Urban Montessori Charter School

Regular Board Meeting

Published on June 26, 2020 at 1:37 PM PDT
Amended on August 24, 2020 at 6:08 PM PDT

Date and Time

Thursday August 27, 2020 at 6:15 PM PDT



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Members: Loren Bentley Tammero, Olivia Couch, Jan Faraguna, Christina Greenberg, Greg Klein, Davis Leung, Nancy McAfee Flemming, Hae-Sin Thomas, Stacey Wang

Urban Montessori Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, including audio recordings of Regular Board Meetings, are available via on our BoardOnTrack public portal and is also accessible via the UMCS School Calendar.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:15 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Davis Leung 1 m
This meeting is being audio-recorded.
  B. Record Attendance   Davis Leung 1 m
  C. Review of Action/Discussion Items Discuss Davis Leung 1 m
With input from the board, the Chair may decide, based upon a number of factors, to reorder the action/discussion items to best suit the needs of the meeting. No additional action/discussion items will be added at this time.
  D. Board and Community Appreciations   Davis Leung 5 m
Members of the Board and UMCS community may provide appreciations and affirmations during this time.
  E. Board Member Comment   Davis Leung 5 m
Any board member wishing to speak to an issue regarding UMCS that does not pertain to an agenda item may do so at this time. No further discussion or action will take place following each board member’s comments.
  F. Presentations from the Floor   Davis Leung 10 m
PRESENTATIONS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – Any person wishing to speak to any item not on the agenda will be granted three minutes to make a presentation. Speakers requiring translation shall have double time.

“What if [we] listened to others so deeply that they felt loved, accepted, and safe in [our] presence, no matter what they had to say?” -- Steve Shapiro, Author
II. Head of School Report 6:38 PM
The Head of School and their designees will present topics of interest to the Board and the general public.
  A. Head of School Report Discuss Krishna Feeney 25 m
Report topics this meeting may include:


  1. Professional learning and development
  2. Learning Everywhere and start of school
    1. More coming during Public Hearing on Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
  3. Long-Term Strategic Planning process
  4. Staff and Student demographics for 2020-2021
  5. Goals for the year
III. Public Hearing - Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 7:03 PM
  A. Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Discuss Krishna Feeney 20 m
Plan will be further addressed at upcoming Committee meetings, future additional family and staff engagement opportunities, and again at the September Board meeting, when it will be voted on.
IV. Finance Committee 7:23 PM
  A. Discussion Item - Committee Report, including year to date financial report Discuss Greg Klein 10 m
Close out of 2019-2020 - unaudited
Financial report through July 31, 2020
  B. Vote on updated 2020-2021 Annual Budget Vote Alejandra Rodriguez 5 m
V. Academic Oversight Committee 7:38 PM
  A. Discussion Item - Committee Report Discuss Hae-Sin Thomas 15 m
VI. Family Advisory Council 7:53 PM
  A. Committee Report Discuss Loren Bentley Tammero 10 m
VII. Executive & Governance Committee 8:03 PM
  A. Discussion Item: Committee Updates, including candidates for board service, Form 700, and training Discuss Greg Klein 5 m
  B. Recognizing and Celebrating Nancy McAfee Flemming and her service to UMCS Discuss Davis Leung 5 m
  C. Action Item - Discuss and vote on renewal term for Hae-Sin Thomas Vote Greg Klein 3 m
  D. Discuss and vote on Board Officers, committee chairs, and committee members for 2020-2021 Vote Greg Klein 5 m
Only as needed. Current membership and roles are here as of July 1, 2020.
VIII. Other Business 8:21 PM
  A. Oakland and California Updates Discuss Hae-Sin Thomas 5 m
Updates and current events related to Oakland USD, Alameda County Office of Education, and California, and the potential implications for UMCS.


  B. Approve Minutes from July 31, 2020 Special Meeting Approve Minutes Davis Leung 1 m
    Minutes for UMCS Special Board Meeting on July 31, 2020  
  C. Action Item - Vote on General Consent Report Vote Davis Leung 5 m
General Consent Report for August 27, 2020
  1. 2020-2021 UMCS Family Handbook
  2. 2020-2021 UMCS Learning Everywhere Addition to Family Student Handbook
  3. 2020-2021 UMCS Employee Handbook
  4. 2020-2021 UMCS COVID-19 Addition to Employee Handbook
  5. Revolution Foods contract
  6. Illuminate Student Information System contract
  7. Consolidated Application Reporting Form
  8. FY2019-2020 unaudited actuals
  D. Collect New Business items for Future Meetings Discuss Davis Leung 5 m
IX. Closed Session 8:37 PM
  A. Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Head of School Discuss Davis Leung 15 m
"Closed Session" is always agendized ahead of time as a "Discuss" item. If any votes are taken during any Closed Session, those are reported out publicly upon return to Open Session.
  B. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Discuss Krishna Feeney 15 m
(Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9) Case Number: RG20066397
"Closed Session" is always agendized ahead of time as a "Discuss" item. If any votes are taken during any Closed Session, those are reported out publicly upon return to Open Session.
X. Return to Open Session 9:07 PM
  A. Report out of any closed session action(s) Vote Davis Leung 1 m
"Return to Open Session" is always agendized ahead of time as a "Vote" item. It is not meant to indicate the the Board shall take an action at this time. If any votes are taken during any Closed Session, those are reported out publicly at this time on the agenda.
XI. Closing Items 9:08 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Discuss Davis Leung 1 m