Urban Montessori Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 25, 2021 at 6:15 PM


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Members: Loren Bentley Tammero, Olivia Couch, Jan Faraguna, Christina Greenberg, Greg Klein, Davis Leung, Hae-Sin Thomas, Stacey Wang

Urban Montessori Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, including audio recordings of Regular Board Meetings, are available via on our BoardOnTrack public portal and is also accessible via the UMCS School Calendar.

Directors Present

C. Greenberg (remote), D. Leung (remote), G. Klein (remote), H. Thomas (remote), J. Faraguna (remote), L. Bentley Tammero (remote), O. Couch (remote)

Directors Absent

S. Wang

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

H. Thomas

Guests Present

D. Bissonnette (remote), K. Feeney (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Leung called a meeting of the board of directors of Urban Montessori Charter School to order on Thursday Mar 25, 2021 at 6:19 PM.


Record Attendance


Review of Action/Discussion Items

No changes needed.


Board and Community Appreciations

Christina appreciated Greg for sending out Ms. Krishna's evaluation survey to the Board.
Loren appreciated all the parents, Kara, and Dr. Rogers-Ard who came to last weekend's anti-racism engagement.
Jan appreciated, Krishna, Daniel, and all the teachers and staff for all their hard work on in-person option planning.
Daniel appreciated deeply teachers around all their problem-solving and navigating uncertainty.
Daniel appreciated the Board.
Krishna appreciated the FAC and Kara for the recent listening sessions.


Board Member Comment

Greg commented that he recommended that we follow the lead of Alameda County Board of Education on the timing our Board's return to in-person meetings.


Presentations from the Floor

No public comment on non-agendized items.

II. Head of School Report


Head of School Report

Krishna's Head of School updates are in the Public Documents section of this meeting. She shared on upcoming events, including schedule changes to support teachers planning and unpacking classrooms.


Updates on Reopening:
Staff have all been offered access to vaccination. Alameda is now in the Red Tier. Nearby local school systems have agreements in place for in-person options. State and Federal legislation related to funding.


Jan asked about a percentage of staff being vaccinated and Krishna replied that she does not have an updated number on that. Staff are not required to disclose that information.


Steps Towards Reopening:
Recently surveyed families and staff. Planning meetings with every Level and individual staff. Preparing classrooms and unpacking, as we moved over the summer and have been distance-only since. Planning schedules and all required safety protocols.


Current Rough Draft Plans:
Creating rough plans, then sharing with families, and then based on confirmations from families, the plans then may need to shift again. Primary (TK/K) begins 4/12/21, starting 9-12pm, then week after that it will increase 9-2pm MTThF. Wednesdays will stay 9-12 minimum days. Two Primary teaching teams in-person, one team distance-only. Teachers calling and talking with every family to confirm choices.
Middle School: begins 4/19/21, 9-2:30, with Wednesdays as distance-only. One teacher distance-only, one in-person. The in-person teacher will live-stream their live lessons to students in distance-only while in-person kids get it in the room. Both teachers will ultimately work with all the middle schoolers.
Upper Elementary: Staggering start dates to support with teachers' vaccination desires. Currently planning 3 classrooms in-person and one in distance-only -- things can still shift. One classroom starting 4/12/21, and the third starting the week after. Likely an A/B half-day schedule four days a week, with distance-only for all on Wednesdays. Details will be shared with families who can then confirm their preference, and then plans will be further adjusted as needed.
Lower Elementary: largest numbers of students, but not yet ready to share more publicly at this time on plans.


Updated Handbooks and Information is on our website https://www.urbanmontessori.org/covid_updates. Specific protocols and procedures are all noted. As guidance shifts, these documents get updated.


Professional Development
School Leadership Team has been working on supporting staff and Levels on in-person learning options and plans.
Work continues with Dr. Rogers-Ard, final session in May
Regular planning team meetings at each Level, and even with the return to in-person, lessons will stay aligned across the Level.


School Calendar 2021-2022
Recommendation: start date August 16, end on June 3, 2022. Up for a vote tonight via the Consent Report.


LCAP Development
Progress continues in drafting. Continued to work in the new templates on the Annual Updates, including data and financial analysis. Then staff will draft goals to offer Board and Community to engage with and update further.


Davis asked about next school year related to students changing classes here this Spring and will the students stay in new classes (if they shift) or return (if they shift). Krishna responded that work will informed by teachers' experience this Spring.


Davis asked if the Upper Elementary A/B schedule might continue through the end of this school year. Krishna responded yes.


Olivia asked about if a survey will be used for families to confirm their preferences. Krishna responded that teachers will connect with families. Olivia commented on asking families about wanting vs. willing with families -- like some may want in-person or distance, but still able to do the other if that helps others.


Loren asked about the Upper Elementary schedule and about lunch. Krishna responded that the schedule does not require students to eat on campus, but food will be made available to all who need it.


Davis asked about after school programming, and Krishna responded that after school offerings are not a part of the planning for this Spring, but absolutely for the upcoming school year.


No public comment on this item.

III. Finance Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report, including year to date financial report

Greg shared the Finance committee report.


Forecast for operating income didn't change much since last year, changed by $1,000.


Cash balance remains below our 3 month goal. We do not expect to meet that goal during this time when the State of California is delaying payments. We expect to be able to fully meet our cash needs through the remainder of the year. We also expect for cash to rebound early in the following fiscal year (July/Aug/Sept of 2021) based on State's payment plan.


AB/SB 86 passed. There are requirements presented in the bill. We as a committee recognize the operational needs, and we will NOT be able to maximize AB/SB 86 revenue. Funds provided by AB/SB 86 will go to augment our spending to create an in-person learning option.


Expanded Learning Opportunity funding is available from CA, and 85% of these funds need to go directly to in-person instruction. Finance Committee will continue to work with administration to ensure we have what is needed to appropriately access this funding.


Esser III funding is also available. There are different rules around this funding. Edtec helps us manage all the requirements to access all of this funding.


All of this funding is "one time" funding, so we will not be spending this funding on "structural" spending so that what we do is sustainable going forward.


Every purchase above $15,000, board approval needs to be given to purchase items. The board chair is also required to sign off on each purchase. Committee discussed giving Admin temporary spending authority to support creating an in-person option, and up for a vote later tonight.


There is discussion with Custodial around bringing in additional support to provide safe, in-person instruction.


LCAP input continues to be sought. We will need to approve the LCAP before we approve the budget matching up with the future LCAP.


The LCAP model has been slightly modified and allows for different kinds of "goals" to be provided.  We believe the new LCAP will be aligned closely with our current LCAP and LCP.


We continue to work on increasing our fund balance. Moving forward, we don't believe that we have any need to downsize or rightsize in major ways. Our goal is to have 3 months worth of expenses in cash in order to ensure that we can pay employees and expenses in order to operate as an employer of choice as well as ensure smooth operations to provide top tier education.


No public comment.

IV. Academic Oversight Committee


Discussion Item - Committee Report

Jan shared the Committee's update. Discussed mostly in-person options and planning. Also spoke about Charter Renewal and positive meetings with the County.
H. Thomas arrived at 7:26 PM.
Jan shared that the committee reviewed chronic absence data, and saw improvements. Jan shared about updated from the State about end of year testing and requirements and flexibilities. Jan shared the UMCS SoBEO report card and will revisit it again in April to finalize.


Greg shared about a recent CDE webinar on potential assessment and accountabilities flexibilities, related to both state and federal law.


Loren asked regarding Renewal if and how FAC or the Board can support? Hae-Sin commented that three schools have renewals in the Fall at County. Helpful for FAC and parents to support with engagement with Board members, and to share our real full and rich diverse community.


Krishna shared that we may be able to have an earlier timeline.


Hae-Sin asked about needs to support with charter writing, and Krishna is assessing our charter-writing needs. Hae-Sin thanked Jan and Olivia for leading on the committee this month.


No public comment on this item.

V. Family Advisory Council


Committee Report

Olivia shared the FAC report. Last meeting was earlier in March with lots of good content and updates. Held listening session with families regarding in-person instruction. Families shared a variety of hopes and concerns; families wanted urgency around a safe return to an in-person option; and families also shared about strong need to maintain a distance-only option. Families asked for more communication and that ask is being addressed right away with all the teacher and admin emails, and more info on the website.


Families wanted staff and community surveying, which both went out rapidly and have been completed since.


FAC began anti-racism work last weekend with Dr. Rogers-Ard, on Defining Race. Included establishing shared definitions and families asking questions. Approximately 20 families attended, and resources will be shared as part of the follow-up with the community. Book club starts at the end of April for families.


Also worked on improving and increasing outreach to additional families.


Upcoming fundraising events include Plant Sale, COVID relief happy hour, and walkathon.


Jan asked about the COVID relief happy hour. Kara responded about the one-woman Zoom play.


No public comment.

VI. Executive & Governance Committee


Discussion Item: Committee Updates, including candidates for board service, Form 700, and training

Christina reminded the Board about forms 700.


Christina shared the Board Assessment summary and highlight our progress and higher scores in much of the assessment.


Christina shared around short-term succession planning, driven by COVID and wanting to be well prepared in case of emergencies. And longer term planning includes supporting Krishna to in turn support the leadership of teachers and staff.


On anti-racist survey results -- Christina thanked Board members who completed the survey, but not all of us have yet. Christina highlight a few areas so far that came up -- and again, Board Representation not being good enough. Another area was taking time as a group, not just individuals, to learn more about the history of racist schooling policies.


Loren asked about the area of Economic Impact, and Christina responded that is about us considering how and where the school invests its financial resources towards a "double bottom line" positive social impact.


Maru (member of the public) asked Christina to clarify the Educator Mindset question on the survey. Christina clarified that the question was prompting the Board to reflect on how well Board members understand the work our school does to support educators.

VII. Other Business


Oakland and California Updates

Hae-Sin shared about last night's OUSD Board meeting.
OUSD's Enrollment Stabilization policy was postponed for another month. Would separate the SchoolFinder website, district apart from charter, and insert a gag rule on OUSD staff limiting their ability to speak fully with Oakland families.
OUSD Board approved a Black Reparations policy, amended, and it passed on the third vote, and without the support of the original Board member sponsors. Hae-Sin highlighted many of the strong  important components of the policy that would improve the outcomes of Black students. Hae-Sin highlighted some of the original components that were not included in the version that was approved. It was the first time the State Trustee showed up and publicly declared his intention to stay a decision by the OUSD Board.
Oakland has reopening plans on their website, approved by their teachers.
Greg offered to use the OUSD policy versions and begin a UMCS-version of a policy.
Hae-Sin shared that EFC created a Black Families Council to ensure Black families had a specific space to share and use their voice, and to root any policy resolutions in the needs and desires of our Black families.
Hae-Sin shared that there were Black advocacy groups who were not included in the formation of the OUSD policy draft.


Hae-Sin shared that Ken Berrick is helping lead a conversation on special education in Oakland across public school sectors. Work to support Oakland to go to CA across sector to innovate together and get resourced to better support students.


No public comment on this item.


Approve Minutes from February 25, 2021 Regular Meeting

C. Greenberg made a motion to approve the minutes from February 25th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting on 02-25-21.
J. Faraguna seconded the motion.
No questions or public comments.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Klein
C. Greenberg
J. Faraguna
L. Bentley Tammero
O. Couch
S. Wang
H. Thomas
D. Leung


Action Item - Vote on General Consent Report

C. Greenberg made a motion to approve the General Consent Report.
L. Bentley Tammero seconded the motion.
No questions or items pulled. No public comments.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Bentley Tammero
S. Wang
D. Leung
O. Couch
G. Klein
H. Thomas
C. Greenberg
J. Faraguna


Collect New Business items for Future Meetings

No specific items collected.

VIII. Closed Session


Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Head of School

The Board entered closed session at 9:43pm.

IX. Return to Open Session


Report out of any closed session action(s)

The board returned at 9:36pm. No actions taken.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Klein
Documents used during the meeting
  • UMCS-Final-February_Financials.pdf
  • UMCS-March_Presentation.pdf
  • PMAI_Proposal_-_Urban_Montessori_for_Nautilus_21-22.pdf