Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees

Reach Cyber Charter School

Board Meeting
Published on December 7, 2023 at 12:57 PM EST

Date and Time

Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 9:00 AM EST


Meeting Location:
750 East Park Drive, Suite 204
Harrisburg, PA 17111



Section Number Topic Number Details Presenter
I. Opening Items
  A. Roll Call
  B. Call the Meeting to Order David Taylor
II. Public Comment

The Board welcomes participation by the members of the public both in-person and telephonically. To address an item on the agenda, before the scheduled start of the meeting, an individual must provide their name and short description of the agenda item on which they wish to comment to the Chair, along with any materials they want to have distributed to the Board. Individuals who wish to address the Board telephonically must contact the Principal or Board President by phone or by email at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the Board meeting. If the individual wants to provide any written materials to the Board, these should be emailed to the Principal or Board President at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the meeting. The total time for any individual to present, either in person or via telephone, on an item on the agenda shall not exceed three (3) minutes, unless the Board grants additional time.

Individuals desiring to make a formal presentation to the Board on an item not on the agenda but desiring it be placed on the agenda must provide notice and written submissions detailing the subject of the presentation to the Principal or Board President at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Any such presentations shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes in duration, unless otherwise permitted by the Chair.

III. Routine Business
  A. Approval of Agenda David Taylor
IV. Oral Reports
  A. CEO's Report Jane Swan
  1. CEO's Quarter One Board Report
  2. Monthly Enrollment Report
  B. Human Resources Update Michael Garman

1. Staffing Report

2. Benefit Renewal Results/Update (Lisa Blickley)

  C. Financial Report (to follow) Karen Yeselavage
V. Consent Items
  A. Approval of Minutes from the November 15, 2023 Board Meeting
  B. Approval of Staffing Report
  C. Approval of Expansion of Edmentum Contract Andy Gribbin
  D. Approval of Contract Renewal with Nearpod Andy Gribbin
  E. Approval of additions to the Student Handbook – Services for Special Populations section Gregory McCurdy
  F. Approval of Health and Safety plan Josh Hicks
  G. Approval of Continued Contract with Reclamere Scott Shedd
VI. Action Items
  A. Approval of MOU for Alaska Sealife Experience JD Smith

Alaska Sealife

a. This event is for students in grades K-8. Each grade band will have 1 session for 60 minutes, via Zoom. They will begin around springtime due to daylight hours and live animal activity in Alaska. Price includes kits and supplies for each experience.

b. Beaks, Bubbles & Burrows (K-3 grade students) $190 for 1 student, + $20 for each additional student

c. Eat or Be Eaten in Alaska (4-5 grade students) - $190 for 1 student, + $20 for each additional student

d. The Scoop on Poop (6-8 grade students) - $220 for 1 student, + $25 for each additional student

VII. Information Items
  A. Government Affairs Update Brandie Karpew
  B. Outreach Update Scott Stuccio
  C. Special Education Update Gregory McCurdy
VIII. Strategic Planning
  A. Approval of Subcommittee for School Facility Jane Swan
IX. Executive Session

Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(1) – to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee.

X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Adjournment and Confirmation of Next Meeting – Wednesday, January 17, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.