The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 18, 2019 at 4:30 PM EDT


Exploris Middle School


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on May 28, 2019
  D. Public Comment

Fifteen minutes will be allocated on the agenda for public input at each meeting. Additional time may be added at the discretion of the Chair.

Public comment may be oral, in person, or in written form to be read by the Chair.
Public comment is limited to no more than 3 minutes per person.
It is recommended that public comment be written out and provided to the board following the three minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board. 

Each speaker will clearly state their full name and county of residence.

All public comment should be factual and should not include personally identifiable 
information of students or personnel in order to maintain confidentiality. Speakers 
should avoid using names of students or staff and maintain confidentiality and 
privacy standards.

All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit 
an immediate written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and
a brief summary of topics or input will be included in the meeting minutes published.

A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.

Specific issues about a particular student or teacher should be addressed to the school’s executive director, rather than the Board of Directors.
II. Building Update
  A. New Building Update
III. New section
  A. Foundation Update

A clarification of their role and next steps will be discussed. 

IV. Executive Director Report
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Academics/ Personnel/ Operations
Personnel and Staffing Update:

Board Approval is requested for the following positions:

Part-Time EC Teacher – Brianne Calvert
Board approval is requested to accept the resignation of Donna Orlowski effective June 30, 2019.
Board approval is requested to renew the current employees for the 2019-2020 school year as noted in ED Report in Board packet.


Board approval is requested for the following contracts and agreements.
  • Dr. Snow – School Psychologist
  • Chery Stephenson – Occupational Therapist
  • NCSU – MOU for partnership on student teachers and counselors

  B. Finance
Review 2018 - 2019 Monthly Financials and discuss surplus

The Finance committee met to review the year to date expenditures and project future impacts.  Based on YTD activity, we are projecting an end of year surplus of $111,339.57.   The Finance Committee is recommending that the surplus be allocated to replenish the reserves used to fund allocations that covered this year’s legal and technology expenditures which totaled $88,000.  The balance will be used to cover school improvements previously approved by the Board.  The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD budget report are attached for your review. 
V. Standing Committee Updates
  A. Development Committee
  B. Governance Committee
Nominations for new board members. Thank you to the board members rolling off. 
- Kim Von Weihe
- Bob Kingery
- Melissa Mitchell-Neal
- Kelly Furr
- Jessica Frawley
- Leah Perry (Teacher Rep)
- Kimberley Harris (PTO President) 

We thank them for their service to The Exploris School. 
  C. Excellence in Education
  D. CEO Evaluation Update
The CEO evaluation is completed, the date for the review is being set. 

The Board will vote on the recommendation from the CEO Evaluation Committee in regards to her bonus opportunity. 
VI. Other Business
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting