This meeting is open to the public at the CNHS Dalzell Lance Auditorium at 3500 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90004.
The board meeting is also accessible at every CNCA Campus via teleconference connection:
CNCA Burlington 697 S. Burlington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90057
CNCA Kayne Siart 3400 W. 3rd Street., Los Angeles, CA 90020
CNCA Jose A. Castellanos 1723 W. Cordova St., Los Angeles, CA 90007
CNCA Jane B. Eisner 2755 W 15th St., Los Angeles, CA 90006
CNCA Sandra Cisneros 1018 Mohawk St., Los Angeles, CA 90026
Members of the public who wish to address the Board may make public comment at any of the meeting locations. Public comments are limited to 2 minutes each. The Board Chair has the discretion to modify the amount of time allotted for public comment if they deem it necessary. Brown Act regulations restrict the Board from discussing or taking action on any subject presented that is not on the agenda.
The CNCA Board can also be contacted via email at
CNCA requests approval from the Board for a new American Express card to be assigned to the Director of Expanded Learning for ELO-P related purchases only.
School and Academic Updates
4:45 PM
CAO Update
Rachel Hazlehurst
10 m
The CAO will share updates on CNCA's state testing results, as well as how they are informing our 23-24 priorities.
The Director of Strategic Enrollment and Director of Student Experience will provide an update on enrollment and attendance data from the first day of the 23/24 school year.
The Document Retention Policy specifies how important documents (hardcopy, online, or other media) should be retained, protected and eligible for destruction. The policy also ensures that documents are promptly provided to authorities in the course of legal investigations or lawsuits. The Board will review the Document Retention Policy and will vote whether to approve it.
Current law provides various ways for local governing boards to assign credentialed teachers to serve in subject-matter areas in grades K-12. One option is Education Code §44258.3 (Craven) which provides that charter school credentialed (non-emergency) teachers who have adequate knowledge of the subject outside of their credential authorization to be taught and may, with their consent, be assigned to teach departmentalized classes, provided that the assignment is first approved by a Committee on Assignments. This policy is to establish CNCA's plan (in Attachment A) to implement these options. The governing board should review this policy and will vote whether to approve it for implementation at CNCA schools.
Declaration of Need (DON) for Fully Qualified Educators - CNCA, CNCA #2, CNCA #3, CNCA #4 and CNHS #2
Margaret Domingo
5 m
The Declaration of Need (DON) for Fully Qualified Educators is a document required by an employing local education agency as a prerequisite to the issuance of certain emergency permits and/or limited assignment permits for that agency. The DON is established by California Code of Regulations §80026. All employing local education agencies, including charter schools, must comply with the regulation to be eligible to apply for any emergency and/or limited assignment permit restricted to their organization. The DON CL-500 form requires annual Board approval and must be on file with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing at the start of each fiscal year. Camino Nuevo Charter Academy (CNCA) requests the Board’s approval to submit its 2023-2024 Declaration of Need (DON) for Fully Qualified Educators for the following schools: CNCA, CNCA #2, CNCA #3, CNCA #4 and CNHS #2.