Urban Montessori Charter School


Executive & Governance Committee Regular Meeting

Date and Time

Monday August 15, 2022 at 1:15 PM


4551 Steele Street, Oakland, CA 94619. Signage on campus will direct you to the correct room, generally the Sun Room.

The public may comment and participate via Zoom if they prefer. The public may also email comments to christinag@urbanmontessori.org to be shared during the meeting. Please make that intention clear in your email. Please make that intention clear in your email.


Meeting ID: 825 9285 5160; Passcode 510 842 1181


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Additional teleconference locations: 1623 Sunhill Ct, Martinez, CA 94553; 3921 Enos Ave, Oakland, 94619

Committee Members Present

D. Leung (remote), G. Klein, S. Morrill

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

K. Feeney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Morrill called a meeting of the Executive and Governance Committee of Urban Montessori Charter School to order on Monday Aug 15, 2022 at 1:18 PM.


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes from prior Executive & Governance Committee Meeting

D. Leung made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive & Governance Committee Regular Meeting on 06-13-22.
S. Morrill seconded the motion.

No questions or discussion. No public comments.

The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Klein
D. Leung
S. Morrill


Review of Action/Discussion Items

Reordering Agenda under II Executive and Governance from items A, B, C, D to items C, D, A, B.


Presentations from the Floor

No public comments not on the agenda.

II. Executive and Governance


Board Goals

Sarah shared her brief summary of the current status of the school, including a strong fiscal position, strong stable school leadership, increased teacher training and access to high quality materials, and that it's a good moment to assess the Board's role and purpose at this time. Sarah will draft a retreat agenda, review retreat resources, and propose a day and time.


No further discussion or public comment on this item.


2022-2023 Head of School Evaluation Process

The committee discussed this year having multiple listening sessions for staff, an online form available, more formal surveys through Panorama and BoardOnTrack. Sarah will bring to the September committee meeting a formal recommendation for the process for this school year based on prior year's work.


Board Assessment 2022-2023

Sarah asked about timing of the annual assessment in years past, and Greg looked up past reports and timing has varied. Last year's was done in the Spring, so pretty recently. Sarah recommends doing the board assessment in January. Committee agrees.


Krishna joined at 1:25pm.


No further discussion or public comments on this item.


Board Membership, Recruitment, and Training

Sarah asked and Krishna responded that the FAC will hold Fall elections for their own officers and the open FAC Board representative seat.


The Board needs to find its next chair, ideally soon, and well before Davis completes his term at the end of 2022. Krishna and Sarah discussed her stepping into the role of Chair. Discussed supporting Sarah to spend more time on campus to have a strong pulse of the school and her willingness to serve.


No further discussion or public comment.

III. Updates on School Policies and Required Documents


Discuss updates to school policies

The committee discussed updates to the COVID-19 Safety Plan in alignment with the latest Alameda County Health guidelines.


Sarah asked about needing to revisit the dress code. Krishna hasn't heard any new information from anyone, and if this topic re-emerges later on, it can be reviewed again.


No other discussion or public comments on this item.

IV. Closed Session


Closed Session Items

At 2:13pm the committee went into Closed Session on Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Head of School. There were no public comments on this item.


Report out of Closed Session

The committee returned to open session at 2:32pm. No actions were taken.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:32 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Klein
Documents used during the meeting