Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors Meeting

Published on August 21, 2020 at 8:10 PM PDT
Amended on August 26, 2020 at 4:42 PM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday August 26, 2020 at 6:00 PM PDT


Topic: LCPS Board of Directors Meeting 
Time: Aug 26, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance
  C. Open Forum and Introductions
Hear/Record public comments, Identify next steps as needed
  D. Committee Report Outs and Announcements
  • Finance - Committee report from August 12, 2020 meeting
  • AAC - Committee report from August 17, 2020 meeting
  • Governance Committee report from August 21. 2020 meeting
II. Consent Items
  A. Approve Board Minutes



    Minutes for LCPS Board of Directors Retreat on July 29, 2020
  B. Financial Statement Packet
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval as part of the Consent Agenda



  C. PCSD Development Agreement Addendum
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval as part of the Consent Agenda
  D. Contract: EL Education
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval as part of the Consent Agenda
  E. Contract: Seneca Family of Agencies
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval as part of the Consent Agenda
  F. Contract: Lease extension for Shared Service Office at 433 Hegenberger Rd.
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval as part of the Consent Agenda
  G. LCPS Fiscal Policy Update
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval as part of the Consent Agenda
III. Discussion and Approval Items
  A. Renewal of Board Terms - Soo Zee Park
Recommended Action: The Governance Committee has reviewed and recommends the extension of Ms. Park's term through June 30, 2021. 
  B. Election of New Board Member - Kenya Williams
Recommended Action: The Governance Committee has reviewed and recommends that Ms. Williams joins the board for an initial three-year term through June 30, 2023. 
  C. Alumni Board Fellowship
Recommended Action: The Governance Committee has reviewed and recommends the launch of this Fellowship, beginning with initial Fellows in January 2021.
  D. CEO COVID-19 Resolution
  E. School Reopening Update
  F. Board Assessment
  G. Organizational Alignment Priorities and OKR Dashboard
  H. Charter Renewal Update
  I. Resolution of Anti Blackness/Anti racism
  J. Public Hearing: Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Per the CDE: 


By September 30, 2020
  • The LEA governing board/body shall adopt the Learning Continuity Plan by September 30, 2020 in a public meeting. This meeting shall be held after, but not on the same day as, the public hearing for receiving public comment described below.
    • Prior to its adoption, the Learning Continuity Plan shall be presented at a public hearing of the governing board/body of the LEA for review and comment by members of the public. The agenda for the public hearing shall be posted at least 72 hours before the public hearing and shall include the location where the Learning Continuity Plan will be available for public inspection.
    • Additionally, the governing board must provide options for remote participation in the public hearings and the public meeting in which the Learning Continuity Plan is adopted.


  K. MOU between LCPS & Oakland Undivided & Oakland Enrolls (HOLD ON POSTING)
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting