Ogden Preparatory Academy

OPA Board of Directors Meeting

Published on June 12, 2024 at 3:14 PM MDT
Amended on June 12, 2024 at 3:15 PM MDT

Date and Time

Thursday June 13, 2024 at 4:30 PM MDT


1487 Lincoln Avenue

Ogden UT 84404


Board Room (upstairs)

The Mission of the Ogden Preparatory Academy Charter School is to provide a challenging curriculum where academic excellence, character development, and individual growth are nurtured in a safe and happy environment that involves the active participation of students, teachers, parents and community members.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Sara Mejeur 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Sara Mejeur
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Sara Mejeur 1 m
    Minutes for OPA Board of Directors Meeting on May 16, 2024  
  D. Opportunity for Public Input: General and on Fee Schedule Discuss Sara Mejeur 5 m

Proposed changes to fee schedule for FY25.

  E. Ratify May Votes Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
  1. Approval of 4/11/2024 minutes
  2. Closed Session
    1. Executive Director Evaluation Approval
    2. Executive Director Salary Approval
    3. Executive Director Bonus Approval
  3. Approval of Elementary ELA Curriculum for Special Education
  4. Approval of Red Apple Agreement Addendum
  5. Approval of Chromebook purchase
  6. Approval of Painting and Carpeting as presented.
  7. Approval of Policy changes and/or creation for the following policies:
    1. Enrollment and Lottery Policy
    2. Student-Parent Handbook FY25
    3. Background Check Policy
    4. Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy
    5. Unpaid Meal Charges Policy
    6. Gender Identity and Inclusion Policy
  8. Adjournment of the meeting
II. Finance 4:42 PM
  A. Financial Review Vote Spencer Adams 5 m

Proposed FY24 Final Budget

Proposed FY25 Initial Budget

  B. State Auditor and Internal Audit Finance Training for New Board Members Discuss Debbie Deem 5 m
  C. ECC Grass Solution Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

Ever since completion of the landscaping of the ECC play area, we have had water drainage issues. The landscaping company that installed the sod has tried to rectify the situation. 

After installing the cement and the turf, we were anticipating the turf drainage system would help solve the issues, but it did not.

We have consulted with the landscaping company, Ogden Lawn and Landscape, and we agree that we need to put in a French drain and dome the area. 

Ogden Lawn and Landscape has bid the project at under $6,800. This includes the installation of the French drain, the addition of soil to dome the area, and covering all with new grass. 

We contacted several other landscaping companies, and they either did not respond, or said they were too busy and refused to bid the project. 



  D. Kitchen Equipment Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

We applied for the Kitchen Equipment grant and were denied. We have received this grant every year for the past few years, so it was not surprising.

The Junior High needs a Combi Oven. They don't have one, and the oven they have is not performing as it should due to age. The combi ovens do a much better and more efficient job with cooking the food. 

The Elementary needs a milk cooler. The current milk cooler has been struggling this year, and we have nursed it along.

The Elementary bench tables have proved to be less hardy than needed. As a result many have been broken. We have cannibalized some to repair others. The Bench tables we purchased for the ECC are much more durable. 


Proposed that we purchase the following:

Junior High Combi Oven: $38,107.85

Elementary Milk Cooler: $2,592.72

Elementary Cafeteria Tables, QTY 8: $11,529.44


Total amount requested: $52,230.01


Attached are the bids and documentation gathered and created for the grant.

  E. Zions Sweep Account Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

Zions Bank has the option for us to create a Sweep account in connection to our checking account. The account works seamlessly with our checking account, but provides a higher interest rate on the funds in the account. Funds flow in and out of the Sweep account to checking as needed. 


This will not change our policy for transferring funds to the PTIF account. This will not affect our CD funds. 


  F. Fee Schedule Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

After providing the public 2 Board meetings to give input on the Fee Schedule changes, it is proposed that the Board approve the updated Fee Schedule to be effective for the FY25 school year. 

  G. Special Education Digital Assessment Library Vote Elizabeth Callison 5 m

The Special Education department has previously purchased non-digital materials for testing in the range of needs for our students.

It is proposed that they purchase the Digital Assessment Library to reduce the need for paper products as well as reduction of overall costs. 

  H. Meal Prices for FY25 Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

After reviewing costs, it is proposed that the meal prices remain unchanged for the FY25 year. 


  • Breakfast
    • Full Student and Adult: $1
    • Reduced: $0.30
  • Lunch
    • Full Student: $2.00
    • Reduced Student: $0.40
    • Adult: $3.00
III. Board Officers and FY25 Plan 5:22 PM
  A. Board President Vote Sara Mejeur 5 m
  B. Board Officers Vote Brittany Lucas 5 m

Vice Chair


  C. Signers on Checking Account Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
  D. FY25 Meeting Schedule Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
IV. Administrative Business 5:42 PM
  A. Administrative Board Report Discuss Administration 10 m
V. Policy Updates 5:52 PM
  A. Policy Updates Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

It is proposed that the updates to the Benefits Handbook be approved.

VI. Other Business 5:57 PM
  A. Discussion Discuss Debbie Deem 5 m
VII. Closing Items 6:02 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote