The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 17, 2019 at 4:30 PM EST


Middle Campus - 401 Hillsborough St. Rm 7N (upstairs)


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Approve Minutes from Regular Board Meeting from 10/29
    Minutes for Board Meeting on October 29, 2019
  D. Public Comment

Fifteen minutes will be allocated on the agenda for public input at each meeting. Additional time may be added at the discretion of the Chair.

Public comment may be oral, in person, or in written form to be read by the Chair.
Public comment is limited to no more than 3 minutes per person.
It is recommended that public comment be written out and provided to the board following the three minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board. 

Each speaker will clearly state their full name and county of residence.

All public comment should be factual and should not include personally identifiable 
information of students or personnel in order to maintain confidentiality. Speakers 
should avoid using names of students or staff and maintain confidentiality and 
privacy standards.

All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit 
an immediate written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and
a brief summary of topics or input will be included in the meeting minutes published.

A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.

Specific issues about a particular student or teacher should be addressed to the school’s executive director, rather than the Board of Directors.
II. Executive Director Report
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Personnel/ Operations
Board approval is requested to accept the resignation of Sonja McKay (2nd grade teacher), effective 12/3/19; and Stephanie Gleason (K teaching partner), effective 12/31/19.

Board approval is requested to accept Martha Merrill as the 2nd grade teacher effective 1/3/20

Board approval is requested to approve Lori Mauro as a part-time School Counselor effective 1/13/20 for students in crisis funded by the School Safety Grant

Candidate interviews for the teaching partner are in progress.  We hope to have final selections completed shortly.  A long term sub is currently being utilized for the 2nd grade teaching position.
An exit interview has been conducted with the Executive Director, HR Manager- Mary Margaret Moffitt, and the option to complete a google survey for all staff resignations.

We are also recruiting for two maternity leave replacements anticipated for February - K Teacher and Elementary EC Teacher

Board approval is requested for the revised Attendance Policy  The governance committee has already reviewed and approved change.

Board approval is requested to approve the start date of August 19, 2020 for the 2020-2021 school year.  The full calendar will be presented at the January meeting for approval.

Network Upgrade Project Funded through ERate Funding $23,655- Plus $2,232 annual savings by eliminating ATT internet at elementary
  B. Finance
2019-2020 Budget Update

I am thrilled to share some tremendous news on our financial position. Our state allotments for 2019 – 2020 school year were issued this week even though the legislature has not finalized all budgets or the salary schedules.  State per pupil allotments increased by 5.2% and local revenues in Wake County increased by 9.8%.  The Finance committee met to review the year to date revenue updates, expenditures, and project future impacts. Based on YTD activity, we are projecting an end of year surplus of $238,903.55. The summary of budget adjustments, balance sheet, and income statement along with the YTD budget report are attached for your review. 

Board approval is requested for the 2019-2020 budget amendments and to accept the budget projections as the updated 2019 -2020 budget.

401K Changes approved by the Board in October will be implemented 1/1/20

Grant Funds
Access Grant $142,000 -2019-2020
Title II Funds - $4,255 
School Safety Grant - $22,000 for additional school counselor, $2,280 for visitor management system
Applied for Special State Reserve Funds to support a new K student found eligible for an IEP and in need of a one on one aide
III. Facilities
  A. Discussion on Facilities
  Review and discuss plans for expansion and new building facility options.
IV. Standing Committee Updates
  A. Finance Committee

The Finance Committee will meet in January to start the 2020 -2021 budget process and review the 5 year projection assumptions.

  B. Development Committee
Goals for the Year
  C. Governance Committee

Discussion of Board Of Director Members, attendance bylaws, and vote to address members not in good standing.

Review of November Governance Meeting and any next steps:
Attendance policy is not in alignment with the handbook. Committee voted to strike three unexcused tardies equals one absence. 

Grievance Policy Work: Cori presented comments from the Kaizan Team and OCR feedback on our current grievance policy. The themes of the questions were the definition of the grievance, the timeline and the development of a clear process and paper trail to lead to the finalization of the process. 

Next steps: 
- Tighten the definition of a grievance.
- Improve the communication process to ensure issues go to the middle management leaders. Who is responsible for what. 
- Revise the process to ensure the wording of the supervisory position aligns with the level and grievance. 
- Look into a third party to be a sounding board. 
- Create a form written by the Grievant to track the evidences of the process. 

CEO Evaluation: 
- We pulled together 15 questions from multiple 360 and will continue to amend until we have 10 questions focused on CEO Leadership. (Tom was to work on this and has yet to). 

  D. Excellence in Education
Update on Equity and Diversity Subcommittee feedback from Open House
Recruiting initiatives
Chavis Parent Info Session
  E. Grievance
Committee Chair 
V. Closed Session - Legal / Personnel
  A. Legal/ Personnel
VI. Other Business
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Future Meetings:
The next Board meeting is scheduled on January 28, 2020.  A staff retreat will be planned.  The location will be confirmed as soon as possible.