The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 27, 2018 at 4:30 PM EST


The Exploris School - Middle Campus


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on October 30, 2018
  D. Public Comment Opportunity

The Exploris Board desires to hear from their stakeholders. Members of the general public are provided three (3) minutes of time to state a concern or bring ...

II. Auditor Presentation
  A. 2017-2018 Fiscal Audit Review
Amanda Habich will join via Google hangout to present our 2017-2018 audit.
III. Facility Updates
  A. Lease Updates
The finance committee will provide an update on the Mod Space leases and property for the long term planning of Exploris Elementary. 
IV. Strategic Plan Updates
  A. Presentation of Partnership Options
Board approval is requested to contract with Emerald Education to assist us with the development of a revised strategic plan.  Total cost for the project is $2,500.  
V. ED Report
  A. Academic/ Personnel / Operations
Academic Results 
EVAAS Data released on 11/16/18 will be shared.  The Exploris School met growth with an overall .95 growth index. Data for Math, Reading, Science, and Students with Disabilities will be discussed. A data snapshot for the Fall of 2018 is also included to highlight Beginning of the Year results.

Board approval is requested for the following positions:
Callie Kirsch - Teaching Partner 2nd Grade
Koren Morgan - Business Office Manager
  B. Finance

The local revenue was updated and projections were increased due to the increase in local revenue from each County.   After reviewing the year to date expenditures and projecting future impacts, we are projecting an end of year surplus of $89,116.56.  The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD budget are attached for your review

VI. Committee Updates
  A. Development Committee
The Development committee will share an update on their progress towards their 90 day goal and ask for specific support, if needed. 
  B. Governance Committee
Further review of the Lottery policy, State Statute, and Office of Charter School input illuminated additional changes that were needed to our lottery policy and procedures.  The governance committee is recommending the removal of the surname priority.

The Governance committee will share an update on their progress towards their 90 day goal and ask for specific support, if needed. 

The board member evaluation will be sent to each member to complete prior to January 15, 2019. 
  C. Educational Excellence Committee
  D. Facilities Update
VII. Closing Items
  A. Closing and Commitments
The board will be prepared for January 29th meeting and set your calendar for an extended session (4:30 - 8:00) to identify the key meeting and identify the commitments prior to the next meeting. 
  B. Adjourn Meeting
VIII. Other Business