The Main Street Academy


Monthly Governance Committee Meeting


Date and Time

Thursday June 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM



Committee Members Present

Chanel Recasner (remote), Dr. Chaddrick Owes (remote), Satonja Scott, Esq., Shameka Smith (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Kanetha Stephens

Guests Present

Damion Dun (remote), K.C. Revere (remote), Lisa Bentley-Whieldon (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Chanel Recasner called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of The Main Street Academy to order on Thursday Jun 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM.

Meeting called to order by Kristal Ramirez (Not added to Board on Track).


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes from 5/25/23 Meeting

Satonja Scott, Esq. made a motion to approve the minutes from 5/23/23.
Chanel Recasner seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Governance Committee


Governing Board Work Session

  • Governing Board Work Session - Held June 10, 2023. Projected from 10a-1p. Actual Meeting from 10a-3:30p. Significant updates, and forwarded to Administration for Remaining Updates.


New Candidates for Governing Board

  • New Candidates for Governing Board - Add On Votes to the Next Meeting
  • Damion Dunn will be interviewed at the conclusion of the committee meeting.


TMSA Board Functions and Responsibilities Calendar

  • Board Calendar has been completed.
  • All committees have added their items. 

III. New Business


On Boarding New Members - Orientation

  • Schedule orientation for Tuesday, July 11th at 6PM (2-3 hours) at TMSA
  • All New Member binder items are in a folder on BoardOnTrack. Dr. Owes will print copies and provide binders for New Board Members.
  • the new board members terms will begin July 1st.


Annual Compliance Items

  • Completion of Conflicts of Interests Documentation from all Members (Existing and New)
  • Finger Printing of all Members (Existing and New)
  • Review and Approval of Letter of Assurance


Scheduling Fall Training


Additional Discussion Items

  • Satonja will put a committee together and get with Dr. Owes to schedule his annual assessment. His hire date is July 5, 2022.
  • Will have an official vote to restructure the admin team - Motion will be for the principal to report to the ED.
  • Will elect new officers at the June board meeting. Kristal to facilitate.


Move to BoardOnTrack

  • Shameka showed a quick overview, will give additional demo and details at the full board meeting.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Chanel Recasner

Kristal Ramirez adjourned the meeting. Not in BoardOnTrack to properly document.