Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees
Reach Cyber Charter School
Date and Time
750 East Park Drive, Suite 204
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Presenter | |||
I. | Opening Items | ||
A. | Roll Call | ||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | David Taylor | |
II. | Public Comment | ||
The Board welcomes participation by the members of the public both in-person and telephonically. To address an item on the agenda, before the scheduled start of the meeting, an individual must provide their name and short description of the agenda item on which they wish to comment to the Chair, along with any materials they want to have distributed to the Board. Individuals who wish to address the Board telephonically must contact the Principal or Board President by phone or by email at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the Board meeting. If the individual wants to provide any written materials to the Board, these should be emailed to the Principal or Board President at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the meeting. The total time for any individual to present, either in person or via telephone, on an item on the agenda shall not exceed three (3) minutes, unless the Board grants additional time.
III. | Routine Business | ||
A. | Approval of Agenda | David Taylor | |
IV. | Oral Reports | ||
A. | CEO's Report | Jane Swan | |
Monthly Enrollment Report |
B. | Human Resources Update | Michael Garman | |
Staffing Report |
C. | Financial Report | Karen Yeselavage | |
V. | Consent Items | ||
A. | Approval of Minutes from the January 15, 2025 Board Meeting | ||
B. | Approval of Staffing Report | ||
C. | Approval of STEM and Hydro Kit invoices | Stephanie Lane | |
D. | Approval to Renew Agreement with Taste Buds Kitchen | JD Smith | |
Taste Bud Kitchen State College offers virtual culinary lessons for students. Students will attend four 90-minute sessions to learn to prepare:
E. | Approval to Renew Agreement with Myth Partners | JD Smith | |
F. | Approval to Renew LinkedIN Contract | Michael Garman | |
VI. | Action Items | ||
A. | Approval of Trustees | Brandie Karpew | |
Marcella Arline, Anthony Alexander, and Ralph Woodard are up for re-election. |
B. | Approval of Board Meetings Schedule for the 2025-2026 School Year | Brandie Karpew | |
C. | Approval of Career Kits | JD Smith | |
These Career Kits provide students in grades K-8 with hands-on career exploration kits that introduce a variety of career paths, fostering curiosity, skill development, and early awareness of future opportunities at each grade level, while meeting part of the Pennsylvania Career Education Work (CEW) Standards. |
VII. | Information Items | ||
A. | Government Affairs Update | The Bravo Group | |
On February 4, Governor Josh Shapiro issued his annual budget address. Just like in 2024, the Governor proposed a statewide cyber charter school rate of $8,000. Additionally, the governor proposed discontinuing the $100 million cyber charter transition line item from FY 2024/2025. |
B. | CSI Mid-Year Update | Kelly McConnell | |
VIII. | Executive Session | ||
Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(1) – to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee. |
IX. | Closing Items | ||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | ||
Adjournment and Confirmation of Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 16, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. |