The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 23, 2024 at 6:30 PM PDT


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order Discuss William Schaff 1 m
  B. Record Attendance   Damaris Espinosa 2 m
II. Open Session 6:33 PM
  A. Public Comment FYI William Schaff 5 m

Public comment on any item not listed on the agenda. Allotted time for comments is two (2) minutes per speaker.

III. Consent Agenda 6:38 PM
  A. Approve Draft Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes William Schaff 2 m
    Minutes for Board Meeting on April 25, 2024  
  B. Check Registers FYI William Schaff 1 m
  C. Credit Card Statements FYI William Schaff 1 m
  D. Vote on Consent Agenda Vote William Schaff 1 m
IV. Board Communication 6:43 PM
  A. LCAP Presentation For Public Comment Discuss Christine Chilcott 25 m

Executive Director Chilcott, Elementary School Principal Rubin, and Middle School Academic Dean McGeorge will give an updated presentation on on the LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) for public comment. The AoA Board of Directors will vote on the final LCAP plan at the June 13, 2024 board meeting along with the Local Indicators.

  B. Special Education Mid-Year Update Discuss William Schaff 25 m

Special Education Coordinator, Tyler Levine-Hall, will give an update on Special Education for the 23-24 year at AoA.

  C. Vote on By-Law and Policy Revisions Vote William Schaff 25 m

The Academy of Alameda By-laws, Student Accident policy, and Classroom-Based Attendance policy have been revised by staff and the board.


Draft Resolution: The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors votes to accept the changes to the updated By-laws as presented.


Draft Resolution: The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors votes to accept the changes to the updated Student Accidents policy as presented.


Draft Resolution: The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors votes to accept the changes to the updated Classroom-Based Attendance policy as presented.

  D. Board Committee Reports Discuss William Schaff 15 m

Reports from the following committees:

  • Finance Committee
  • Student Success Committee
  • Governance Committee 
  E. Academy of Alameda 24-25 Board Slate FYI William Schaff 2 m

Nomination of 24-25 Board Officers

Chair of the Board: Bill Schaff

Vice Chair: Keith McCoy

Secretary: Carole Robie

Treasurer: David Forbes



Nomination of New Board Members:
Macheo Payne

Jennifer Laird


Nomination of 24-27 Term:

Bill Schaff

Jennifer Laird

Macheo Payne


V. Closing Items 8:15 PM
  A. Individual Board Member Reports Discuss William Schaff 5 m
  B. Executive Director Report FYI Christine Chilcott 5 m

The June 13 board meeting will be held in Room 203 due to classroom moves occurring over the summer.

  C. Upcoming Board Meetings Discuss William Schaff 2 m

June 13:


Voting on:

24-25 Budget

24-25 Board Slate

24-25 Board Meeting Calendar

LCAP with Local Indicators

AUSD 24-25 Fiscal & MOU, and Food Services Contracts

Charter Renewal Petition


  D. Adjourn Meeting William Schaff