Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION WILL BE PROVIDED FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY: Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY: Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.
DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.
Section Number
Topic Number
Opening Items
Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
call to order 5:06pm
back to order 7:16pm
Record Attendance and Guests
Emilie Larew (Chair) Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley (Vice Chair) Rocky Montz
Dara Williams (Secretary) Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman Ellen Pfahler
Amanda Campbell Robert Rene
Deanna Hamilton
Student Liaison: Ben Makhani
PCHS Management:
Dr. Pamela Magee, Executive Director / Principal
Greg Wood, Chief Business Officer
Public Comment
Non-agenda items: No individual presentation shall be for more than two (2) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed sixteen (16) minutes. Board members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation. Speakers may choose to speak during the public comment segment and/or at the time an agenda item is presented.
Crage Ah spoke - public comment. Steve Cifenelle incident was the focus.
Tom Kaleo spoke -- public comment. Gave strong accolades to Coach Steve Cifenelle and the incident.
Monzan Alzade spoke - pubic comment. A former wrestler of Coach Steve Cifenelle and gave accolades to the coach.
Delila Chapman -- public comment. Gave compliments and reflected on Coach Steve Cifenelle and his service with students.
Approve Minutes
February 21, 2017 Regular Meeting
Reviewed changes we need to our meeting minutes for February. We have some misspellings we need to correct
Carol Croland - name spelling update
Cristina Coatland - name spelling update
Update to list the full name of the policy we approved.
Motion was to table and bring the MMs back for approval for our next BoT Mtg in April.
English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) Presentation
Ms Cervantes gave a presentation regarding the ELAC program at Pali. She reviewed our ELAC program improvement system that has been helping our student (for the last 5 years) to improve on their performance.Our metrics have been showing increasing higher scores. We have new tests based on different state requirements and she wanted to point out that English Learner Progress requires scoring higher on more difficult testing requirements. Students will have to hit strong passing grades to meet the measures of CELDT and Reclassification rates that are part of the new State Indicators. This is required for all students who are English Learners.
The English Learner Advisory Committee meets with Ms. Cervantes (once a month) and everyone is invited, which focuses on student learning needs and funding.
The ELAC Committee is recommending:
1) more adult teacher aid for math classes; Algebra 1 A/B, Geometry and Algebra 2 A/B.
2) Allocating funds for Writing Center to be open during the entire school day
3) Adding at least five courses to the existing ones during period 7.
4) When choosing priorities for placement of courses in the Master Schedule, ELAC courses should receive priority.
5) Grouping English Learners in academic classes when possible.
6) Hire a Spanish/English Tutor /Counselor for student servicing and to provide support.
Updates/Revisions to Santa Monica College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
Jeff Hartman spoke - SMC contract updates:
Section (3.8 on page 42) we decide if a student gets a second dual enrollment. SMC wants to make sure we are approving dual enrollment.
Section (6.4) SMC courses taught by our teachers. Our teachers take the curriculum and teachers take the courses and put their spin on it. This section is to ensure this is SMC curriculum
Section ( )
Section (6.14) - SMC may have to sent a representative to ensure that the information being taught in the classroom is the correct curriculum.
Section 7.2 we pay our own teachers! It keeps things clean and we avoid complexity and SMC is out of it and its just their curriculum.
Section 7.3/7.4 - SMC pays their own professors, they just use our room.
Section 7.4 - if we want SMC's professor to stay later, we would pay them for the overtime. We would be responsible
Section 7.7 - teachers have to stay with the student the whole time.
7.12 - SMC can resind teachers arrangement
8.6 - SMC has some rules, if you drop the class on the SMC side, you can still get credit from the Pali side.
Section 13.2 - SMC agrees (agreement) they will provide us a roster with grades and we can give them their credits. Eliminates headaches by having an expeditor.
Dara Williams suggested we get some additional clarity about the terms. And we modify the CCAP start/end dates Feb 14 and end June 14.
Objective is to put in processes in place to help students with cronic truencies/abscences.
There is an opportunity to partner with some other schools which will give us acess to other resources that can bring us resrouces we need.
Potential Adoption of Schoolzilla Data Platform
Dashboards and the need to quicly look at shcool data to measure progress and it ties into our school-wide goals. This tool will give us quick access. Schoolzilla is a platform that is growing.
It takes about three months to build our dashboards the way we want them. We are meeting with Schoolzilla reps this Thursday to discuss further.
Update on Schoolwide Goals
August Board retreat - gave us the opportunity to identify goals.
The key areas:
Teacher communications, Improving our Sports Programs, Unity Programs and more.
Dr. Magee put together a document which came from al the Administrators - highlighting the key positive areas that are happening at Pali and what the Administration is doing to improve the Points of Pride at Pali - based on reflecting our (1) year progress.
Board Election Policies Review / Update
Review the existing policies - Rocky shared updates. Finalized all the paperwork to explain what is needed to apply.
Reviewed policy/procedures (they are in good shape). Goal is to increase number of candidates. Goal is to get Infinite Campus working to help us get all information metrics, get parents to vote.We still need to focus on identifying good candidates. We have two weeks left based on timeline until March 31, 2017.
Approval Of Updated Membership for Board Committees
We have 6 seats open.
Please fill out your paperwork - if you are interested and get it to Shelby Ladnier in the front office for processing.
We would like to know all details, or challenges to those who would like to re-run. We want parents to run - only if your student is already a student. No loop holes for parents who's children will be incoming.
Track & Football Field Status - Replacement Plan & Funding Source(s)
Rocky needs a contract approved and financing by April 18th to move forward with this project this summer. He asks that a final decision be made as soon as possible. April 18th is very late, and if we cannot make that date of approval work, this project will move to next year, and we have safety concerns.
I.5 million is what is has been requested. The Board will have to have a special 24 hour advanced meeting to look over the contract.
If this is going to be a two step process, Board needs to be aware of that.
2 step process:
1.2 million is what the track/field will cost so it's the minimum needed. We need a 1 million dollar loan and it has to be ready by April (sign off).
$300K for stadium can happen in a separate project.
The Board needs a contract with the details.
We have been fundraising and will continue thru the summer. We can look at financing the balance and paying it back wihen we get the fundraising (as long as there are no pre-payment penalties) to pay down the loan.
We do make money on renting out various space on campus.
Annual Pool Loan Resolution
Last year at this time to consolidate and pay off the pool loan, we asked the board to vote on a life time health benefit account to lend the Civic Center permit.
We entered into a five year $835K loan paying back (4 1/2 interest). $710K balance, $29K interest has been paid.
The County wants Pali to reaffirm that the Board will intraf-und this loan with the Civic Center Permit Account. The timetable to pay this off is a five year loan payback.Greg supports the continued relationship of this arrangement.
Dara moves to approve the cash borrowing. Ellen Pfahler seconds the motion. Motion passes. All not interested voted, Employees 4 abstanded. All non -employeed voted yes.
Starts on page 67 - gives school districts opportunity to reaccess their reports and they can revise or change projections to the end of the year.
Summarize: Total assets of 17.7 million dollars. Liability: 7million Fund balance: Liquid Assets:10.5 million
Required: format breaks down revenue and expenses to show all areas - Greg proposes certain guidance based on our selected funds and explains to the Board the key value of this report.
Special Ed is an example of a program we are required to put in place. Emilie Larew commented that we are using some of our funding to support these programs and bring benefits to our students.
We provide to special needs students (270 students currently enrolled). We as a Charter school are above the norm. It is a misnomor that we do not sponsor special ed students. If we increase this number, we would have to get more funding to support the need.
All school districts are wrestling with budget and funding issues/increases. Do we need to make cuts to accommodate changes?
l Budget & Finance Committee Meetings, we discuss forward planning. They are formulating to lay out strategies and present to the Board. To anticipate and delegate new direction.
The documents attached, are federally mandated and show transparency (show salaries/benefits).
How are we using fundraising revenues/expenses against those activities.
We have not filed yet. We have until May 15, 2017.
We have an increase of $200K for Transportation costs currently. We have (853 students currently using our transportation services) and that may increase as the school grows and diversifies more. That number has increased since 2015. Due to the diversity of our students and financial challenges, Pali has not increased the monthlly charge. Pali needs to find a way to fund the ever increasing costs We may be able to save 1 million costs per year with the right solution. We have to find a way to accommodate the students, and yet we have to find a way to get funding to offset the cost to Pali. The Board to put out a Transportation proposal and we need to add some resources to analyze the costs hitting Pali every month.
We have not changed the monthly charge to parents for transportation costs for three years, even though we have been subsidizing the cost increase for the last 3 years. We are looking for better prices and we have put out a bid.
Can we use Blue Line Services or other.
Sodexo has been the same food provider and they are potentially losing money every year. They tried to solve their problem by revamping their staff (clean house) etc., to save on labor cost.
At the CCSA Conference, Greg suggested perhaps we can network and get some other options regarding food service opportunities.
Greg proposes putting out a Food Service Bid to prospects; advertising, engaging all stakeholders and fully engaging students for tastings and get their buy in. Potentially buying a biometric service to put your finger print.
CGI is helping LACOE get up to date. We have been given the opportunity to help them reformat and customize their system. We have an MOU a shared cost five year committment to fund this committment. We will need to pay $13K a year to fund this project and be on the front end of the project. Greg would like the Board to approve of this. The Budget Committee approved this.
Robert Rene makes a motion to approve the LACOE Financial System MOU.
Ellen Pfahler seconded.
Track & Field = $1.2Million needed
Lighting Project Prop 99 to help fund
Raised $29K from Auction
Selling Bricks - introduced at last Saturdays auction
Mike is working with Cindy Cesan to get sponsorship for the track.
Corporate Sponsorship - where they can have a small logo on the 20 yard line.
Special Solicitation - AYSO
Income for rental fee's could pay off in 3 years, but we need to fund this by June 2018.
Mike mentioned there are ways to eleviate some budget constraints like repositioning for raising money for English Learning needs.