East Bay Innovation Academy

EBIA 2018 Annual Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday February 11, 2018 at 9:00 AM PST


3400 Malcolm Avenue, Oakland CA 94605


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Public Comment
II. Key Activities for 2017 - 2018
Academic Excellence
  A. Charter Renewal for Fall 2018
- review EBIA Charter Petition
- review Five Year Financials
- Discuss any potential suggested changes
  B. EBIA Facilities

- Discuss current status of facilities projects, obtain board feedback and request board support

  C. Development Activities

- discuss current activities, develop strategy and plan for current and outlying years, obtain board commitment and support

  D. Top 3 to 4 EBIA Board Priorities

Based on prior conversations - establish priorities for EBIA.

III. Break - Lunch
  A. Break for Lunch
IV. Governance
  A. Executive Performance Review

- Review Executive Director performance feedback, establish goals

  B. EBIA Board Evolution and Board Composition
- Discuss background, skills and attributes needed to build out the EBIA board
- Where are we in terms of  process maturity as a board
  C. Role of EBIA Board Member
- Discuss roles and responsibilities, areas where board help and attention is needed, draft board commitment document
  D. Board Committees
Based on agreed upon work and board priorities - determine if committees are required to support and lead these efforts.
V. Closing Items
  A. Public Comment
  B. Adjourn Meeting