Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors - Regular Meeting (October 6th, 2021)

Published on October 1, 2021 at 5:00 PM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday October 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM PDT


701 105th Avenue, Oakland CA 94603


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Kimi Kean 2 m
  B. Land Acknowledgement   Rich Harrison 1 m
Honor Native Land - we are on Ohlone land and want to acknowledge native peoples and our ancestors this evening.
  C. Record Attendance   Robbie Torney 2 m
  D. Open Forum and Introductions   Kimi Kean 10 m
Hear/Record public comments, Identify next steps as needed
  E. Committee Report Outs and Announcements Discuss Various 10 m
  • Finance Committee report from September 22, 2021 meeting
  • Academics and Accountability Committee report from September 24, 2021 meeting
  • Governance Committee report from September 24, 2021 meeting
II. Consent Items 6:25 PM
  A. Approve Minutes: August 3, 2020 Approve Minutes Robbie Torney 2 m
    Minutes for LCPS Board of Directors - Board Retreat and Regular Meeting (August 3rd, 2021) on August 3, 2021  
  B. Financial Statement Packet Vote Linda Wu
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the Finance Committee packet as part of the Consent Agenda



III. Discussion and Approval Items 6:27 PM
  A. Election of New Board Member: Alberto Ocegueda Vote Kimi Kean 3 m
Recommended Action: The Governance Committee has reviewed and recommends that Mr Ocegueda joins the board for an initial three-year term through June 30, 2024. 
  B. Election of New Board Member: Anique Enright Vote Kimi Kean 3 m
Recommended Action: The Governance Committee has reviewed and recommends that Ms. Enright joins the board for an initial three-year term through June 30, 2024. 
  C. Election of New Board Member: Jumoke Hinton Vote Kimi Kean 3 m
Recommended Action: The Governance Committee has reviewed and recommends that Ms. Hinton joins the board for an initial three-year term through June 30, 2024. 
  D. LCPS Organizational Priorities, OKRs, and Academic Update Discuss Tina Hernandez 30 m
  • Organization Priorities and OKR Dashboard:
  • Academic Update:
  • College and Career Update 
  E. LCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Updates Discuss Anna Martin 10 m
Update on CA Governor's mandate and OUSD's student vaccination (12+) resolution and LCPS's next steps
  F. Public Comment on Agenda Items (1) Discuss Kimi Kean 5 m
Agenda Items:  No indivudal presentation shall be for more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  
  G. Finance - 2021 Unaudited Actuals Vote Linda Wu 5 m
Please refer to the finance presentation and packet (pdf in Consent section)

Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the 2021 Unaudited Financials
Note:  Our charter authorizer, OUSD, requires board approval of our unaudited financials and LCPS is required to post this on our website.   Our audited actuals are due to OUSD in December.  
  H. Finance - 2021-22 Budget Revision (1st Interim and October Revise) Vote Linda Wu 10 m
Please refer to the finance presentation and packet (pdf in Consent section)

Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 2021-22 Budget Revision and the changes in anticipated revenues and expenditures for this current school year.  
Note:  Our 1st interim (July to October) requires board approval in December and will be submitted to OUSD.  
  I. Contract Approval: LCPS and Seneca Family of Services Vote Robbie Torney 3 m
Recommendation:  The CEO recommends contract approval between LCPS and the Seneca Family of Services for support of our special education and student services.  These agreements have been reviewed by legal counsel and SELPA.

Note:  Seneca provides special education, student services, and NPS (non-public schools) services for LCPS.  
  •  Lighthouse Agreement
  •  Lodestar Agreement
  •  NPS Agreeement
  J. Contract Approval: Sujatha Ranganathan and LCPS Vote Rich Harrison 3 m
Recommendation: The CEO seeks approval to extend the terms of the contract agreement between LCPS and Sujatha Ranganathan (contractor) through the first semester of the 2021-22 school year.  This contract addresses the need for student information systems support, state compliance reporting, and data analytics.  
  K. Contract Approval: LCPS and FIA (Families in Action) Vote Rich Harrison 3 m
Recommendation: The CEO seeks approval of the MOU agreement between LCPS and FIA, to provide charter family advocacy support for the 2021-22 school year.  
  L. Approvals through the LCPS Re-Opening Resolution for CEO FYI Rich Harrison 3 m
At the Board Meeting on August 3rd, 2021, the Board approved the LCPS Re-Opening Resolution for CEO:  The following Items were CEO approved through this resolution:
  • Addition of 2 "full time building substitute teachers" per principal.
  • Addition of 2 additional staff from Maxim Health Services (total 4)
  • CRL COVID Test Kits and Lab Results (6 invoices for $316K)
  M. CDE Dashboard Local Indicators Vote Robbie Torney 5 m
Recommendation: CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the 2020-21 CDE Local Dashboard Indicators for our three LEAs.  

Note:  CDE requires LCPS Board Approval of each LEA's Local Dashboard Indicators.  These local indicators are publicly accessible on the CDE School Dashboard website.  

  N. Public Comment on Agenda Items (2) Discuss Kimi Kean 5 m
Agenda Items:  No individual presentation shall be for more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  
IV. Board Policies for the 2021-22 School Year 7:58 PM
  A. LCPS Educator Records and Student Information Policy Vote Robbie Torney 2 m
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Educator Records and Student Information Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.    
  B. LCPS Student Wellness Policy Vote Robbie Torney 2 m
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Student Wellness Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.  Additionally, this policy reinforces our commitment to the optimal development of every student. LCPS believes that for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental and social success, we need to create positive, safe and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year.
  C. LCPS Free and Reduced-Priced Meal Policy Vote Robbie Torney 2 m
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Free and Reduced-Priced Meal Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.    

Note: LEAs that participate in the NSLP/SBP must publicly announce its criteria for determining eligibility for free and reduced priced meals, at the beginning of each year. This information must provided to the informational media, the local unemployment office and to any major employers contemplating large layoffs in the area from which the school draws its attendance, regardless of whether or not the agency actually distributes the notice. (See 7 CFR 245.5)

Also, per Ed. Code section 49557.5(b)(2), if a LEA is required to provide to the CDE or to the USDA a copy of the meal charge policy required pursuant to memorandum SP 46-2016 issued by the USDA, the local educational agency or governing board or body of the LEA, as applicable, shall make that policy public. As such, we recommend that the School post this policy on its website if it is subject to this requirement as this policy also contains the meal charge policy.
  D. LCPS Communicable, Contagious, or Infectious Disease Prevention Policy Vote Robbie Torney 2 m
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Communicable, Contagious, or Infectious Disease Prevention Policy.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel.    

Note - this resolution is separate from our COVID policies we passed over the last year.  
  E. LCPS Student Technology Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement Vote Robbie Torney 2 m
Recommendation:  CEO and Governance Committee recommends approval of the LCPS Student Technology Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement.  This is a required policy for charter schools, and has been thoroughly reviewed by our legal counsel. 

By its adoption of this Policy, the Board intends that technological resources provided by LCPS be used in a safe, responsible, and proper manner in support of the instructional program and for the advancement of student learning

  F. Public Comment (3) Discuss Kimi Kean 5 m
Agenda Items:  No individual presentation shall be for more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  
V. Closed Session 8:13 PM
  A. Anticipated Litigation: Gov't Code 54596.9(d)(2) Discuss Rich Harrison 15 m
VI. Closing Items 8:28 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Kimi Kean 1 m
Next Meeting:
  • Special Board Meeting on 10/22 from 2pm to 3pm for ESSER III Expenditure Plan approval for each LEA
  • Sign Up for a Trunk or Treat Spot at our community Fall Festival!  10/30 from 3pm to 6pm
  • Regular Board Meeting on 12/1 from 6pm to 8pm at Lighthouse