8. Update board colleagues on proper financial oversight practices
  9. Develop and maintain a consistent method for monitoring the organization's finances
  10. Develop a board approved annual budgeting process




  B. 2023-2024 Budget Presentation Discuss Shameka Smith 5 m
V. New Business
VI. Closing Items 6:55 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Shameka Smith 1 m