Bridge Preparatory Charter School

Board Meeting

Published on September 10, 2024 at 10:09 AM EDT
Amended on September 12, 2024 at 6:56 PM EDT

Date and Time

Thursday September 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT


Bridge Preparatory Charter School

715 Ocean Terrace

Building A - Atrium (Main Floor)

Staten Island, NY 10301


557 5th St. #3

Brooklyn, NY 11215


60 Washington Sq. South 

NY, NY 10003


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Geena Kuriakose 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Geena Kuriakose 2 m
  C. Approve Minutes from August 8th Meeting Approve Minutes Geena Kuriakose 2 m
    Minutes for Board Meeting on August 8, 2024  
II. Board Reports 7:05 PM
  A. Academic Committee Report FYI Traci Frey 5 m
III. New Business 7:10 PM
  A. Financial Policy and Procedures Manual Vote Tim Castanza & Rebecca Peters 5 m

Proposed are a set of amendments to the school's Financial Policy and Procedures Manual, which have been reviewed and recommended by the Finance Committee. These amendments focus primarily on aligning school discretionary spending limits with industry standard levels. Further, the proposed revisions include specification of the annual review and revision cycle of the manual. Of important note, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, the manual is being submitted for board review and approval without the inclusion of an investment policy. Such a policy is under consideration of the Finance Committee and will be brought to the board at a later date for review and inclusion in a revised manual.

  B. Board Business Calendar, SY 2024-25 Draft Vote Mark Harmon-Vaught 5 m

The Board Business Calendar outlines monthly topics for presentation, discussion, and action at Board of Trustees meetings throughout the school year. It features "deep dive" presentations on key issues for the school, board, BPCS community, and NYSED authorizers. The calendar aims to enrich board discussions, deepen understanding, leverage expertise, and strengthen oversight.


  • Proposed motion:
    To adopt the preliminary 2024-25 Board Business Calendar, with amendments permitted by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Executive Director.
IV. Special Topics 7:20 PM
  A. School and Board Goal-Setting Traci Frey, Mark Harmon-Vaught, Tim Castanza 25 m

The Executive Director and Board Co-Chairs will present a draft of the ED's goals for the 2024-25 school year, followed by a facilitated discussion with the board. The discussion will focus on aligning board goals for 2024-25 with the school's goals, the 2023-24 end-of-year board assessment, the NYSED Renewal Report, and insights from the July 2024 Board Strategy Session.

V. Other Business 7:45 PM
  A. School Leadership Updates FYI Tim Castanza 10 m
  B. Update from the Family Association FYI Deidre Medina 5 m
  C. Public Comment FYI Geena Kuriakose 2 m
VI. Closing Items 8:02 PM
  A. Review of Action Items & Next Steps FYI Traci Frey & Mark Harmon-Vaught 2 m
  B. Adjourn Meeting Vote