Urban Montessori Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 22, 2021 at 6:15 PM


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PER GOVERNOR NEWSOM’S SHELTER IN PLACE EXECUTIVE ORDER DATED MARCH 19, 2020 (HERE) AND BY ORDER OF THE HEALTH OFFICER OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA DATED NOVEMBER 18, 2020 (HERE): THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL-ONLY MEETING. We intend to follow the lead of the Alameda County Board of Education regarding the timing for our return to in-person board meetings, and in-person public comment opportunities.

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Members: Loren Bentley Tammero, Olivia Couch, Jan Faraguna, Christina Greenberg, Greg Klein, Davis Leung, Hae-Sin Thomas, Stacey Wang

Urban Montessori Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, including audio recordings of Regular Board Meetings, are available via on our BoardOnTrack public portal and is also accessible via the UMCS School Calendar.

Directors Present

C. Greenberg, D. Leung (remote), G. Klein (remote), H. Thomas (remote), J. Faraguna (remote), L. Bentley Tammero (remote), O. Couch (remote), S. Wang (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

C. Greenberg, S. Wang

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

S. Wang

Guests Present

D. Bissonnette (remote), K. Feeney (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Leung called a meeting of the board of directors of Urban Montessori Charter School to order on Thursday Apr 22, 2021 at 6:17 PM.


Record Attendance


Review of Action/Discussion Items

No changes needed.


Board and Community Appreciations

Jan appreciated Krishna, Daniel, and the whole staff for getting 252 students to school for in-person instruction. Loren, David, and everyone agreed.


Krishna appreciated all our teachers who are in-person, and all who are holding down distance-learning. Appreciated Daniel for working super long workdays to make it all happen.


Christina arrived at 6:19pm.


Daniel appreciated the teachers' camaraderie.
Daniel appreciated our students, brightening everyone's spirits.
C. Greenberg arrived at 6:19 PM.


Board Member Comment



Presentations from the Floor

No public comment on non-agenda items.

II. Head of School Report


Head of School Report

Krishna shared school is open for in-person learning.


252 students are on-campus, and it takes lots of drop-off and pick-up times for all the levels (and some split levels). For in-person instruction, Lower and Upper Elementary students get four 3-hour work periods each week. Middle school is full days four days a week. Primary is open full-time, has been for two weeks.


Krishna shared all the links again for the COVID-related handbooks.


Teachers in professional development have focused on all the relevant safety protocols, and maintaining instructional alignment.


Krishna shared that the First Day is August 16th for next year, and the last day for *next* year will be June 3rd.


On LCAP, continues to be worked on in every committee meeting. Great progress today on the Annual Update reflections, and goals are starting to be drafted. Draft goals will come in May, and then further refined prior to June approval.


Support Teacher Isa shared about Primary during the last few weeks of being re-opened for in-person instruction. Lots of practice around distancing. Photos were shared from all the areas of the Primary classroom of students doing works in language, math, practical life, sensorial, cultural work, and art.


Stacey thanked the Admin team for all the hard work.


No public comments.

III. Finance Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report, including year to date financial report

Stacey shared the committee's report, which showed that the operating income changed slightly by $2,000. Cash still looks OK, but with ongoing state deferrals, we have to monitor closely. Cash goes back up early in the upcoming fiscal year.


The latest from the State is that next year distance learning will be handled through independent study, and cannot exceed 20% of students. Will learn more with the May Revise and then the adopted state budget.


UMCS will record much of the COVID-relief one-time funds as deferred revenue, and book the revenue when we book the expenses. Helps make sure we are spending funding across the various required spend-by timelines.


The Board will adopt next year's budget in June.


Greg mentioned that there's a contract for our financial audit on tonight's General Consent Report. Paid next fiscal year to audit *this* fiscal year's information.


Loren asked about enrollment for next fall. Krishna responded that registration for new families has begun.


Jan asked about staff and family engagement on budget and one-time funds. Krishna responded that our LCAP process is one way for families and staff to give input. Will work with ELAC, FAC, SLT, and whole-staff to gather ideas.


No public comment.

IV. Academic Oversight Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report

Jan shared the committee's report. The committee focused on the return to in-person instruction, and also state testing options for this Spring. Leaning towards using NWEA MAP in lieu of SBAC, but first need to re-connect with County about expectations and needs. Also discussed contracting with Edtec on charter renewal support. Lastly, the committee discussed the UMCS SoBEO Report Card and Progress Report -- still looking to add more information and revise.


Greg asked if SBAC was required or optional if not viable.


Hae-Sin shared that County staff wants to see clear professional reporting on the data reports and that the analysis must be similar to what SBAC would provide, and that OUSD is not giving SBAC.


No public comments.

V. Family Advisory Council


Committee Report

Loren shared the report for FAC. Did not meet this month but had a Campus Work Day to help ready the campus for in-person instruction. Also ran a Virtual Happy Hour that raised $950 in additional COVID relief funding. There was a plant and bake sale last week that raised over $3,000. Walkathon will be the first half of May, not just a single day. All movement counts!


Work continues with Dr. Rogers-Ard including upcoming book group meetings and considering a fresh listening campaign with families of color with her professional facilitation.


No public comment.

VI. Executive & Governance Committee


Discussion Item: Committee Updates, including candidates for board service, Form 700, and training

Christina shared the committee's report. The committee talked about the process for the leader evaluation, and also on board member recruitment.


Greg shared that it is always the right time to recruit new members. And that if members want more training on financial reports or procedures, that can be provided, and to reach out for support.


No public comment.

VII. Other Business


Oakland and California Updates

Hae-Sin shared that FIA convened board members of Oakland charter schools to give updates from recent OUSD and ACOE board meetings. ACOE Board is going back to hybrid in May. One of the local assembly seats is up for election with Rob Bonta now as Attorney General. FIA asks members to consider joining other local civic clubs and organizations.


Greg asked about the County board going to in-person meetings. Hae-Sin clarified that the Board will meet in-person with some limited in-person staff presentations, but public comment still needs to be done on Zoom. Greg proposed that UMCS follow and do the same starting with the May regular meeting.


Kara asked Hae-Sin for the names of the civic groups. Hae-Sin will follow-up.


No public comment.
S. Wang left at 7:18 PM.


Approve Minutes from March 25, 2021 Regular Meeting

S. Wang arrived at 7:21 PM.
C. Greenberg made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 03-25-21.
J. Faraguna seconded the motion.
No discussion or public comment.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
O. Couch
S. Wang
H. Thomas
J. Faraguna
G. Klein
D. Leung
L. Bentley Tammero
C. Greenberg


Action Item - Vote on General Consent Report

Greg asked about the Calendar and Krishna recommended approving as is, and it may come back in May for re-approval if further updated.
S. Wang made a motion to approve the General Consent Report.
D. Leung seconded the motion.
Greg asked about the Calendar and Krishna recommended approving as is, and it may come back in May for re-approval if further updated. No public comment.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
H. Thomas
C. Greenberg
G. Klein
L. Bentley Tammero
O. Couch
J. Faraguna
D. Leung
S. Wang


Collect New Business items for Future Meetings

School leader evaluation.

VIII. Closed Session


Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Head of School

The board went into Closed Session at 7:25pm.

IX. Return to Open Session


Report out of any closed session action(s)

The board returned to open session at 7:34pm. No action taken.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Klein
Documents used during the meeting
  • UMCS-April_Presentation.pdf
  • UMCS-March_Financials.pdf
  • Urban Montessori - 2021 EL - signed.pdf
  • Urban Montessori - 2021 G1 EL - signed.pdf