MCCPS Board of Trustees

Monthly Board Meeting

Published on May 20, 2021 at 9:06 AM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 7:00 PM EDT


Topic: Board Meeting
Time: 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 389 839 4128
Passcode: MCCPS


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Karl Smith
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Artie Sullivan
  C. Accept Remote Participation Vote Artie Sullivan 3 m
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, Governor Baker issued an emergency Order on March 12, 2020,
allowing public bodies greater flexibility in utilizing technology in the conduct of meetings under the Open Meeting Law.
Can I get a motion to accept this Executive Order for this meeting of the Board of Trustees, on May 25, 2021.
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Karl Smith 2 m
    Minutes for Monthly Board Meeting on April 27, 2021  
II. New Board Member 7:05 PM
  A. Presentation/Interview/Vote on Perspective Board Member - Will Rockwell Vote Karl Smith 15 m
A motion to move that the Board appoint Will Rockwell as a member of the MCCPS Board of Trustees to fill a term commencing immediately upon approval by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and expiring three (3) years from the date of DESE approval.
  B. Vote on Perspective Member - Part 2 Vote Karl Smith 5 m
A motion to move that the Board invite the newly appointed Trustee, Will Rockwell, to all Board Meetings and activities while her approval is pending with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Will Rockwell will be entitled to participate as provisional Trustee and will be able to participate in all activities and discussions, except voting, until the formal approval from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and will not be counted when determining a quorum.
III. Public Comment 7:25 PM
  A. Public Comment Discuss Artie Sullivan 5 m
IV. Presentations 7:30 PM
  A. Student Presentations FYI Artie Sullivan 15 m
V. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items 7:45 PM
  A. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items Discuss Artie Sullivan


  • Identify potential candidates for the Board – Goal is 3 new members for SY2020-2021. Areas that need representation on the board –
      • Faculty
      • Development
      • Facilities
VI. Board Annual Items
  A. Upcoming Meeting Agenda Items FYI Artie Sullivan
  • May – HOS Annual Evaluation
  • June – Annual Board Retreat
  • July - Adopt Annual Report, by July 31, Adopt Annual Board Goals
  • August – Adopt HOS Goals, Open Annual Board Self Assessment
  • Sept – Review Annual Board Self Assessment, Approve Committee Memberships and Vice-Chairs
  • Oct – Adoption of the Annual Audit (must be done by Oct 31), MCAS Presentation, Presentation on HOS Evaluation Process by the Personnel Committee
  • Nov – 2021, HOS Contract Renewal Notice
  • Dec – 
  • Jan – HOS Mid-year review
  • Feb - Adopt School Calander
  • March – Set up Satisfaction Survey, Set Annual Board Retreat Date, Presentation of HOS Annual Evaluation Form
  • April – Presentation by HOS of Annual Goals, Budget Adoption
  B. Board Goals for SY 2020-2021 Discuss Artie Sullivan
Goal-1  (Board Health & Sustainability)
  • Continue to build and develop a strong and diverse board to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of MCCPS, through creative mentorship and training programs (in collaboration with governance committee). To include identification of 2-3 new board members SY 2020-2021.
    • Identify key roles and skills, Development, HR, Attorney, Construction
    • Identify key constituencies, Parents, Alumni
Goal-2 (Development)
1. Funding Streams
2. Grants & Fundraising
3. Board Responsibility

Goal 3 (Communication and Community Development)
  • Strengthen the engagement with key stakeholders (e.g. Head of School, Parents, Students, Educators, PTO and Community) to support the growth and development of MCCPs role within the community and enhance the ongoing school initials and fundraising efforts. To include fostering a strong working relationship between the Board of Trustees and HOS to drive implementation of the 2019 strategic plan and ensure the long-term success of MCCPS
Goal 4 (Support given the "New Normal")
  • To support MCCPS with the "New Normal" for fulfilling the MCCPS Charter
VII. HOS Report 7:45 PM
  A. Monthly Report FYI Peter Cohen 20 m
VIII. Other Business 8:05 PM
  A. HOS Annual Evaluation Presentation Vote Artie Sullivan 30 m
  B. Staffing Updates Discuss Peter Cohen 10 m
  C. Board Retreat Discuss Artie Sullivan 10 m
Retreat Agenda Items
  1. Governance Training – Remote Participation when Emergency Order ends, OML requirements, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  2. Facility Task Force – Review of Facility needs and future plan ideas
  3. Board Goals for SY 21-22
  4. Committee Charis and Assignments for SY21-22
  5. Election of Officers
    1. Vice-Chair – 2-year term
    2. Treasurer – 2-year term
    3. Clerk – the remainder of the term – 1 year
  6. Other items
IX. Committee Updates 8:55 PM
  A. Governance Committee Discuss Karl Smith 5 m
  B. Finance Committee Discuss Rudi Herve 10 m
  C. Personnel Committee Discuss Artie Sullivan
  D. Academic Excellence Discuss Jessica Xiarhos 5 m
  E. Development & Communications Discuss Paul Baker 10 m
  F. Strategic Plan Committee Discuss Rebecca Whidden
  G. Facilities Task Force Discuss Rebecca Whidden 5 m
X. Public Comment 9:30 PM
  A. Public Comment Discuss Artie Sullivan 5 m
XI. Board Member Comments and Resolutions 9:35 PM
  A. Board Member Comments and Resolutions Discuss Artie Sullivan 3 m
This is an opportunity for Board Member Comments and Resolutions
XII. Closing Items 9:38 PM
  A. Recap Action Items Discuss Karl Smith 2 m
Clerk to review actions items, add any additional items discussed.
  B. Meeting Evaluation Discuss Artie Sullivan 3 m
Discuss how meeting went, did we stay on topic, meet goals, etc.
  C. Adjourn Meeting Vote Artie Sullivan