Urban Montessori Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 22, 2023 at 5:30 PM


4551 Steele Street, Oakland, CA 94619. Ring the front bell or call/text 510-290-4005 for entry. Signage on campus will direct you to the correct room, generally the Head of School's Office.

The public may comment and participate via Zoom if they prefer. The public may also email comments to board@urbanmontessori.org to be shared by the Board's Secretary during the meeting. Please make that intention clear in your email.


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This meeting will be audio recorded. The public can find documents related to this agenda either linked directly on the agenda or under "Other files" after selecting the meeting in BoardOnTrack prior to viewing the agenda. Downloading the "packet" may not include all of the "Other files" that are still otherwise available to the public.

Members: Kara Fortuna, Greg Klein, Sarah Morrill, Ann Rhodes, Donald Williams

Urban Montessori Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, including audio recordings of Regular Board Meetings, are available on our BoardOnTrack public portal and also through the UMCS School Calendar.

Directors Present

A. Rhodes (remote), D. Williams, G. Klein, K. Fortuna, S. Morrill

Directors Absent


Guests Present

D. Bissonnette, K. Feeney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Morrill called a meeting of the board of directors of Urban Montessori Charter School to order on Thursday Jun 22, 2023 at 5:35 PM.


Record Attendance


Review of Action/Discussion Items

No changes needed.


Review Community Agreements

Sarah reviewed the Community Agreements. Kara offered that she was thinking about Building Relationships this evening, Greg echoed that.

G. Klein made a motion to allow Ann Rhodes to participate in this meeting remotely due to extenuating health-related circumstances.
D. Williams seconded the motion.

Ann had her camera on during the meeting and there were no people 18 years or older in the same room as Ann during the meeting.


No further discussion or public comment.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Williams
S. Morrill
A. Rhodes
K. Fortuna
G. Klein


Board and Community Appreciations

Ms. Feeney and Donald appreciated Melody for getting the summer ELOP Camp started.

Ann appreciated Ms. Isa for being awesome.

Daniel appreciated Ms. Daijah on mural project for classroom signs, and also to Isa and the rest of the Training group who are currently attending the Montessori Social Justice Cohort.

Sarah appreciated summer two of the training program. Donald echoed that appreciation.


Board Member Comment

Donald asked a question about the Oakland Montessori Training Center only for UMCS staff and Krishna responded currently yes, but lots of ideas about soon inviting others to join.


Presentations from the Floor

No public comments on items not on the agenda.

II. Head of School Report


Head of School Report

Ms. Feeney shared the Head of School report, starting with recent and upcoming events. Oakland Montessori Teacher Residency is June 12 - July 14, Expanded Learning is up and running through the end of July. Staff return August 1st and school starts for students on August 14.


Daniel shared that Summer II for the teacher residents are averaging 18 new lessons a day and are in Chicago right now attending a Montessori conference.


Ms. Feeney shared some Expanded Learning updates including students painting classroom signs, putting on talent shows, putting on plays, lots outdoor fun, crafts, and games, and tie-dying shirts.


Ms. Feeney shared enrollment updates with most recent intent to return data tracking at 360 enrolled with 25 still in process. Targeted marketing campaign launching soon for specific grade levels. Kara commented that she saw the beginnings of the campaign recently on Facebook.


Daniel shared staffing updates that all Lead teacher positions are full. Still hiring three support teachers, one full time sub, and one student support assistant, with many applications for these roles. Daniel appreciated Greg for supporting with phone screens of candidates.


Ms. Feeney shared about updates to the Local School Wellness Policy, including an overview of the requirements, staff reviewing the current policy, assessing its effectiveness, and that the policy is up for reapproval on the General Consent Report.


Donald asked about enrollment numbers and Krishna responded that Kindergarten has a long waitlist. Donald asked about yard signs, and Krishna shared that her team can look into that.


Sarah asked about the SSA position being a special education position, and Krishna responded yes.


No other comments or public comments on this item.

III. Local Control and Accountability Plan and Budget for 2023-2024


Report on Local Indicators

Ms. Feeney gave an overview of the Local Indicators, and that UMCS has reviewed them and have Met each one of them. 


Greg asked who on staff gets the emails regarding uploading the Local Indicator information each Fall to the CDE to be included in the California Dashboard for UMCS. Krishna shared she and/or Buck get those emails. Krishna commented that families with students who took recently took SBAC have received those scores.


No other public comments on this item.


Local Control and Accountability Plan 2023-2024

Krishna shared an over of the LCAP process and timeline. The UMCS public hearing was in May, and the LCAP supports students contributing to the school's unduplicated account. It also is a tool to reflect on the most recent school year. There were engagement opportunities at Board meetings and committee meetings, with staff, with FAC, and with ELAC.


There were a few minor edits and updates since the public hearing. The Budget Overview for Parents was finalized and are included the single full LCAP document.


Greg commented and shared appreciation for the staff on their multi-month process and work to get everything complete, updated, and incorporate input from across the community as it arose. Greg commented that the state is likely to again update this process and template for the upcoming multi-year LCAP cycle.


No other public comments on this item.

D. Williams made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 LCAP.
K. Fortuna seconded the motion.

No additional comments (see above).

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Morrill
A. Rhodes
K. Fortuna
D. Williams
G. Klein


Budget for 2023-2024

Ms. Feeney shared a few minor updates to the budget since last week's Finance Committee meeting. Added two students to the budget, and pulled $25,000 dollars of one-time money into the upcoming fiscal year from the 2024-2025 budget year.


Amy (member of the public) asked about money in the budget related to student recruitment, and Ms. Feeney responded that UMCS hasn't conducted any extensive student recruitment marketing campaigns in the past, and the current work and expenses are account for in the current fiscal year's forecast. Currently budgeting for additional work in the upcoming fiscal work, but that it's not confirmed yet to be happening.


No other public comments or questions.

K. Fortuna made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 budget.
D. Williams seconded the motion.

No additional public comments or questions (see above discussion).

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Fortuna
G. Klein
D. Williams
A. Rhodes
S. Morrill

IV. Finance Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report, including year to date financial report

Greg shared the committee's report, including discussing the most recent forecast through the end of May, and also the latest on California's state budget process. The budget the Legislature approved matched the Governor's proposed COLA, and proposed clawing back fewer previously approved dollars from Learning Loss Recovery and Arts & Music Block grant. Greg shared that the Governor's plan would clawback approximately $200,000 from UMCS, and the Legislature's budget would clawback approximately $30,000, and the budget just approved assumed somewhere in the middle with $100,000 in clawbacks. This will impact all public schools, and UMCS will continue to monitor and adjust the budget when this is finalized. Prop 28 dollars are not yet in the forecast. Depending on the state's final budget, the UMCS Board may want to re-approve a budget in the Fall. Greg also shared that the contract renewal for Edtec did not get reviewed at Finance Committee and so it is on the agenda tonight separate from the General Consent Report. The committee did review the CharterSafe insurance policy, which is on the General Consent Report.


No questions or public comments on this item.

V. Academic Oversight Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report

Kara shared the committee's report. The committee looked at recent NWEA data, and learned about planning steps with teachers. Plan is for teachers taking NWEA during August PD to experience it directly. Kara shared that Coach Elizabeth Slade created a Spring Focus for lesson alignment across levels, and the plan is to do that again with a Fall Focus to support classroom and grade level alignment.


The committee looking at a calendar for next year of what academic topics will be covered at what meetings.


Sarah asked about sharing out that calendar of academic topics in August or September and Kara agreed.


No public comments on this item.

VI. Family Advisory Council


Discussion Item - Committee Report

Kara shared the FAC report, including that Kara, Marcela, and Daniel met in June after school was out and discussed the most recent school year, the role of FAC, including fundraising and social events, campus beautification, supporting communication, and helping families engage at the school.


The Back to School Picnic will be on August 12th, and FAC is pairing up buddy families who expressed interest.


Sarah asked about term of the FAC president, and Kara shared that it's one-year term, and that Marcela will start the year in the role, and will then decide to continue or see if someone else wants to volunteer to serve in that role.


Greg asked about staff attending picnic, and Krishna responded that staff will be signing up to attend events throughout the school year as part of August PD.


Sarah asked about a TK/K playdate. Kara shared that playdate would likely be the week before, and Ann shared that she would try to identify a lead Kinder parent to help coordinate.


No public comments on this item.

VII. Executive & Governance Committee


Discussion Item: Committee Updates, including candidates for board service, Form 700, and training

Sarah shared the committee's report including an update on the Head of School evaluation process. Ms. Feeney has now received her evaluation memo, and the next step includes goal setting for the upcoming year.


The committee reviewed the Annual Board assessment and there were a lot of highlights. Two biggest areas of growth were around board composition and board member recruitment. Sarah plans to bring back to the board for discussion the skills and experiences we believe we need, beyond board members who are not parents at the school.


Greg commented that the committee also reviewed many policies, including the LCAP and Local Indicators, Family Handbook, Employee Handbook, Annual Notices to Families, Local School Wellness Policy, and the Board Calendar. The committee also discussed a proposal for officer roles and committee assignments for the upcoming school year.


Amy asked about where to find the Annual Board Assessment Survey summary.


Greg responded that it is in the Executive Committee's most recent meeting information on BoardOnTrack and that he would add to this current meeting's files [done].


No other public comments on this item.


Board Service - Greg Klein

S. Morrill made a motion to to approve a two-year term of Board Membership July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025.
A. Rhodes seconded the motion.

Sarah shared that Greg's current term is ending and that he was asked to serve a fifth term and he agreed. Krishna asked and Greg shared that the bylaws allow up to six consecutive terms served.


No public comments on this item.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Williams
A. Rhodes
G. Klein
S. Morrill
K. Fortuna


Annual Board Officer Role Organization

G. Klein made a motion to adopt the proposal as discussed below for all Officer, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members to remain the same for the upcoming school year.
S. Morrill seconded the motion.

Greg shared a single comprehensive proposal, which is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12LGUmAROmj8evotJebmycaEtIofljOahz3LFBm5XQeQ/edit#gid=440650251


Sarah as Chair; Donald as Vice Chair; Greg as Secretary and Treasurer; and committee chairs and members remain the same as they are currently.


Donald asked and Greg responded that yes the UMCS Board puts this on the agenda every month so that members can have flexibility to volunteer for different roles and those wishes can be discussed and acted on when needed.


After this proposal, Greg made the motion above.


Sarah commented that she is happy to Chair the board again for the upcoming year and is excited to partner someone to plan on taking over the role and Donald agreed.


No public comment this item.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Klein
K. Fortuna
A. Rhodes
D. Williams
S. Morrill

Amy (member of the public) asked to ask a question. She found the Board Assessment Survey, and asked what skills the board is looking for in new members as it recruits. Sarah shared the one area of diversity UMCS needs is members who are not currently parents at the school, even though some members were on the board and then joined the parent community later. Another area is to ensure that the board represents the racial diversity of students at the school. In terms of professional skills and experiences needed, Sarah shared that the conversation is what still needs to come back to the Executive Committee and the Board in the Fall for more work. Amy thanked for that response.

VIII. Other Business


Oakland and California Updates

Greg shared the OUSD has a Board Retreat the following day. And they will soon vote on their own LCAP and Budget. The County meets early the following week.


No public comment on this item.


Approve Minutes from May 25, 2023 Regular Meeting

D. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 05-25-23.
K. Fortuna seconded the motion.

No public comment on this item.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Klein
K. Fortuna
D. Williams
A. Rhodes
S. Morrill


Action Item - Vote on General Consent Report

G. Klein made a motion to approve the General Consent Report.
S. Morrill seconded the motion.

No public comments on this item.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Williams
G. Klein
K. Fortuna
S. Morrill
A. Rhodes


Discussion and Vote on Edtec renewal contract

G. Klein made a motion to approve the three-year renewal of the contract with Edtec and CALPADS supplemental support.
D. Williams seconded the motion.

Greg shared the three-year renewal proposal. Ms. Feeney recommended approval of the multi-year proposal and the CALPADS supplemental support. Sarah asked and Ms. Feeney clarified about what CALPADS is. Greg shared that the costs of the three-year renewal and CALPADS support is already including the recently adopted budget for next year.


No public comment or further questions.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Fortuna
A. Rhodes
G. Klein
S. Morrill
D. Williams


Collect New Business items for Future Meetings

No new items at this time.


Community Agreement Reflection

Greg thanked Amy for attending and participating in tonight's meeting.


Amy shared appreciation for welcoming her to the Board's meeting.

IX. Closed Session


Closed Session Items

At 6:37pm, Sarah announced that the Board would go into closed session on two items, Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Head of School, and Public Employment - Head of School.


No public comments on those items.

X. Return to Open Session


Report out of any closed session action(s)

At 6:53pm, Sarah reconvened the Board in open session and shared that no actions were taken in closed session.


Public Employment - Salary Adjustment

D. Williams made a motion to approve salary adjustment to $186,500 starting July 1, 2023.
K. Fortuna seconded the motion.

Sarah shared about updating the Head of School salary information based on recent information from Edtec, needing to stay competitive in this job marketplace, and take into account Ms. Feeney's years of experience and continuity at the school. Sarah shared a proposal to adjust Ms. Feeny's salary to $186,500. Sarah shared that all employees received raises going into next year and that the entire staff compensation will be reviewed starting in August supported by a comprehensive process with Edgility.


No public comment on this item.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Fortuna
S. Morrill
A. Rhodes
D. Williams
G. Klein

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Morrill
Documents used during the meeting
  • June 2023 HOS Board Report (1).pdf
  • UMCS FY24 Budget for Board Approval.pdf
  • UMCS_May_FY23_Cash_Flow.pdf
  • UMCS_May_FY23_Balance_Sheet.pdf
  • UMCS_May_FY23_Financials.pdf
  • UMCS FY24 Budget Board Presentation.pdf
  • Summary of Changes to MOC 2023- 2024.pdf
  • Urban Montessori.1336.CharterSAFEProposal2324.05-30-2023.pdf
  • UMCSEPA resolution FY23-24.pdf
  • UMCS-EdTec Services Renewal Proposal-05.11.2023.pdf