Encore JR/SR High School

Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting - May 2021

Published on May 7, 2021 at 4:10 PM PDT
Amended on May 11, 2021 at 10:05 AM PDT

Date and Time

Monday May 10, 2021 at 6:30 PM PDT


This meeting is being held virtually in compliance with the Governor's Executive order N-29-20.
Website: www.encorehighschool.com If you would like to speak during public comment, please email your name, the item you would like to comment about, and your comment, to board@encoreedcorp.com. These comments will be read aloud during open session at the board meeting for up to three (3) minutes. The chance to add public comment through emails will close after the public comment agenda item is completed. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Suzanne Cherry, Board President
  B. Record Attendance   Suzanne Cherry, Board President 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Ashlin Barkdull, General Executive Manager 1 m
The Board minutes for approval are from Encore's April 12, 2021 regular Encore Board of Directors meeting and the April 28,2021 Special Board Meeting. 
  D. Invitation for public to address the Board, open session items Discuss Ashlin Barkdull 5 m
This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Directors on any matter within jurisdiction of the Board. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. Public comments can be related to agenda items or non-agenda items. Unless an item has been placed on the published agenda in accordance with the Brown Act, there shall be no action taken, nor should there be comments on, responses to, or discussion of a topic not on the agenda. The Board members may: (1) acknowledge receipt of information/report; (2) refer to staff with no direction as to action or priority; or (3) refer the matter to the next agenda.
II. Academic Excellence 6:37 PM
  A. ESG President Report FYI Dean Michael 5 m
Each month, Encore's ESG President routinely reports on the academic operations on campus to the Encore Board of Directors.  This is for information purposes only.
  B. Information Items- Academic Excellence FYI Julia Dolf 3 m
No discussion planned. Each month, Encore's administrative team updates the Encore Board of Directors on professional development, data, and other events that help drive student success. These items are submitted as a group of data materials and will be summarized monthly. No action is needed. Included in these reported notes are data reports and agendas and notes from Professional Development and Monday Morning meetings that took place in the month of March and April. 
  C. 2021-2022 Staff Calendars Vote Ashlin Barkdull 5 m
Attached are the 2021-2022 Staff Calendars. 
  • Cafeteria, Bus, and Campus Aide
  • Executive and Administration
  • IT and Office Personnel
  • Instructional and SPED Aide
  • Teacher 
  • Administrative Counselor
  D. EL Student Report FYI Darnell Smith 5 m
Over the course of the school year, Encore's EL Manager will report to the Encore Board of Directors to discuss events and happenings within their department on campus. This report is for information purposes only. 
III. Governance 6:55 PM
  A. Staff Liaison Report Discuss Jamie Waggoner 3 m
Encore High School has a staff elected liaison that makes themselves available to the staff for questions, comments, and concerns throughout the school year.  The liaison also meets each semester with the staff and reports monthly to the Encore Board of Directors.
  B. DOJ Report FYI Ashlin Barkdull 2 m
Report outlining background checks from the Department of Justice. 
IV. Operations 7:00 PM
  A. Discipline Report FYI Johnny Griffin 3 m
Over the course of the school year, Encore's Dean of Students will report to the Encore Board of Directors to discuss events and happenings within their department on campus. This report is for information purposes only. 
  B. Facilities Management Report FYI Joseph Griffin 5 m
Over the course of the school year, Encore's Facilities Manager will report to the Encore Board of Directors to discuss events and happenings within their department on campus. This report is for information purposes only. 
  C. Independent Contractor Agreement Vote Denise Griffin 5 m
This agreement is between Encore Education Corporation and Independent contractor Richard Bray to provide consulting services related to the Charter renewal. 
  D. Board Approval/Ratification of Hiring Decisions Policy Vote Denise Griffin 5 m
In order to create high standards and operate at a high level of competence and effectiveness, the EEC adopts this Board Approval/Ratification of Hiring Decisions Policy.
V. Finance 7:18 PM
  A. Finance Consent Items Vote Denise Griffin 5 m
It is recommended that the board considers approving a number of agenda items as a finance consent list. These items can be enacted in one motion without further discussion. Consent items may be called up by any member at the meeting for clarification, discussion, or change. Included in this list:
  • STRS payment report, PERS payment report, 403B payment report
  • April 2021 Warrant Report Detail, April 2021 Warrant Report Summary for Hesperia, April 2021 Warrant Report Summary for Riverside
  • Feb 2021 Financial Report 
  • March 2021 Student Services Reconciliation Summary
  • Jr. High and High School Attendance Reports
  B. 2021-2022 Stipends Vote Ashlin Barkdull 5 m
Encore provides stipends to qualifying employees for added duties. The amount varies depending upon qualifications and requested additional duty. This list attached details the reason for the stipend, the total amount, and the frequency of the duty. 
  C. Salvage Items for Sale Vote Jim Barkdull 5 m
On behalf of Encore Education Corporation the IT department will price and make available for purchase to Encore staff, staff friends and family, any working or nonworking equipment that no longer has any production value to Encore Education Corporation. Items include laptops, desktops, projectors, and other miscellaneous electronic items.
VI. Adjourn to closed session 7:33 PM

Pursuant to Government code section 54957, the Board may adjourn to closed session at any time during the meeting to discuss staff/student personnel matters, negotiations, litigation, and/or acquisition of land or facilities. The board will adjourn to closed session in a private area for discussion and may take action on the following closed session items.
Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation.

Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one case).
  A. Reconvene from closed session Discuss Suzanne Cherry 3 m
After the closed session is complete, the Board will reconvene and report any action taken on closed session. 
VII. Closing Items 7:36 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote