Kairos Academies
Kairos Academies Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Virtual - Zoom
We invite you to join us at this Zoom link. This notice was published at www.kairosacademies.org/board at least one day before the meeting.
Directors Present
A. Jackson (remote), A. Trapp (remote), M. Vachow (remote), N. Plair (remote), W. Young (remote)
Directors Absent
K. Owen, P. Badea
Ex Officio Members Present
K. Graham (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
K. Graham (remote)
Guests Present
Amy Brown (remote), Ashley (remote), Ashley Rene (remote), Christine Ingrassia (remote), J. Irby (remote), J. Krewson (remote), J. Tyrrell (remote), Katie Krieg (remote), Kellie Gavin (remote), L. LeComb (remote), Laurel Bounds (remote), M. Chavers (remote), Martha McGeehon (remote), Robbyn Wahby (remote), Victoria Turner (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Review of Mission and Vision
II. Kairos Public Comment
Time Alloted for Public Comment
III. Board Meeting Minutes Approval
Approval of BOY Stepback
Approval of November Board Meeting Minutes
Approval of December Board Meeting Minutes
Approval of January Board Stepback
IV. Kairos PTA
PTA Formation
- Board will partner with PTA
- PTA will have space on the board meetings to address the board
- Board will create a schedule and rotation to support PTA Meetings
Kairos Board attending PTA meetings
Ideas for Board Engagement:
- Listening Tours with Board to hear the parents perspectives
- The board is looking to understand what parents find valuable and what ways do they need to show up
PTA Meeting Readout
Christine Ingrassia - PTA President
- During the last PTA Meeting, there were so many changes discussed that are troubling to parents/families that are attending Kairos
- As parents and families they would like to know what we need from them to be successful and support the kids
- How can they respectfully push back when things are not working for their kids
- Parents are feeling like what they signed up for is not whats happening at Kairos today
V. Outside Presenters
Review of Kairos Learning Management System Development
Learning Management System Review has been moved to March Board Meeting
Review of 23-24 Annual Report
Martha McGeehon - Director for Accountability with the Commission
Reviewed the 2023-2024 Annual Report
- Annual Report details the schools performance throughout the school year
- The Goal of the presentation is to create conversation and keep students at the center of our decision making
- Timing of report is based on public release of report from DESE and Audit
- The performance framework has been updated
- Kairos Overall Rating: Partially Meets the commission academic measures
- Academics - Partially Meets
- Financial Management - Not Meet
- Learning Environment - Meet
- Governance - Meet
- Operations - Meet
Finances are significantly impacted by enrollment
- Take a look at goals under old contract and new contract and how and where we're monitoring performance.
- Establish annual calendar to set aside time throughout the year to focus on these areas of focus
- How many students are enrolled each month, who left by grade, who came in, tracking particular demographics
VI. Kairos Senior Leadership Team Updates
Enrollment Updates
- Lottery starts March 1st
- Activities to assist with Re-enrollment:
- Direct Phone Calls
- In person reminders
- Front desk support
- Catch Parents during pick up and drop off
- Immunization vans will be onsite
- Re-enrollment support to ensure we accommodate family schedules
- March 29th dedicated to making sure current families know they are valued and welcome
- Recruitment and Enrollment Coordinator will conduct Exit Interviews
- Board can attend Welcome to Kairos Events to engage with families
SpEd Task Force Updates
Discussed SpEd Task Force Meeting Notes
- Conversation Points align to our action plans
Reviewed SpEd Data Points
- Corrections that need to be made are being made with speed
- Structurally we are setting ourselves up for long term success
February SLT Stepback Review
Reviewed 25-26 Salaries, Reimbursements, Stipends and Incentives and proposal
- This proposal maximizes our staff to the student body
- Financial Memo will be shared to include financial safeguards that have been added in order to support salaries
CEO Goals & Contract Goals Update
- Reviewed Updated Cohort Data
- Reviewed CEO Accountability Tracker
- Stepback Agenda shared with the Board
Compliance Update
- Reportwell - Compliance Platform
- Discussed Dashboards for tracking Compliance
Amendment Request
Board reviewed Formalized Amendment with Enrollment Targets
VII. Executive Committee
Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes
Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee Updates
Executive Committee will not have goals set for 24-25 SY
VIII. Facilities Committee
Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes
Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee Updates
Facilities Committee has completed the following goals:
- Find and secure site for grades K-12
- Approve long term facilities plans for all Academies
General Cleaning of Current Facility
Bingham Updates
- Clearing of the site to keep alignment with city ordinances
IX. Finance Committee
Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes
Approval of Financials
Reviewed the Revised FY25 Budget
Committee Updates
- Yearly spending trends you tend to spend more at the beginning of the school year
- we have a good handle of financials to meet our goals and have financial strength
- Finance Committee Goals
- Increasing Cash On Hand, targeting at least 30 days cash on hand but want to get up to 60 - In Progress
- Ending on budget by end of school year - In progress
- Secure a Treasurer for the Board - In progress
24-25 Budget/Enrollment Update
Reviewed 24-25 Budget Revision
X. Finance-Facilities Ad Hoc
Approval of Minutes
XI. Governance Committee
Committee Updates
- Governance Committee is Progressing the goals that we set
- Will kick off Semi Annual evaluation for Dr. Graham
- Still looking for new Treasurer for Finance Committee. Looking for ways to recruit
- Reviewed Letter of Concern and Action Plan
- We have an action plan to address the concerns that have been raised
- Board Advisors - a new concept for the Kairos Board.
- Adding Advisors have been beneficial to the board and Kairos
- Leaned into BoardOnTrack for their expertise to strengthen our Governance
XII. Program Committee
Committee Updates
Discuss Kairos approach to Special Education Services and the Accomplishments of the team
XIII. Other Business
Finalization of 24-25 Board Goals
Executive Committee
- No goals for FY 24-25
Governance Committee Goals:
- Completing of Semi Annual Evaluation of CEO
- Executing 2 training programs for the board
- Stretch Goal - New Treasurer for Finance Committee
Program Committee Goals:
- Grow the Program Committee by at least 1 new member
- Kairos Experience - Create a dashboard that would help the board understand what Kairos means by Post Secondary School Success
- Create a Middle School Specific Dashboard with special focus on 5th grade and getting kids up to speed
- Ending School year on budget
- End school year at least 30 days with cash on hand
Facilities Goals:
- Complete
- No additional goals added at this time
Ashley Rene Casey - son is a Junior (11th grade)
Conner - Cortland Conner in 7th grade