East Bay Innovation Academy

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 14, 2019 at 8:00 PM PST


3400 Malcolm Avenue, Oakland, CA 94605 - Primary Meeting Location
Hello! Our regular meetings are held at EBIA, 3400 Malcolm Ave. Regular meetings are generally held in the months of Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May, June, August, Sept, Oct and Nov and typically start at 8PM.

We welcome everyone to our board meetings! If you require special accommodations (disability related or other) to attend an EBIA board meeting please let us know by emailing us at board@eastbayia.org or by calling (510) 577-9557 and ask to speak to our Office Manager.

PLEASE NOTE: (1) all public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker; and (2) if the EBIA Board does not reach quorum for any scheduled meeting due to any unforeseen reasons the meeting will be cancelled and rescheduled. Thank you for your patience if this occurs!


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes - October Board Meeting
    Minutes for Board Meeting on October 14, 2019
  D. Public Comment
Up to a maximum of 3 minutes comment time per speaker
II. Governance
  A. Consent Agenda
November Consent Agenda Items
- EBIA October 2019 Check and Credit Card Register
- Administrative coaching agreement with Sheilagh Andujar
- Measure N consulting agreement with Patricia Clark
- WASC support agreement with Sandy Park
- NPS master contracts
  B.  Employment Contract - EBIA Executive Director
Formally present and obtain board approval for Michelle's Cho's employment contract to serve as the interim Executive Director for East Bay Innovation Academy
III. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. First Trimester Academic Report
Update on student results
  B. Intersession Report Out
- update on 1st Trimester Intersession
  C. 2020 - 2021 Student Recruitment Update
  D. Update on WASC, SARC, Measure N and Measure G1
IV. Finance and Development
  A. YTD Financial Review (Through October 2019)
- YTD financials
- Cash update
- 2019-2020 First Interim Report
  B. 2019 - 2020 EBIA Development Update
- Update on fundraising 2019 - 2020 school year
V. Facility
  A. General facilities update
Update on Prop 39 and any other facilities related information.
VI. Other Business
  A. Key Activities and Events
Coming events -
  • Nov 15 - Lower School Dance, 6-8 pm
  • Nov 22 - Upper School Cafecito, 9 am
  • Nov 25-29 - Thanksgiving break

  B. Public Comment
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting