Urban Montessori Charter School


Academic Oversight Committee Regular Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 8, 2022 at 4:00 PM


4551 Steele Street, Oakland, CA 94619. Signage on campus will direct you to the correct room, generally the Sun Room.

The public may comment and participate via Zoom if they prefer. The public may also email comments to janf@urbanmontessori.org to be shared during the meeting. Please make that intention clear in your email.


Meeting ID: 825 9285 5160; Passcode 510 842 1181

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Meeting ID: 825 9285 5160
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Additional teleconference location: 494 Juana Ave San Leandro, CA 94577; 2927 75th Avenue Oakland, CA 94605

Committee Members Present

D. Williams (remote), K. Fortuna (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

D. Bissonnette, K. Feeney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order


Record Attendance


Review of Action/Discussion Items


Presentations from the Floor


Vote on Minutes from Prior Meeting

D. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Oversight Committee Regular Meeting on 06-09-22.
K. Fortuna seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Oversight


Instructional Updates

Summer cohort training continues - they meet once a week to talk about how to support through the year. 


Elizabeth Slade from Public Montessori in Action observed classrooms to gather data on student engagement and the amount of Montessori materials that are out - both items are much higher this year than last fall. Last year: 30-40%; this year 70%.


Started diebels assessments, first round will be done in next few weeks. NWEA will start in the next few weeks. Changed schedule to have NWEA at the start and end of the year and move SBAC to mid year - February to allow end of year NWEA results to reflect more accurate levels.


Supporting training and implementation of nautilus and child study. Meeting as levels 2x month to share strategies to support students in classroom. Takeaway is that we need to get teacher/student conferences started. 


Ms. Jess is starting social emotional screener, will adjust counseling groups to support students. 


Update on Spring SBAC Testing

We have had individual student data for a while, but the state hasn't aggregated it yet. Mr. Buck has been working on it. Numbers shared but no meaningful comparisons can be made with previous data since SBAC hasn't been administered since spring 2019. Some comparisons can be made to OUSD data when it is shared in Oct/Nov on the state dashboard.


In terms of data collection, we are looking at other more meaningful data points to track than standardized testing, for example, transparent classroom info re the number of lessons taken and observations, data from Elizabeth Slade etc. 

III. Closing Items


Topics for next meeting

Start of year attendance

Qualitative updates on coaching pieces, including data from Elizabeth Slade's visit.



Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Fortuna