Non-instructional staff returned for team planning on July 8th. The Inclusive Learning Team, Academic Leadership Team, and Operations Team found many ways to collaborate while moving forward their own team's goals and planning processes. One collaborative effort was on the ground recruitment to support the Operations Team's efforts. We are still looking to recruit and enroll 13 Kindergarteners and 10 Second Graders. Another collaborative effort has been embedding giving and receiving feedback into collaborative and cross-team projects so that more input and perspectives are shared for systems across the school. ILD and AcLT have been focused on ways to support instruction through use of data and instructional strategies informed by data. Teams are also looking forward to using Forefront and the organizational structures for SY 24-25 aimed at prioritizing data and instruction.
There have been two resignations since the summer began. A Kindergarten Teacher and a Second Grade Teacher. While those positions will likely be filled internally by moving people around and promoting our Teachers in Residence, we are therefore looking to hire two more Teachers in Residence. We have also hired our Upper School Leader in Residence who will begin on August 5th.
The Professional Development Schedules for August and SY 24-25 are complete and we are looking forward to a strong launch on August 1st with all staff, and the day prior for New Staff Orientation! While there isn't currently a "Meet the Board" lunch during PD, we would happily make revisions if folks are available on a certain day.