The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 24, 2018 at 4:30 PM EDT


Middle School


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Agenda
  D. Approve Board Meeting Minutes March
    Minutes for Board Meeting on March 27, 2018
  E. Public Comment
The Board will allow for opportunity for comments from the public.

Individuals will be provided three minutes of time to state their comment. There will be no rebuttal or discussion. 

Comments shall be focused on issues identified by the public as areas for growth for the organization. 
Public comments should not be grievances regarding staff members or leadership. These issues should be brought to the operations team. 
II. EEC Diversity -Weighted Lottery
  A. Presentation
III. ED Report
  A. ED Report
Academic - Instructional Rounds 4/11/18


Fletcher Academy Partnership
Board approval is requested to partner with Fletcher Academy for an elementary tutoring program to support early literacy.  Draft Service Agreement attached

Remi Wingo, 8th grade teacher, has submitted her letter of resignation and will not be returning to teaching next year.

Interview teams have been established to help recruit and interview candidates for the 2018-2019 openings.  (3 Elementary 1 EC Teacher, 1 Global Arts – 2 due to expansion, 1 replacement for Laura Shelton, Middle School 1 replacement for Remi Wingo).
Board approval is requested for updated list of substitute teachers outlined in report.  Substitute teachers are paid $100 per day.

Operations - Security Improvements - Finalizing quotes- details in report

  B. Closed Session
The board will go into closed session to discuss legal matters.
IV. Finance Committee
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Finance Committee: Budget Updates
\We are currently working on the 2018 -2019 budget and finalizing projected expenses.  The first draft will be presented at the May Board meeting.  Anticipated surplus is $6,221.92.   The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD budget are attached for your review.

Any additional legal expenses incurred from complaints will be funded from reserves.
V. Governanace Committee Update
  A. Transportation Policy
VI. Retreat Commitment Updates
  A. Short Updates-
The board will receive updates from the commitments and discussion from the retreat:

Kelly: Board Recruitment and Officer Positions

Bob/Ellie: Current Facility Contracts - Elementary Land Lease renewal underway with Gordon

Christine: Foundation Board -
Input from the Board is needed to recommend a replacement for The School Foundation Chair position since Cal Cunningham will be finishing up in June.

VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting