MCCPS Board of Trustees

Monthly Board Meeting

Published on May 25, 2022 at 9:04 AM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday May 31, 2022 at 7:00 PM EDT


This is an In-Person Meeting, with remote participation.

Please note that the in-person meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the remote connection.MCCPS

17 Lime St
Marblehead, MA 01970


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Paul Baker
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Artie Sullivan
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Artie Sullivan 2 m
    Minutes for Monthly Board Meeting on April 25, 2022  
II. Public Comment 7:02 PM
  A. Public Comment Discuss Artie Sullivan 5 m
III. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items 7:07 PM
  A. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items Discuss Artie Sullivan


  • Identify potential candidates for the Board – Goal is 3 new members for SY2021-2022. Areas that need representation on the board –
      • Faculty
      • Development
      • Facilities
IV. Board Annual Items
  A. Upcoming Meeting Agenda Items FYI Artie Sullivan


  • May – HOS Annual Evaluation
  • June – Annual Board Retreat
  • July - Adopt Annual Report, by July 31, Adopt Annual Board Goals
  • August – Adopt HOS Goals, Open Annual Board Self Assessment
  • Sept – Review Annual Board Self Assessment, Approve Committee Memberships and Vice-Chairs
  • Oct – Adoption of the Annual Audit (must be done by Oct 31), Presentation on HOS Evaluation Process by the Personnel Committee,
  • Nov –  MCAS Presentation
  • Dec – 
  • Jan – HOS Mid-year review
  • Feb - Adopt School Calander
  • March – Set up Satisfaction Survey, Set Annual Board Retreat Date, Presentation of HOS Annual Evaluation Form
  • April – Presentation by HOS of Annual Goals, Budget Adoption
  B. Board Goals for SY 2021-2022 Discuss Artie Sullivan
Goal-1  Board Communication
Foster a strong level of connectivity with faculty, parents, and community members.
  • Advance general awareness of MCCPS board responsibilities and key activities through a diverse communications strategy that reaches all key stakeholder groups.
  • Build and cultivate a more dynamic and interactive relationship with MCCPS faculty. To include strengthening access and building trust through regular events and activities.

Goal-2 Development
Establish a robust development strategy to support both short-term and long-term strategic goals of MCCPS and ensure the     financial stability of the school.
  • Leverage local community networks to support the realization of short-term infrastructure needs (e.g. roof repairs).
  • Identify and foster new and innovative opportunities to support the realization of long-term strategic goals (e.g. MCCPS Strategic Plan).

Goal 3 Supporting Academic Excellence
Support the continued Growth and Development of the educational experiences of our MCCPS Students.
  • Adoption and Support the Implementation of the Criteria for Excellence.
V. HOS Report 7:07 PM
  A. Monthly Report FYI Peter Cohen 15 m
VI. Other Business 7:22 PM
  A. Presentation by HOS of Evaluation Discuss Artie Sullivan 30 m
  B. Staffing Updates Discuss Peter Cohen 15 m
  C. Board Retreat Vote Artie Sullivan 15 m

Retreat Agenda Items

  1. Governance Training – Remote Participation when Emergency Order ends, OML requirements, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  2. SWOT - MCCPS Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats/Trends
  3. Board Goals for SY 22-23
  4. Committee Charis and Assignments for SY21-22
  5. Election of Officers
    1. Chair – 2-year term
    2. Clerk – 2-year term
    3. Vice-Chair – the remainder of the term – 1 year
VII. Committee Updates 8:22 PM
  A. Governance Committee Discuss Paul Baker 5 m
  B. Finance Committee Discuss Rudi Herve 10 m
  C. Personnel Committee Discuss Peter Cheney
  D. Academic Excellence Discuss Jessica Xiarhos 5 m
  E. Development & Communications Discuss Ian Hunt 5 m
  F. Strategic Plan Committee Discuss Peter Cohen
  G. Facilities Task Force Discuss William Rockwell 5 m
  H. Covid/Pandemic Response Task Force Discuss NDack Toure 5 m
VIII. Public Comment 8:57 PM
  A. Public Comment Discuss Richard Doron 5 m
IX. Board Member Comments and Resolutions 9:02 PM
  A. Board Member Comments and Resolutions Discuss Richard Doron 3 m

This is an opportunity for Board Member Comments and Resolutions

X. Closing Items 9:05 PM
  A. Recap Action Items Discuss Paul Baker 2 m
Clerk to review actions items, add any additional items discussed.
  B. Meeting Evaluation Discuss Richard Doron 3 m

Discuss how meeting went, did we stay on topic, meet goals, etc.

  C. Adjourn Meeting Vote Richard Doron