The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 25, 2020 at 4:30 PM EST


Middle Campus - 401 Hillsborough St. Rm 7N (upstairs)


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Approve Minutes from last board meeting
    Minutes for Annual Retreat on January 28, 2020
  D. Public Comment

Fifteen minutes will be allocated on the agenda for public input at each meeting. Additional time may be added at the discretion of the Chair.

Public comment may be oral, in person, or in written form to be read by the Chair.
Public comment is limited to no more than 3 minutes per person.
It is recommended that public comment be written out and provided to the board following the three minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board. 

Each speaker will clearly state their full name and county of residence.

All public comment should be factual and should not include personally identifiable 
information of students or personnel in order to maintain confidentiality. Speakers 
should avoid using names of students or staff and maintain confidentiality and 
privacy standards.

All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit 
an immediate written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and
a brief summary of topics or input will be included in the meeting minutes published.

A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.

Specific issues about a particular student or teacher should be addressed to the school’s executive director, rather than the Board of Directors.
II. Executive Director Report
  A. Personnel/ Operations
Welcome New Board Members - Allanah, Jerry, Katherine, and Steven


  • Board approval is requested to approve Terri Bullock as the long term kindergarten maternity leave replacement.
  • Board approval is requested to approve the following individuals as tutors using ACCESS grant funding
    • TaVshea Danielle Smith (external)
    • Shannon Hardy (internal staff)
    • Helene Elliston (internal staff)


  B. Finance
2019-2020 Budget Update

The Finance committee met to review the year to date revenue updates, expenditures, and project future impacts. The budget was updated to reflect the budget amendments approved at last month’s board meeting.  Based on YTD activity, we are projecting an end of year surplus of $228,400.43.  The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD budget report are attached for your review. 

2020-2021 Budget Process
Staff Input Sessions
Community Input Session
Draft Budget -March
Budget Presented to Board in April
Budget Approved in May


Board approval is requested to modify the employee handbook and allow for part-time employees to receive the 401K match according to the plan guidelines.


Five Year Projections and Bond Financing
The five year projections were reviewed and updated at the 2/19/20 finance committee meeting and are attached for Board review.  Updated financials were provided to BB&T for a re-evaluation of our bond financing capacity.  We would like to understand our minimum and maximum capacity for borrowing based on our current size and our anticipated growth. 


Board approval is requested to approve the Underwriter Letter of Intent with BB&T so that they can provide full underwriting estimates of our bond capacity.  Five year projections are attached for Board review.
III. New Board Member Orientation
  A. Board Member Orientation
Review Board roles and responsibilities


Board Orientation Vignette - Tom Miller
IV. Committee Reports
  A. Facilities
Review and discuss property search conducted by Tri Properties.
  B. Governance
Board approval is requested to approve the updated background check policy.  The revised policy is attached for your review.


  C. Development
Update on committee activity
  D. Education Excellence
Update on committee goals
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Future Meetings:
The next Special Board meeting is scheduled on March 24, 2020 at 4:30 at the Middle School campus.