Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees

Reach Cyber Charter School

Board Meeting
Published on September 14, 2023 at 12:15 PM EDT
Amended on September 18, 2023 at 4:18 PM EDT

Date and Time

Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM EDT


Meeting Location:
750 East Park Drive, Suite 204
Harrisburg, PA 17111



      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 9:00 AM
  A. Roll Call
  B. Call the Meeting to Order David Taylor
II. Public Comment

The Board welcomes participation by the members of the public both in-person and telephonically. To address an item on the agenda, before the scheduled start of the meeting, an individual must provide their name and short description of the agenda item on which they wish to comment to the Chair, along with any materials they want to have distributed to the Board. Individuals who wish to address the Board telephonically must contact the Principal or Board President by phone or by email at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the Board meeting. If the individual wants to provide any written materials to the Board, these should be emailed to the Principal or Board President at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the meeting. The total time for any individual to present, either in person or via telephone, on an item on the agenda shall not exceed three (3) minutes, unless the Board grants additional time.

Individuals desiring to make a formal presentation to the Board on an item not on the agenda but desiring it be placed on the agenda must provide notice and written submissions detailing the subject of the presentation to the Principal or Board President at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Any such presentations shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes in duration, unless otherwise permitted by the Chair.

III. Routine Business
  A. Approval of Agenda David Taylor
IV. Oral Reports
  A. CEO's Report Jane Swan
  1. Enrollment Report
  2. School Transition Update
  3. Back to School Activities
  4. Performance Audit Letter from Auditor General
  B. Staffing Update Michael Garman
  C. Financial Report (to follow) Karen Yeselavage
V. Consent Items
  A. Approval of Minutes from the August 16, 2023 Board Meeting
  B. Approval of Staffing Report
  C. Approval of MOU with Russy's Sweet Treats

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provides for the continuation of an agreement with Russy's Sweet Treats where through virtual workshops taught by Ms. Russy, the students will learn basic and intermediate level baking skills. The age requirement to be enrolled is 13 - 18 years old.

  D. Approval of MOU with Harrisburg Area Community College

This MOU provides for the continuation of the agreement with Harrisburg Area Community College to provide Emergency Medical Technician training to qualifying Reach students.

  E. Approval of MOU with Barbizon Modeling and Acting School

This MOU provides for the continuation of a partnership with Barbizon Modeling and Acting School, where students in grades 9-12, may participate in an internship focused on Modeling, Acting, and Self Development.

  F. Approval of MOU with Young Artist Workshop

This MOU is between the Young Artists Workshop (YAW) at Moore College of Art & Design and the Reach Cyber Charter School and provides for the continuation of the existing agreement. 

The Fall session of YAW will run on Saturdays from October 7 – December 16, 2023, and include the following sessions: Acrylic Painting, Advanced Drawing, Anatomy for Artist I & II, Architecture & Interior Design, Career Lab: Animation & Illustration, 
Career Lab: Drawing & Painting Portfolio, Ceramics & Wheel throwing, Character Design, Fashion I: Illustration & Simple Sewing, Fashion II: Sewing & Construction, Filmmaking 101, Game Design, Graphic Design, Illustration: Astrology & Mythology, Photography: Darkroom to Digital, Watercolor Painting Techniques, Animator's Studio, Architecture & Interior Design, Character Design, Drawing & Painting, Dynamic Figure Drawing, and Fashion Design.

  G. Approval of MOU with Made Institute

This MOU sets for the terms and understanding between the Made Institute and the Reach Cyber Charter School (K-12) to enroll students in the Made Jr Fashion Club online program. 

  H. Approval of MOU with Reading Science Center

The MOU provides for the continuation of the partnership Reading Science Center, whose primary mission is to foster a love of science through exciting and experiential STEM education for the Greater Reading community, with Reach Cyber Charter School. Reach Cyber families may access RSC during mutually agreed-upon times over the course of this partnership

  I. Approval for Custom Attendance Report

Custom Attendance Report: Reach is seeking School Board approval for the cost of development of a custom attendance report in the Canvas Learning Management System at a cost of $15,800 with an annual maintenance fee of an additional $2,000. In order to more efficiently monitor student attendance data in the Canvas LMS, Reach has requested the Instructure platform team create a custom report that is tailored to the unique needs of our school environment.

VI. Action Items
  A. Approval of Update to School's Bullying Policy Rachel Graver
  B. Approval of Affiliation Agreement with Pennsylvania Western University LeeAnn Ritchie

The Pennsylvania Western University and Reach Cyber Charter School are seeking approval to establish an affiliation agreement whereby the University's students may receive professional experience in their area of counseling.

  C. Approval to Rescind Procurement with Federal Grant Funds Policy Josh Hicks

The school is requesting approval to rescind the Procurement with Federal Grant Funds Policy approved on September 4, 2015. The guidance included in this policy is duplicative of guidance included on the Federal Programs manual shared with the state during monitoring.


  D. Approval of Agreement with Khan Academy Corey Groff

Reach Administration is seeking approval of the agreement between Khan Academy and Reach Cyber Charter School for licensing, consultative, and professional development services in support of the Board approved pilot program for the 2023-2024 school year.  Approval of this agreement will allow students and teachers to access Khan Academy resources, including Khanmigo, their AI powered academic assistant, as well as provide teachers and students with the necessary training for optimizing the use of Khanmigo and other Khan Academy resources. 

  E. Approval of Agreement with Elmwood Zoo JD Smith

Elmwood Zoo, Zookeeper for a Day:


  • Students will learn about animal caretaking by helping behind the scenes at Elmwood Park Zoo.
  • The Career Mentoring experience will be one 3 hour day for the middle school age group.
  • Two 3 hour days for the high school age group. The time will be 9:00am to 12:00pm.
  • 2-3 Students may join on the same day.
  • Costs: $325.00 for the middle school students and $500.00 for the high school students.
  F. Approval of the 2023-2024 School Handbook (to follow) Rachel Graver
  G. Approval of Affiliation Agreement with Luzerne College (to follow) LeeAnn Ritchie

Luzerne College and Reach Cyber Charter School are seeking approval to establish an affiliation agreement whereby the college's students may receive field experiences to include observation, exploration, and participation in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

VII. Information Items
  A. Legislative Update Brandie Karpew
  B. State Assessment Results 2023 Kelly McConnell
VIII. Strategic Planning
  A. Confirmation of Strategic Planning Retreat Brandie Karpew

The October 2023 board meeting will be held in conjunction with a board retreat on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at 9:00 AM at the Best Western Premier Conference Center located at 800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA. 

IX. Executive Session
  A. Executive Session

Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(1) – to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee

X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Adjournment and Confirmation of Next Meeting – Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.