TEACH Public Schools

July 24th Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 24, 2019 at 6:00 PM PDT


1846 W. Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, CA 90047
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be change without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting TEACH Public Schools during normal business hours at as far in advance as possible, but no later than 24 hours before the meeting.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact TEACH Public Schools, 1846 W. Imperial Highway. Los Angeles, CA 90047; phone: 323-872-0808; fax 323-389-4898.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Lori Butler
  B. Record Attendance and Guests   Shawnna Lawson 1 m
  C. Public Comment Discuss Lori Butler 5 m
Board meetings are meetings of the Board of Directors and will be held in a civil, orderly and respectful manner. All public comments or questions should be addressed to the Board through the Chair of the Board. To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Board must complete a Speaker Request Card and submit it to Matt Brown, Chief Operating Officer of TEACH Public Schools. The Speaker Request Card must contain speaker name, contact number or email, and subject matter and submitted to the COO or Superintendent prior to the start of the meeting. Members of the public may address the Board on any matter within the Board’s jurisdiction and have three (3) minutes each to do so. The total time of each subject will be fifteen (15) minutes, unless additional time is requested by a Board Member and approved by the Board. The Board may not deliberate or take action on items that are not on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation. The Chair is in charge of the meeting and will maintain order, set the time limits for the speakers and the subject matter, and will have the prerogative to remove any person who is disruptive of the Board meeting. The Board of Directors may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to each topic if it finds that the numbers of speakers would impede the Board’s ability to conduct its business in a timely manner. The Board of Directors may also allow for additional public comment and questions after reports and presentations if it deems necessary.
Academic Excellence
  A. Consent Items Vote Lori Butler 1 m

Consent Items - Items under Consent Items will be voted on in one motion unless a member of the Board requests that an item be removed and voted on separately, in which case the Board Chair will determine when it will be called and considered for action.  Due to the set-up of BoardOnTrack, approval of any board meeting minutes will be done through consent and listed as items B-Z (as needed) under "Consent Items".   

  1. Approval of the July 24, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  2. 19-20 TEACH Tech Parent-Student Handbook
  3. 19-20 Comprehensive School Safety Plan for TEACH Prep
  4. 19-20_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan_TEACH_Academy_of_Technologies
  5. 19-20_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan for TEACH_Tech_Charter_High_School
  6. 19-20 TAT-EPA Resolution
  7. 19-20 TPES-EPA Spending Plan
  8. 19-20 Master Services Plus MOU
  9. TAT- Con APP-District Reports 06.30.19
  10. TAT- One-Time Spending Plan 18-19
  11. TEACH Attendance Policy Draft 07-20-2019
  12. TEACH Independent Study Board Policies
  13. TEACH Public Schools Homeless Policy
  14. TEACH Public Schools Parent & Family Engagement Policy
  15. 19-20 TEACH SNP Procurement and Purchasing Procedures FINAL
  16. 19-20 TEACH_Employee_Handbook (Approved_July)
  17. TOR Rate Sheet 2018 to 2019 School Year
  18. TTHS- Con APP District Reports 06.30.19
  19. TTHS- One-Time Spending Plan 18-19
  20. The Education Team Contract
  B. Approval of June 12 2019 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes
    Minutes for TPS Governing Board Regular Meeting on June 12, 2019  
CEO Support And Eval
  A. TEACH Academy of Technologies Renewal Materials Discuss Matthew Brown 5 m
In preparation for petition application intake the following is needed from the board:
  • Governing Board Member Questionnaires
  • Resumes 
  B. Litigation Settlement Offer Vote Matthew Brown 5 m
  C. 2019-2020 After School All-Start Contract Vote Matthew Brown 2 m
Annual back office services contract exceeds $50,000 threshold requiring board approval.  
  D. TEACH Inc. Foundation Vote Matthew Brown 5 m
  • Appointing of board members
The TEACH Foundation gathers philanthropic-minded civic leaders who believe education is important, are aware of the critical issues facing our public schools, and want to help under-served students in South Los Angeles. This network is led by the TEACH Foundation Board, which leads fundraising & volunteer programs to connect professionals in southern California with initiatives to help school communities and mentor students.
IV. Facilities Report 6:24 PM
  A. TEACH Facility Update FYI Jimmy Morales 5 m
10000: New floors have been installed upstairs and downstairs. In the bathrooms the walls have been reinforced with FRP to cut down on damage to the walls. The sink faucets have been changed out to water saving push buttons. All partitions and walls have been repaired and reinforced. All classrooms and hallways and offices have been painted. All floors have been waxed. 3 new doors have been built on the first floor. New seats have been installed into the auditorium. Also the MPR received a paint job. New concrete has been installed to improve appearance and cut down on mud and water issues.

10616: All classrooms and hallways and office have been painted. All floors have been waxed. All plumbing issues were fixed on all floors. All furniture has been assigned to each room for the start of the new school year.

10045: New fencing has been installed on ramps for safety. New VCT flooring has been installed to all classrooms and offices. New metal vents have been installed for safety.

8505: construction is still ongoing with a projected finish date of 8-3-19 but still up in the air. All interior windows have been installed, doors and fixtures, new bathrooms for kindergarten have been installed.
  B. Bond Market - TEACH Tech & TEACH Preparatory Discuss Matthew Brown 5 m
V. School Site Reports 6:34 PM
  A. TEACH Academy of Technologies FYI Raul Carranza 5 m
  • Enrollment
  • Staffing
  • Summer School 
  • Renewal 
    • Intake - July 29th 
    • Public Hearing - August 27
    • Board Action - September 24
  B. TEACH Tech Charter High School FYI Monique Woodley 5 m
  • Enrollment 
  • Staffing
  • Summer School
  C. TEACH Preparatory Mildred S. Cunningham & Edith H. Morris Elementary School FYI Sharon Rhee 5 m
  • Enrollment 
  • Staffing
  • Facility 
VI. Closing Items 6:49 PM
  A. Board Assessment & Goals Discuss Matthew Brown 5 m
BoardOnTrack is an intuitive, easy-to-use, all-in-one online platform for your charter board. We provide the intuitive tools to help your board excel, and empower you to measure your performance through your own data, so you can govern for growth at every stage.


Invite the board members to participate in the annual board assessment. https://app2.boardontrack.com/boardAssessment/manage/543
  B. Upcoming Meetings FYI Matthew Brown 1 m
Wednesday August 28, 2019 at 6pm
  C. Form 700 FYI Shawnna Lawson 5 m
Filing a Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests (SEI) is a state-mandated requirement for individuals who make decisions or advise on decision making at any government agency in California. The requirement is part of the Political Reform Act enacted in 1974, which was passed by California voters to promote integrity in state and local government by helping agency decision makers avoid conflicts between their personal interests and official duties. Under the Act, these individuals are required to disclose assets and income, which may be materially affected by their official actions.
  D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Discuss Lori Butler 5 m
Time for board members to make any public comments.
  E. Adjourn Meeting Vote Lori Butler