East Bay Innovation Academy

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 17, 2018 at 8:00 PM PST


3400 Malcolm Avenue, Oakland, CA 94605


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on November 15, 2017
  D. Public Comment
II. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Academic Excellence
A. February Intersession - Professional Development Plan, Student Plan
B. School Culture and Climate - Winter Student Survey
C. College and Career Readiness Planning - Schoolyear 2018-2019 Rollout 
  B. 2018 - 2019 Staffing Plans and Recruitment Launch
  C. 2018-2019 Student Recruitment Update
III. Finance and Development
  A. December 2017 Finance Update
  B. 2017-2018 EBIA Development Discussion
- Update on the progress of the Development committee
IV. Facility
  A. Facility Update
- red-line contract submitted to OUSD
- Prop 39 application accepted by OUSD on November 30th
- Prop 51 - still going!
V. Governance
  A. Consent Agenda
- November check and credit card registers
- December check and credit card registers
- Final Audit Report (no change from draft approved at the November 2017 board meeting)
  B. Proposed New Board Member
Discussion and vote on proposed addition of Anne Campbell Washington to EBIA Board. Anne's proposed first seated EBIA board meeting would be February 2018.

Annie is the Oakland City Councilmember for District 4. As Councilmember, Annie chairs the Life Enrichment Committee and serves as a member of the Finance & Management Committee and the Community & Economic Development Committee. Before being elected to City Council, Annie was the District 4 School Board Member for the Oakland Unified School District. 

Annie is a long-time public servant in the City of Oakland. During her 12 year career in Oakland, she held a variety of leadership roles, including Chief of Staff to Mayor Jerry Brown, Chief of Staff to Mayor Jean Quan, Assistant to three City Administrators, Chief of Staff to the Fire Chief and Budget and Policy Analyst. She served as the Director of Operations & Special Projects at the Stuart Foundation in San Francisco and as Executive Director of the I Have A Dream Foundation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Annie holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management/Graphic Communications Management from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

She lives in Oakland with her husband Glynn Washington, the creator and host of NPR’s Snap Judgment, and their two children, Bahia and Quincy. Annie currently serves on the Board of Directors of Safe Passages and the Alameda County Transportation Commission. She previously served on the Board of Directors of the East Bay Agency for Children, Children’s Fairyland and Girls, Inc. Annie is an active parent in the PTAs at Montclair Elementary and Oakland School for the Arts, where her two children attend school.
VI. Board Business Matters
Board Expansion Committee
  A. Board Retreat
Sunday - February 11, 2018 
Location - EBIA Marshall Campus 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Draft Agenda -

1. Overview of Key Activities for 2018 - 2019
a. Charter Renewal Fall 2018 - Review EBIA Charter Petition
b. EBIA College Readiness Program - Vision and Board Support Required
c. Facilities Projects - Current Status and Board Support Required
d. Fundraising Activities - Current Status and Board Support Required

2. Governance
a. Executive Performance Review Process
b. Role of EBIA Board Member
c. Committees
VII. Other Business
  A. Key Activities and Events in November
  • Jan. 19th EBIA Cafelito - From 9:00-10:00am at the Lower School
  • Jan. 26th Lower School Dance
  • Feb. 10th Upper School Winter Semi-Formal
  • Feb. 12th - 16th Midyear MAP Testing.
  • Feb. 19th Presidents Day - School is closed for this holiday.
  • Feb. 20th - Feb. 28th Winter Intersession
  • Feb. 28th - PSAT for 9th and 10th grade students
  • Mar. 1st-2nd PLP Days
  B. Public Comment
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting