Ivy Hill Prep Charter School

Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep

Date and Time

Monday September 30, 2019 at 6:30 PM EDT


Ivy Hill Prep Charter School, 475 East 57th Street, Brooklyn NY


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  • Call Meeting to Order
  • Welcome Guest
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  • Secretary Takes Roll Call
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep on August 26, 2019
  D. Approval of Meeting Agenda
  • Vote to Approve Meeting Agenda
II. Governance
  A. Vote to Approve Board of Trustees Officers
  • Review Resolution
  • Vote to Approve Officers of the Board
  B. Vote to Aprove Adding Jennifer Small as a Board of Trustee Member
  • Approve Resolution Adding Jennifer Small as a Board of Trustee Member to take over vacancy left by Rebecca May
  • Term Ends July 2021
  • Jennifer Small will serve on the Finance and Development Committee.
  C. Planning Ahead
  • Discuss plan for tutorial on Open Meeting Law.
  • The presentation will happen at the next meeting. 
  D. Update Policies
  • Update Employee Handbook to include and exit interview process/transition policy.
  E. Goverance Update - Political landscape
  • Discuss changes in the political landscape.  
  • Discuss plan to engage our local elected officials.
III. HOS Evaluation & Support Committee
  A. Approve HOS Evaluation Process Timeline
  • Vote to Approve Evaluation Timeline
  B. Approve HOS Planning Year Evaluation
  • Review Evaluation Rubric for the Planning Year
  • Vote to Approve Rubric
  C. Approve HOS Year 1 Goals
IV. Finance
  A. Review Financial Dashboard for July & August
  B. Update on Amended Budget Process
V. Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
  A. Update on Academic Dashboard
  • Review Dashboard.
  • Committee still working on finetuning details of dashboard.
  • Final Dashboard will be ready for board approval at October Board Meeting
VI. Development
  A. Ribbon Cutting Overview
  • Updated Donor list provided to Board
VII. HOS Update
CEO Support And Eval
  A. Executive Session
  • See HOS Report
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Meeting Evalution
  •  Board Member selected to provide quick evaluation of meeting. 
  B. Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call on Vote to Adjourn Meeting