Welcome to the public accountability portal for the Kairos Academies Board of Directors. Here you will find our board's meeting notices, agendas, and approved minutes.
Kairos Academies is a public charter school governed by the Kairos Board of Directors; a public school board charged with fiduciary oversight and compliance with our charter agreement and performance contract.
Board Meetings
The Kairos Board generally meets from 6pm-7:30pm on Thursdays during the inservice period in between academic cycles. Board meetings are open to the public and may be joined virtually. We begin each regular board meeting with a public comment period. From time to time, the Board may go into closed Executive Session pursuant to RSMo 610.021(1-3). Please direct record requests to Kairos’ Custodian of Records. Please direct all other inquiries to Kairos' Board President.
To view meeting notices, dates, times, and agendas click the "Meetings" link above. The public zoom link for each meeting can be found by clicking on the meeting date.
- 2024-25
- Please see the documents tab for all current financials and postings
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
- Click here to view salary schedules and stipends for Kairos educators, administrators, and executives.
- To view our annual audits, click on "documents" at the top.
Contact Information
- Please direct records requests to our Custodian of Records: custodian@kairosacademies.org
- Please direct all other board inquiries to our Board President: board.president@kairosacademies.org
Grievance Procedure
Kairos zealously protects student and family rights, including the right for parents to file a grievance.
- Mentor – Raise your concern with your student’s mentor. They’ll do anything in the power to resolve the issue or connect you to the right resource.
- School Leader – Unhappy with the solution? Escalate the issue by contacting our Middle School or High School Principals.
- Middle School Principal: Peter Schroeder; peter.schroeder@kairosacademies.org
- High School Principal: Adaure Nduka; adaure.nduka@kairosacademies.org
- Administration – Need additional support? Escalate the issue to our Chief Schools Officer.
- Chief Schools Officer: Jonathan Tyrrell; jonathan.tyrrell@kairosacademies.org
- CEO – Still unsatisfied? Let our Chief Executive Officer know about the situation so we can look into it further.
- Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Khalil Graham; khalil.graham@kairosacademies.org
- Executive Assistant: Stella Bauer; stella.bauer@kairosacademies.org
- Board – Appeal by emailing our Board President or writing to 2315 Miami St., St. Louis, MO 63118.
Board Training and Background Checks
Kairos administrators and board members have attended mandatory Title IX training (video, presentation). Board members pass criminal background checks, register with FCSR, and undergo annual training.