Palisades Charter High School

Welcome to the BoardOnTrack Public Portal for "Palisades Charter High School".  Here you will find our published agendas, materials, and minutes for Board meetings.

To view the agenda or minutes for a specific meeting, click on "Meetings" in the left column.  Then click on the date of the meeting for which you want the information.  Clicking the box in the right column for "View Agenda" or "View Minutes" will pull up the item if it is available online.  

To view the materials for a specific meeting, click on "Documents" in the left column. Then click on the folder titled "Board Meeting Materials."  Board material packets are listed by the meeting date. 

Additional documents related to PCHS governance are also available under the "Documents" tab.

Thank you for your interest in the governance of Palisades Charter High School.

Best Regards,
PCHS Board of Trustees

Next Board Meeting Agenda

The next board meeting agenda has not been published.

Board Meetings


No meetings published