The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

AoA Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday August 4, 2024 at 8:00 AM PDT


Phocas Financial Offices

1080 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 520

Alameda, CA 94501


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 8:00 AM
  A. Breakfast for the Board   27 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   William Schaff 1 m
  C. Record Attendance   Damaris Espinosa 2 m
II. Board Communication: Academic/Student Success, Financial Solvency, Operational Stability 8:30 AM
  A. Welcome, Introduction, Community Agreements Discuss William Schaff 45 m

This section of the Board Retreat will be led by:

  • Bill Schaff
  B. Getting To Know You Activity Discuss Christine Chilcott 30 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by: 

  •  Christine Chilcott
  C. Review of the Goals from the February Retreat Discuss Carole Robie 45 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by: 

  • Carole Robie
  D. 15 Minute Break FYI 15 m
  E. Discussion: Academic/Student Success Discuss David Forbes 90 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by:

  • David Forbes
  • Carole Robie
  F. Lunch FYI 30 m

Lunch break for 30 minutes

  G. Financial Solvency Discuss William Schaff 45 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by:

  • Bill Schaff
  • David Forbes
  H. Board Operational Stability Discuss Keith McCoy 30 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by:

  • Keith McCoy
III. Closing Items 2:00 PM
  A. Next Steps Discuss William Schaff 20 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by:

  • Bill Schaff



  B. Feedback and Gratitude Discuss Carole Robie 25 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by:

  • Carole Robie



  C. Wrap Up Retreat Discuss William Schaff 15 m

This section of the Board Retreat is led by:

  • Bill Schaff



IV. Board Business 3:00 PM
  A. Priority 1 Local Indicator FYI Christine Chilcott 3 m

The Board is being shown the Priority 1 Local Indicator, 2022-23 FTE Teaching Assignments for The Academy of Alameda as provided by the state. This information was unavailable by the state until this summer and must be presented to the board. No action is required.

  B. 2024-25 Revised Academic Calendar Vote Christine Chilcott 5 m

We miscalculated the original 2024-25 Academic Calendar by one day, 181 instead of 180, which impacts AUSD lunch staff. This calendar corrects this by adding one additional day off, Friday, January 17, 2025.

  C. 2024-25 Employee Handbook Vote Christine Chilcott 5 m

Voting on the 2024-25 Revised Employee Handbook

  D. Vote on Executive Director's Established Compensation Vote William Schaff 5 m

A review and vote on the Executive Director's 2024-25 compensation per her established three year contract, 2023-26.

V. Closing Items 3:18 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI