Palisades Charter High School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 21, 2017 at 5:00 PM PST


Library, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
 Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
 Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie called the meeting to order @ 5:07pm

  B. Record Attendance and Guests
Emilie Larew (Chair)                   Emily Hirsch 
Leslie Woolley (Vice Chair)          Rocky Montz
Dara Williams (Secretary)            Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman                       Ellen Pfahler
Amanda Campbell                     Robert Rene
Deanna Hamilton                                            
Student Liaison: Ben Makhani

PCHS Management:
Dr. Pamela Magee, Executive Director / Principal
Greg Wood, Chief Business Officer

All in attendance. 
  C. Public Comment
Non-agenda items: No individual presentation shall be for more than two (2) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed sixteen (16) minutes.  Board members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken.  However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation. Speakers may choose to speak during the public comment segment and/or at the time an agenda item is presented.

Still accepting donations. Please join us.

Doug Susman - Pali Gateway project- $125K in fees. The budget is $150K
  D. Approve Minutes
December 13, 2016 Regular Meeting

Motion passes unanimously to approve the MMs.
    Minutes for Board Meeting on December 13, 2016
  E. Approve Minutes
January 17, 2017 Regular Meeting

Motion passes unanimously to approve the MMs. Susan Ackerman & Rocky approved.
    Minutes for Board Meeting on January 17, 2017
II. Governance
  A. Update from Culture & Climate Facilitators
Alan Rasmussen, Richard Tauer, Bev Hempstead

Updates: Visited in October 2016 and Feb 2017. Action plans have been formulated.They focused on communication. Lots of progress has been made based on this Feb 2017 feedback.

Overall - compared to one year ago what has improved: the feeling/tone "it's much better to come to work." Decisions are being made through better business processes. There are continuous changes with the roles and staff involved with the Board.

Communication - email is being used more successfully. People who were more engaged have much more of a positive view of the improvement that is happening in the school.

Challenge remaining: how can we improve engagement with the staff @ the school.
Staff were sincere and open in their discussions and they were looking at the issues themselves and sharing their thoughts.
It is about a 3 to 5 year process to re-institutionalize this environment.

Area of inequity and inequality: there were issues with some of the staff. When asked how they felt issues should be address, the consultants got very good responses. There is a degree of institutional inequity that does exist from all aspects; staff tenure, classified staff verses certificated staff, to students who are residents verses commuters. Color, race across the board. This inequity still needs to be looked at and improved/enhanced.

Goal is to improve the perception and continue to address cultural and inequity nuances.
Goal is to manage conflict, continue to improve and show that we are a  solutions directive organization.
  B. 2017 Board Election Calendar & Updated Policy Recommendations
  C. Approval Of Updated Membership for Board Committees
III. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. PCHS School Calendar: 2017-2018 and Beyond - School Start Date for Next 2-3 Years
Including Survey Results, Faculty Vote Results, & Board Vote

Update from Dr. Magee & Emilie Larews - reviewed emails (from parents who did not have students in our school) and surveys from Survey Monkey.

Ben Makhani - 171 students voted Aug 7th. Remaining 333 -students voted for August 14th start date. Teachers vote -  under 30% favor Aug 7th and 80% August 14th.

The idea as a "multi year" calendar is what we are targeting to help parents schedule summer plans. Union contract says we have to consider the vote from Union members. August 14th is up for vote with the Board to include one week thanksgiving, three weeks Xmas break, one week for Spring Break.
Motion passed for 3 year schedule and the breaks as described above and the start dates below . Motion by Dara, Susan, Emilie, Robert, Ellen, Deanna, Andy to 3 denied. Motion made.

2017- August 14
2018 - August 13
2019 - August 12
  B. CAASPP Analysis Presentation By Academic Accountability Committee
Monica Iannessa gave update - the Academic Accountability Committee referenced "no child left behind." 2015 "every school succeeds act" to give federal law measures to develop multiple measures in 5 measures.
Federal law multiple measures                                                                                        
State law to show we are measuring against the Federal law plans
Achievement - proficiency state tests                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Overall - you calculate (the Met category) the measures indicator system calculates the status and levels from within a Matrix. This will go-live in March 2017.
Our own (data warehousing) custom Pali dashboard we hope to have by year end, to see our own monthly performance.
  C. Updates/Revisions to Santa Monica College (SMC) and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
  D. Update on Schoolwide Goals

Dr. Magee gave an update reflecting the short survey; we are constantly getting feedback from our stakeholders. The simple questions and responses were very positive. We had 139 responses and we scored high. Very positive over 80% that is a reflection of our growth since we started to implement support from our Consultants. All to ensure that we are being responsive to our community.

IV. Facilities
  A. Track & Football Field Status - Replacement Plan & Funding Source(s)
Dave Riccardi & Rocky Montz's presented updates: goal is to get a vote for $1.5 million for this project. Our goal is to bring to Budget/Finance with all the quotes and how we will spend the other $300k. Rocky went to South Carolina (First Form), and liked the Vendor and their products/services.

Operations will be focusing on fundraising to make major improvements for seating and other aspects of the stadium. We have a few more weeks to locking this up. August 14th is the date they are shooting to get things started.

The stadium will thereafter not be available for 4th of July and other events (with the exception of Graduations) that could damage the stadium/field.

For Board consideration, per Greg Wood, we need the scope of the $1.5 million, to legally must review it. For the March BoT, we will have it on the agenda for a vote.
V. Finance
  A. College Readiness Block Grant Budget Approval
Greg Wood - update we do not have a vote ready yet.
We have some time to spend the funds, so we intend to present a spending plan for college readiness and bring it back to Board in March 2017.
If Budget/Finance Committee approves it at their next meeting, we will bring it to the Board in March.
  B. PCHS Acccounting Procedures
Greg Wood - Block Grant - the state will give us money for particular areas. The Budget Committee wants us to create a process where a budget is put together and once it's approved we will give the state the breakdown and share that with the organization.
Best Practice process to ensure we are using the money correctly. 
Once vetted by Pali Administration the Block Grant Budet proposal be presented to Budget/Finance committee and Budget Finance will report back how the money is spent. Anything the administration approves for funding, the budget committee gets approval to spend it.
Motion is to approve the Block grants and the processing. Adopted the policy and mapped to bullets on p. 110.
Robert Rene and Rocky Montz approve it.
  C. 2017-2018 Budget Calendar - Budget and Finance Committee

Greg Wood gave update: using dates to communicate to the and present to the board. 
Additional June 6th meeting for Budget Committee to 

Motion passed to approve. Ellen Pfaler

  D. Completion of Form 700

Greg Wood - gave update; no conflict of interest. We have to send it back to LAUSD with all 700 forms completed and in hand to them by first week of April.

  E. CharterSafe Notification - Potential Withdrawal from JPA

Greg Wood gave an update: when we entered it - it was a consortium of schools the board made an approval it was a two year membership. We have the opportunity to make changes for general liabliity offers - as long as we opt out approval in our Board Mtg. materials. We have been asked to keep some flexibility.

Item for vote is potential to withdraw.
Leslie made the motion to notify charter safe of our potential withdrawal to opt out of JPA.
Dara seconded.

VI. Other
VII. Organizational Reports
  A. Executive Director / Principal (EDP) Report

As submitted.

  B. Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

As submitted.
The LCAP does have to get approved annually and our budget.

  C. Director of Operations Report
  D. Human Resources Director (HR) Report
  E. Director of Development Report
Update from Mike - to get fully funded by next June 2018 we are marketing naming rights for field, track, press box will hopefully spur fundraising support.
Sale of half bricks to doners so back of stadium will be aligned with these bricks.
Grant Committee's Mtg., 
Campaign to send out to all constituents and get local press to help market.
Sell bleachers

Create an outreach as a school of choice to our community to lour the costs to our community.
Communications is part of Development. The concept for next year - bring the meetings to the parents. Find regionally located centers and go out their to talk to parents about out programs. We can target many zones as an outreach to get to parents.
Brand our school - are we a dolphin or an elite top school (crest rendering)?

Pali Ambassadors - program to get pledges. $49.00 a month.Another source of revenue.The money goes to the Education Fund.We have a preliminary marketing plan to avoid confusion among other clubs and clear as to how you give. Able to delineate funding.
  F. Student Report

Update from Ben Mankhani - winter formal coming up.
Other great events coming up.

More Unity/Governance side - Unity Month - each week in the month of March will be headed by a different group on campus to tackle unity/diversity issues on campus. The Leadership event is coming up and Ben will give us updates in the future.

  G. Parent Report
  H. Classified Staff Report
  I. Faculty Report

Karen Perkins asked Emilie Larew to discuss "thefts" happening on campus. A class laptop was stolen. We have some concerns.

VIII. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)
  A. Budget and Finance Committee Report
  B. Academic Accountability Committee Report

Motion was passed to add Christina Costa to the Committee.

  C. Charter Committee Report
Motion passes to Deanna, Rocky, Monica, Carol to the meeting.

Update from Dara - in the next Charter meeting there will be updates forthcoming.
  D. Election Committee Report
Motion passed to add Rocky, 

Rocky gave an update - we are trying to find ways to contact parents and register parents.
Updating the application to reflect changes and improve turnout to our Board Meetings.
We are trying to find replacements to join the Board Committee candidates. We have 6 seats up. We hope some people rerun again. March 1st through March 31st is the window to register and join our Board Committee Mtgs.
We are eliminating some items from the application. Adding some nuances.
  E. Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee Report
Update from Dara; what benefits do we have that match UCLA contracts. 
Discussion about whether LAUSD offers only Kaiser for post retirement and we talked with our current carrier about Medicare costs. We are looking for additional quotes from other insurance carriers. We don't know what our funding projections are currently and can we provide this specific insurance to those who qualify/entitled to it? HR has meetings set up to review options. 

Just for classified teachers that qualify for lifetime HC coverage for life: Number crunching will follow to see where we land. We are reviewing the idea of dissolving and roll the money into other funds.
IX. Board Committees (Board Members Only)
  A. Audit Committee

no updates.

  B. Survey Committee

Update from Emilie Larew  - in terms of which Board members want to be on the committee; Andy Paris volunteered.

  C. Grade Appeal Committee

no updates.

X. Consent Agenda
  A. Approval of Reimbursements for Executive Director / Principal

Motion to approve as submitted; Rocky, Leslie. Passes unanimously. 

  B. Approval of Field Trips
Request for more clarity on the Field Trip form, i.e. Deca, Pali Performing Arts and help to have more explanation.

Motion to approve as submitted; Rocky, Leslie. Passes unanimously. 
XI. New Business / Announcements
  A. Next Regular Board Meeting is on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
  B. Board Chair to announce items for closed session, if any.
XII. Closed Session
  A. Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation

(Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9)

  B. Conference with Legal Counsel: Existing Litigation
(Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9)
OAH Case No. 2016110247
  C. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release
(Govt. Code Section 54957)
XIII. Open Session
  A. Return to Open Session
  B. Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

Closed out as of 8:11pm

XIV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting