The Main Street Academy

Monthly Finance Committee Meeting

Published on July 13, 2023 at 7:55 PM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday July 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM EDT


Virtual Meeting via Zoom




      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order Shameka Smith 1 m
  B. Record Attendance   Shameka Smith 1 m
  C. Approval of Agenda Vote Shameka Smith 1 m
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Shameka Smith 5 m
    Approve minutes for Monthly Finance Committee Meeting on June 20, 2023  
II. CFO Financial Report 6:08 PM
  A. June 2023 Preliminary Financial Report Vote John Stiffler 10 m
III. Executive Director's Report 6:18 PM
  A. ED July 2023 Report FYI Chad Owes 20 m
  • PTO Financial Report
  • Human Resources & Staffing
  • Funding, Fundraising, & Grant Updates
  • Facilities, Operations, & Maintenance Updates
IV. Unfinished Business 6:38 PM
  A. TMSA Facilities Use Board Policy Vote Dr. Chaddrick Owes 5 m

Motion for the Finance Committee to approve the recommendation that the TMSA Governing Board vote to adopt the TMSA Facilities Use Board Policy as presented by the Executive Director.

V. New Business 6:43 PM
  A. Finance Committee Goals for 2023-2024 Discuss Shameka Smith 5 m
VI. Closing Items 6:48 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Shameka Smith 1 m