Encore JR/SR High School

Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting - December 2020

Compiled by Joelle Schwarck and Reviewed by Wayne Strumpfer YM&C
Published on December 11, 2020 at 7:52 AM PST
Amended on December 11, 2020 at 7:16 PM PST

Date and Time

Monday December 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM PST


This meeting is being held virtually in compliance with the Governor's Executive order N-29-20.
Website: www.encorehighschool.com If you would like to speak during public comment, please email your full name, the item you would like to comment about, and your comment, to board@encoreedcorp.com. These comments will be read aloud during open session at the board meeting. The chance to add public comment through emails will close after the public comment agenda item is completed. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Suzanne Cherry, Board President 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Suzanne Cherry, Board President
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Ashlin Barkdull, General Executive Manager 1 m
The Board minutes for approval are from Encore's November 9, 2020 regular Encore Board of Directors meeting.
  D. Invitation for public to address the Board, open session items Discuss Ashlin Barkdull 5 m
This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Directors on any matter within jurisdiction of the Board. Comments should be limited to 3 minutes. Public comments can be related to agenda items or non-agenda items. Unless an item has been placed on the published agenda in accordance with the Brown Act, there shall be no action taken, nor should there be comments on, responses to, or discussion of a topic not on the agenda. The Board members may: (1) acknowledge receipt of information/report; (2) refer to staff with no direction as to action or priority; or (3) refer the matter to the next agenda.
II. Academic Excellence 6:07 PM
  A. Academic Excellence - Associated Student Body (ASB) Director Report FYI Kiara Sampson, ASB Director 5 m
Each month, Encore's the ASB Director or the ASB President routinely reports on the academic operations on campus to the Encore Board of Directors.  This is for information purposes only.
  B. Assistant Dean of Academics Report FYI Julia Dolf 5 m
Each month, Encore's Assistant Dean of Academics routinely reports on the academic operations on campus to the Encore Board of Directors.  This is for information purposes only.
  C. Math / Science Department Academic Excellence Report FYI Kristine Jareno 5 m
Over the course of the school year, each department chair will report to the Encore Board of Directors to talk about achievements, special events, and happenings within their department on campus.  This report is for information only.
  D. Special Education Academic Excellence Report FYI Eric Buries 5 m
Over the course of the school year, each department chair will report to the Encore Board of Directors to talk about achievements, special events, and happenings within their department on campus.  This report is for information only.
  E. Information Items - Academic Excellence FYI Julia Dolf 3 m
Each month, Encore's administrative team updates the Encore Board of Directors on professional development, data, and other events that help drive student success.  These items are submitted as a group of data materials and will be summarized monthly.  No action is needed.  Included in these reported notes are agendas and notes from Monday Morning Meetings, Department Chair meetings, and Independent Study meetings that took place in the month of November.
III. Governance 6:30 PM
  A. Staff Liaison Report Discuss Jamie Waggoner 3 m
Encore High School has a staff elected liaison that makes themselves available to the staff for questions, comments, and concerns throughout the school year.  The liaison also meets each semester with the staff and reports monthly to the Encore Board of Directors.
  B. H&R Block Bookkeeping Proposal Vote Ashlin Barkdull 5 m
Encore High School is seeking the professional services from a bookkeeping service to maintain transparency of the student services debit accounting.  This proposal comes from H&R Block to fill this vacancy
  C. Conflict of Interest Code Vote Wayne Strumpfer, YM&C 5 m
Encore Education Corporation is updating the Conflict of Interest Code.  Staff recommends approval of this action.
  D. Bylaws Vote Wayne Strumpfer, YM&C 5 m
This action item is to approve Encore Education Corporation's updated bylaws for the California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation. Staff recommends approval of this action.
IV. Development 6:48 PM
  A. Board On Track - Board Training Discuss Denise Griffin 10 m
Encore has contracted with Board on Track to help formalize and normalize Board meetings and engagement with staff.  Each month, a small training piece will be presented to the Board to help train the platform.  In December's Board meeting, the entire Board will be shown how to complete the skills reporting for yourself.  The purpose of this report is to help Encore build the makeup of Encore's Board of Directors.
  B. National Clearinghouse Contract Vote Denise Griffin 3 m
Encore Education Corporation is seeking this contract.  The purpose of this contract is create data regarding the post secondary education for Encore graduates.  This contract would give Encore Education Corporation an opportunity to have nationally recognized data for our graduates after high school.  This will also give alumni an opportunity to get automatic diplomas.  Hesperia Unified School District also uses this service.  Staff recommends approval of this contract.
V. Finance 7:01 PM
  A. Finance Consent Items Vote Denise Griffin 5 m
It is recommended that the board considers approving a number of agenda items as a finance consent list. These items are routine in nature and can be enacted in one motion without further discussion. Consent items may be called up by any member at the meeting for clarification, discussion, or change. Included in this list:
  • STRS payment report
  • PERS payment report
  • 403B payment report
  • November 2020 Warrant Report Detail
  • Summary for Riverside
  • Summary for Hesperia
  • Attendance Report
  B. Student Services Account Summary Vote Denise Griffin 5 m
This action is to vote on the approval of the Student Services Reconciliation Summaries for July 2020, August 2020, September 2020, October 2020. Generally, the Board will see one month of account summary per month.  Due to COVID-19, there have been delays in this reporting for the 20-21 school year.  The reporting of this summary usually runs one full month after the closure of the fiscal month.
  C. First Interim Budget 20-21 Vote Paul Khoury, DMS 10 m
The First Interim Budget is a discussion/vote process for the Encore Board of Directors.  Paul Khoury from DMS (Delta Managed Solutions LLC and Encore's back-office provider) will be presenting the budget and the first interim update of the budget. 
VI. Adjourn to closed session 7:21 PM
Pursuant to Government code section 54957, the Board may adjourn to closed session at any time during the meeting to discuss staff/student personnel matters, negotiations, litigation, and/or acquisition of land or facilities. The board will adjourn to closed session in a private area for discussion and may take action on the following closed session items.

B. Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation.
Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54954.9. Name of case:
Wallace vs. Encore Education Corporation
  A. Reconvene from Closed Session Discuss Suzanne Cherry 3 m
After the closed session is complete, the Board will reconvene and report any action taken in closed session.
VII. Closing Items 7:24 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote