Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)

YPICS Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM PST


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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Yesenia Zubia
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Mary Keipp
  C. Additions/Corrections to Agenda   Mary Keipp 1 m
  D. Approval of November 15, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Mary Keipp 1 m
    Minutes for YPICS Regular Board Meeting on November 15, 2021  
  E. Approval of November 15, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Mary Keipp 1 m
    Minutes for YPICS Board Finance Committee Meeting on November 15, 2021  
II. Communications 6:03 PM
  A. Presentations from the Public FYI Mary Keipp 5 m
Any persons present desiring to address the Board of Directors on any proper matter. 

The YPI Charter Public Schools ("Charter Schools") welcome your participation at the Charter Schools' Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the Charter Schools in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our Charter Schools. To assist you in the case of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
Agenda Items: No individual presentation shall be more than five (5) minutes and total time for this purpose shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes per agenda item. 
Non-Agenda Items: No individual presentation shall be for more than three (3) minutes and total time shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. 
When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and address from the podium and adhere to the time limits set forth.

Ordinarily, Board Members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken. However, the board may give direction to staff following a presentation.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 2670 W 11th Street, Los Angeles, California 90006, 12513 Gain Street, Pacoima, CA 91331, 9400 Remick Avenue, Pacoima, California 91331 and 10660 White Oak Avenue, Granada Hills, CA 91344.

Americans with Disabilities
YPI Charter Schools, Inc. adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you require special accommodations, or more information about accessibility, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance at (818) 834-5805,  (213) 413-9600 or (818) 480-6810  or at, All efforts will be made for reasonable accommodations.
  B. Modified Meeting Procedures During COVID-19 Pandemic FYI Mary Keipp
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens


The YPI Charter Schools (“Charter Schools”) welcome your participation at the Charter Schools’ Board meetings.  The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”0 is to conduct the affairs of the Charter Schools in public.  Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our Charter Schools.




As per Executive Order N-29-20 from Governor Newsom, the meetings of the Board of Directors of the YPI Charter Schools will move to a virtual/teleconference environment using Zoom.  The purpose of the Governor’s executive order is to control the spread of Coronavirus and to reduce and minimize the risk of infection by “limiting attendance at public assemblies, conference, or other mass events.”  The Governor’s executive order on March 20, 2020, waived the requirement for a majority of board members to physically participate in a public board meeting at the same location.  The intent is not to limit public participation, but rather to protect public health by following the Governor’s Say at Home executive order and the Los Angeles County’s “Safer at Home” Order.
Instructions for public comments at board meetings conducted via Zoom:

If you wish to make a public comment, please follow these instructions:
  1. A Google Form “sign-up” will be open to members of the public 30 minutes prior to the public meeting.  This Google Form will take the place of “speaker cards” available at meetings.
  2. Speakers will fill in their names and select if they wish to address the board regarding specific agenda item (5 minutes allotted) or a non-agenda item (3 minutes allotted).
  3. Speakers are asked to attend the board meeting virtually through the Zoom invitation link on the top of the agenda.
  4. When it is time for the speaker to address the board, his/her name will be called by the Board Chair and the requesting speaker’s microphone will be activated. 
  5. Speakers should rename their Zoom profile with their real name to expedite this process.
After the comment has been given, the microphone for the speaker’s Zoom profile will be muted.
III. Items Scheduled For Information 6:08 PM
  A. School Committee/ Council Reports FYI 3 m

Each month school council and committee meeting minutes are provided for the board to review. Board members will direct senior staff regarding any minutes or committee concerns that may arise.
  B. Board Committee Reports FYI 5 m
1. Finance Committee Update - Michael Green
2. Academic Committee Update - Cesar Lopez 
  C. Bert Corona Executive Administrator Report FYI Kevin Myers 2 m
  D. Monsenor Oscar Romero Executive Administrator Report FYI Rene Quon 2 m
  E. Bert Corona Charter High School Executive Administrator Report FYI Larry Simonsen 2 m
  F. Chief Operations Officer Report FYI Ruben Duenas 2 m
  G. Executive Director's Report FYI Yvette King-Berg 2 m
IV. Consent Agenda Items 6:26 PM
  A. Background FYI
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below.  Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board’s vote on them.  The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.
  B. Consent Items Vote Mary Keipp 1 m
V. Items Scheduled For Action 6:27 PM
  A. Recommendation to Approve Continued Membership in California Charter Schools Association Vote Yvette King-Berg 2 m
  B. Recommendation to approve revised YPICS Youth Suicide Prevention Policy Vote Yvette King-Berg 3 m
The Board of Directors approved a Youth Suicide Prevention Policy October 2018. This policy has been updated to reflect updated contacts and resources for staff, students, and the greater community. Adoption of this policy includes the requirement that all employees are trained on youth suicide prevention.
  C. Recommendation to approve the 2021-2022 Educator Effectiveness Funding and Expenditure Plans for Bert Corona Charter School, MonseƱor Oscar Romero Charter School, and Bert Corona Charter High School as submitted. Vote Yvette King-Berg 3 m
  D. Recommendation to approve the First Interim Report Vote Irina Castillo 5 m
  E. Recommendation to certify LAUSD Certification of Board Compliance Review Vote Yvette King-Berg 3 m
  F. Recommendation to Approve COVID-19 Sick Day Bank Vote Ruben Duenas 5 m
  G. Recommendation to Approve Pandemic Stipends Vote Ruben Duenas 2 m
  H. Recommendation to Approve Board Resolution #2021-10: Teleconference Board Meeting and the January 2022 YPICS Meeting to be held via Teleconference. Vote Yvette King-Berg 2 m
Given current health conditions, it is recommended that the Board of Directors approve Resolution #2021-10: Teleconference Board Meeting Pursuant to Special Rules in Government Code Section 54953(e) and approve the January 2022 YPICS Meeting to be held as a Teleconference Board Meeting.
VI. Announcements 6:52 PM
  A. Closing Announcements FYI Yvette King-Berg 2 m
VII. Closing Items 6:54 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote