The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 30, 2018 at 4:30 PM EDT


The Exploris School


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on September 25, 2018
  D. Public Comment Opportunity

The Exploris Board desires to hear from their stakeholders. Members of the general public are provided three (3) minutes of time to state a concern or bring ...

II. Strategic Plan Updates
  A. Presentation of Partnership Options
Board approval is requested to contract with Executive Service Corp. of The Triangle to assist us with the development of a revised 3 year strategic plan.  Total cost for the project is $2,750.  ($3,750- $1,000 Fox Family Foundation grant).  This is the firm that completed the 2013-2018 plan.
III. Weighted Lottery Updates
  A. Policy Approval
The revised weighted lottery policy was approved by CSAB on Monday 9/10/18 and on October 4 by the State Board of Education.  An update to our lottery policy to reflect the priority weighted lottery as well as reflect changes in lottery procedure is being recommended,  The Governance committee is recommending changes to the timing for families to accept their seat once school starts, defining the timing for registration materials, and clarifying that students are required to be present on the first day of school or risk losing their seat to the next candidate on the wait list. 

  B. EEC Updates (Marketing and Research)
  C. Application Process

The leadership team is working closely with the Equity and Diversity subcommittee on the lottery and enrollment process.  The team has also been working on the implementation systems and recruitment efforts.  The application will be online utilizing School Mint for running our lottery and enrollment  process in the upcoming year.  Paper applications will also be available for families as an option.

IV. ED Report
  A. School Goal Updates

Review of School Improvement Goals and ED Goals for the 2018 - 2019 School Year.  Detailed information is included in the Board packet.

Board Approval is requested for the ED Goals for the 2018-2019 School Year

  B. Academic/ Personnel / Operations
Board approval is requested for the following positions:
Austin Cole -Teaching Partner – funded with Special State Reserve EC funds for one on one
Lori Mauro - School Counselor – funded by Grant for School Mental Health Counselor
Tara Delgado – Social Worker – funded by grant Partnership with Wake County and Communities in School

Board approval is requested for the Beginning Teacher Support Plan
A summary of the plan is provided in the Board packet.
  C. Closed Session

Update on Legal Matters

  D. Finance

Board Approval is requested for the following:
Board approval is requested for the following amendments to the school budget:

  • Amend budget to account for transfer of $32,000 from reserve account to cover Legal Expenses
  • Amend budget to show scholarships for each grade level (reflected in EOY projection)

K/ I- 1$100.00
2/3 - $100.00
4/5 - $500.00
6 - $500.00
7 - $1,000.00
8 - $2,000.00

V. Committee Updates
  A. Development Committee
The Development committee will share an update on their progress towards their 90 day goal and ask for specific support, if needed. 
  B. Governance Committee
The Governance committee will share an update on their progress towards their 90 day goal and ask for specific support, if needed. 
  C. Facility
The Facility committee will share an update on their progress towards their 90 day goal and ask for specific support, if needed.
VI. Closing Items
  A. Closing and Commitments
The board will identify the key topics for the November meeting and identify the commitments prior to the next meeting. 
  B. Adjourn Meeting
VII. Other Business