Urban Montessori Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 24, 2022 at 6:15 PM


4551 Steele Street, Oakland, CA 94619. Signage on campus will direct you to the correct room, generally the Sun Room.

The public may comment and participate via Zoom if they prefer. The public may also email comments to board@urbanmontessori.org to be shared by the Board's Secretary during the meeting. Please make that intention clear in your email.


Meeting ID: 825 9285 5160; Passcode 510 842 1181


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This meeting will be audio recorded. The public can find documents related to this agenda either linked directly on the agenda or under "Other files" after selecting the meeting in BoardOnTrack prior to viewing the agenda. Downloading the "packet" may not include all of the "Other files" that are still otherwise available to the public.

Members: Jan Faraguna, Kara Fortuna, Christina Greenberg, Greg Klein, Davis Leung, Sarah Morrill, Maru Salazar, Donald Williams

Urban Montessori Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, including audio recordings of Regular Board Meetings, are available on our BoardOnTrack public portal and also through the UMCS School Calendar.

Directors Present

D. Leung (remote), D. Williams (remote), G. Klein, J. Faraguna (remote), K. Fortuna, S. Morrill

Directors Absent

C. Greenberg, M. Salazar

Guests Present

D. Bissonnette, K. Feeney (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Leung called a meeting of the board of directors of Urban Montessori Charter School to order on Thursday Mar 24, 2022 at 6:19 PM.


Record Attendance


Review of Action/Discussion Items

No changes needed.


Board and Community Appreciations

Donald appreciated Caterpillar classroom and teachers. His son had a great time today in class on his birthday!

Davis appreciated the board, and especially Donald here at his first board meeting.

Daniel appreciated Donald, Jr., for his enthusiastic hellos.

Sarah appreciated Admin and Ops on enrollment communications.

Greg and Krishna appreciated all the parent volunteers for the staff luncheon this week.


Board Member Comment

No board comments on items not on the agenda.


Presentations from the Floor

No public comments on items not on the agenda.

II. Head of School Report


Head of School Report

Krishna shared her Head of School report. 



Free COVID testing available on-site every Friday 3-3:30pm ◦ Classroom Placement Meeting for K and 3rd grade families: March 29, 6pm ◦ Spring Break: April 1 - 8 ◦ UMCS Plant and Bake Sale: April 23, 10am ◦ UMCS Move-a-Thon: May 14


Instructional Updates:

Daniel shared updated. Completed 3 of 6 sessions with NCMPS around ELD training ◦ Coaching meetings diving into NWEA scores by class and making plans to collect more student data ◦ Levels are looking over our transition checklists in preparation for student placements for next year


Krishna shared pictures from classrooms.


Enrollment 22/23:

Offers have been Made! ◦ Info Events for families who have received offers or who are on the waitlist


Staffing Updates:

Formal Intent to Return Survey sent to all Staff to inform hiring and Issue Contracts for next year! ◦ New Position Posted: Director of Expanded Learning


LCAP Review and Development 2020-2023:

Each year we review and reflect on our LCAP goals, successes and areas of growth ◦ This Process helps inform creation of the next year’s LCAP! While our Goals remain stable for 3 year cycles, we continually engage our community in order to develop our yearly spending plan ◦ Guiding Questions: ◦ How can we invest in support of our LCAP Goals?


Jan asked about enrollment estimates for next year. Krishna responded that we are on track for next year's enrollment goals and budget plans.


Jan asked about the sessions with NCMPS and about continuing them. Daniel responded that there has been some discussion about including some of that work during the summer PD, or having individual new staff work in it individually. Daniel shared that they plan to do a mid-point survey of staff on how it's going for them.


No other questions or public comments.


III. Finance Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report, including year to date financial report

Greg shared the committee's report. Current annual operating deficit at $269k, increased slightly as we are looking to fill another Student Support Assistant position and there were increased Special Education assessment costs. Declined enrollment is represented in this deficit, but should be already be resolved this coming school year. Cash remains strong in the forecast. Fund balance remains healthy at 25% in the forecast.


At the state level, SB579 passed the Senate and has been read in the Assembly. It's one of a few possibilities to fix this year's school funding issues for charter-run schools continuing to deal with the fallout of the pandemic. Would restore enough funding to turn this year into a reasonable operating income. Also discussed the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program, LCAP development, and the Training Center. Lastly, we reviewed the Fiscal Management / Control Policy, but those updates aren't quite ready for the full board yet.


Davis commented that SB579 would greatly support this year's budget. Sarah asked where that money would go, and Krishna responded that it would create a modest operating income , and then would be part of larger conversations about where else we need to invest. Sarah asked about future years and Greg responded about the various proposals including averaging three-years' ADA and moving to an enrollment-based system.


No other questions or public comments.


IV. Academic Oversight Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report

Jan shared the committee's report. Discussed NWEA results, and how the results hadn't been in great alignment with what teachers have been observing and noticing in classrooms with students. Also discussed middle school program. Good progress with Amplify curriculum and building back in time for 7th and 8th graders working together. The committee will be looking in April at the English Learner Policy, LCAP, and Panorama Survey data. The committee moved its meeting to the second Thursday at 11:30am.


Parent Anna E. commented that she wants the school to be sure the Health curriculum is well planned, and acknowledged by Krishna that they are in good communication on that.


No other questions or public comments.

V. Family Advisory Council


Discussion Item - Committee Report

Kara shared the FAC's report. Recent meeting topics including events, planning for summer and fall events. Upcoming meetings for families transitioning Levels/Classrooms, the fourth meeting of this year with Dr. Rogers-Ard is on April 19th.

Fundraising: Cards for a Cause are being distributed this week. Plant & Bake Sale & Clothing Swap will be April 23rd, and the MOVEathon will be May 14th.


Jan asked about clothing swap and wanted to know about sizes. Greg shared that we'll do more MOVEathon communications after Spring Break. No other questions or public comments on this item.

VI. Executive & Governance Committee


Discussion Item: Committee Updates, including candidates for board service, Form 700, and training

Greg shared the Committee's update. Discussed the Head of School evaluation process and timeline and the Board Assessment process that board members need to complete as soon as possible. Greg shared Brown Act and Conflict of Interest training materials that are available on demand for board members and administration. Greg reminded Board members to turn in their Forms 700 (linked to on the Agenda). The Committee reviewed the LCAP, and also a few different policies. Student Discipline Policy, School Calendar, Public Records Act Policy are all on tonight's Consent Agenda. Also reviewed the CTC Declaration of Need for next year.


Sarah asked about Krishna responded that we had our Public Hearing earlier in March. There were no questions from the County Board at that time and there was one positive public comment and there were no follow up questions from staff. Vote is in mid April.


Jan asked about upcoming listening session with staff. Greg responded that it's this coming Wednesday.


No other questions or public comments.


Board and committee officers and members

Sarah announced that she would resign from the Academic Committee.

G. Klein made a motion to have Sarah Morrill join the Executive and Governance Committee.
D. Leung seconded the motion.

No public comments or questions.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Klein
J. Faraguna
C. Greenberg
K. Fortuna
D. Leung
D. Williams
M. Salazar
S. Morrill

VII. Other Business


Oakland and California Updates

Greg shared that multiple charter run schools are moving through material revisions with the County related enrollment. Greg shared about Yu Ming Charter School material revision being denied seeking to move to a different campus. Greg also shared recent updates related to OUSD school closures and efforts underway to resist and change those decisions. Greg shared about OUSD approving new agreements with labor partners.


No other questions or public comments.


Approve Minutes from February 24, 2022 Regular Meeting

D. Leung made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 02-24-22.
K. Fortuna seconded the motion.

Jan appreciated the minutes!

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Leung
D. Williams
S. Morrill
C. Greenberg
K. Fortuna
M. Salazar
G. Klein
J. Faraguna


California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

J. Faraguna made a motion to approve our Declaration of Need.
D. Leung seconded the motion.

Krishna shared about this requirement to notify California's Commission on Teacher Credentialing about the need for teachers, and we are using the same estimate for this coming year as we did for this current year.


No questions or public comments.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Faraguna
D. Leung
K. Fortuna
G. Klein
C. Greenberg
M. Salazar
D. Williams
S. Morrill


Action Item - Vote on General Consent Report

G. Klein made a motion to approve the General Consent Report minus the English Learner Policy update.
S. Morrill seconded the motion.

Prior to the vote, Jan asked about any major changes to the Student Discipline Policy. Krishna replied about designating the Executive and Governance Committee as Pupil Expulsion Panel.


There were no other questions or public comments on this item.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Leung
C. Greenberg
D. Williams
G. Klein
K. Fortuna
M. Salazar
J. Faraguna
S. Morrill


Collect New Business items for Future Meetings

Training Center staying on agendas.

VIII. Closed Session


Closed Session Items

At 7:10pm the board went into closed session on Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Head of School. Before that, there were no public comments on this item.


Krishna left at 7:13pm.


Krishna returned at 7:50pm.

IX. Return to Open Session


Report out of any closed session action(s)

The board returned to open session at 7:52pm. No actions taken.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Klein
Documents used during the meeting
  • HOS March 2022 Board Report.pdf
  • UMCS_-_Feb_Financials_FC_Presentation.pdf
  • UMCS_-_February_2022_Cash_Flow_FC_Meeting.pdf
  • UMCS_-_February_2022_Financials_FC_Meeting.pdf
  • 2022-3-24 FAC Board Report.pptx.pdf
  • cl500.pdf
  • Urban Montessori Charter School_2020 Tax Return (DRAFT).pdf