East Bay Innovation Academy

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 20, 2019 at 8:00 PM PST


3400 Malcolm Avenue, Oakland, CA 94605


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes - January 19, 2019 Board Meeting
Approve minutes from the prior board meeting.
    Minutes for Board Meeting on January 18, 2017
  D. Approve Minutes from Jan 31, 2019 Special Board Meeting
    Minutes for Special Board Meeting - Closed Session on January 31, 2019
  E. Adjourn Open Session
II. New section
  A. Open Closed Session and Record Attendance
  B. Conference with Labor Negotiator
Agency Designated Representative - Devin Krugman
Employee Organization: ETA
  C. Adjourn Closed Session
III. New section
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Report on Closed Session
  C. Public Comment
Up to a maximum of 3 minutes comment time per speaker
IV. Governance
  A. Consent Agenda
February Consent Agenda Items

- EBIA January 2019 Check and Credit Card Register
- EBIA 2018 SARC
- ACOE Resolution for Direct-funded ACH Deposits

V. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Winter MAP Testing Results
  B. High School Course Approval - WASC Update
  C. 2018 - 2019 Staffing Plans and Recruitment Launch
VI. Finance and Development
  A. Finance Update - YTD January 2019
- 2018-19 Second Interim Report
- 2018-19 Low Performing Student Block Grant Spending Plan
  B. 2018 -2019 EBIA Development Discussion
  C. 2019 - 2020 Student Recruitment Update
VII. Facility
  A. Facility Update
Update on facilities

- Prop 39 Update
- Prop 51 Update
- GGA Update
VIII. Other Business
  A. Key Activities and Events
Events coming:

1. GIVING DRIVE 18-19 is underway!  Your participation in the Annual Giving Drive is essential in closing the funding gap between our expenses and per-pupil funding. 
2. PLP Conferences will be held Feb 26 and 27.
3. Parent ECHO Access - ECHO is your portal into student work and grades. If you are not using ECHO yet, or would like a refresher on how to best make use of the tool, check out the ECHO Parent Quick Guide. If you need help setting up your account, please contact info@eastbayia.org.
4. QUEST After School Sign Ups - The third trimester of Quest after school programming will run February 28-May 31. Registration will be available on Jumbula February 19-March 8. March 8th- Last day for Quest subscription registration. Only pay-by-the-day drop ins are available after this date.
5. Feb. 25th - Early Dismissal Day - This past November we had two unscheduled closure days due to the poor air quality from the Paradise Camp Fire.  These closure days meant the loss of instructional minutes. In order to meet our state and local requirements for instructional minutes, we will need hold additional instructional time not initially listed on our school calendar.  In order to make this time as least disruptive as possible for families and staff we will be recovering the missed instructional minutes during the final day of intersession, Feb. 25th. On this day we will hold PLP preparation with teachers, followed by an early release. Lower School - Early dismissal at 11:45am; Upper School - Early dismissal at 12:00pm.
7. Feb. 28th - First Day of the Third Trimester

  B. Public Comment
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting