MCCPS Board of Trustees

Annual Board Retreat

Published on June 3, 2019 at 10:08 AM EDT
Amended on June 5, 2019 at 2:18 PM EDT

Date and Time

Saturday June 8, 2019 at 8:00 AM EDT


4 Broadmere Way, Marblehead, MA


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 8:00 AM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Paul Baker 2 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Artie Sullivan 3 m
  C. Review Agenda and Expectations   Artie Sullivan 20 m
•Review of Agenda
•Expectations for the Day
II. Goverance Committee - Board Training 8:25 AM
Academic Excellence Committee
  A. Board Training Discuss Nichole Thompson and Pam Ferris 60 m
•Opening Activity:  Board check-in
•New Board Member Orientation
•Introduction of Board Mentoring
  B. Break FYI 10 m
III. Discussion 9:35 AM
Development Committee
  A. Open Discussion with Board & HOS Discuss Artie Sullivan 60 m
Review progress on Charter Renewal
Discuss implementation and alignment with Board and Committee goals
Discuss Strategic Plan
  B. Break FYI 10 m
IV. Board and Committee Goals 10:45 AM
Community Relations Committee
  A. Board and Committee Job Descriptions Committee Goals Discuss Artie Sullivan 75 m
•Review of Board Job Descriptions
•Review of Committee Job Descriptions
•Each Committee to reflect on progress toward 18-19 goals and begin to draft 19-20 goals
Finance - Review of Financial Policies
Communications / Community Engagement
Academic Excellence
Strategic Plan

V. Lunch 12:00 PM
  A. Lunch FYI 40 m
  B. Recognition Discuss Multiple 20 m
•Provide recognition for work completed by a Board  member that contributed outstanding service to  MCCPS in 18-19
VI. Board Officer and Committee Appointments, HOS Goals 1:00 PM
  A. Elect Officer Roles / Appointment Board Committee Chairs for 2018-2019 Vote Artie Sullivan 45 m
  • Elect officer roles for 2019/2020
  • Appoint Committee Chairs​​​​​​
  • Committee Assignments of Board Members
  • Board Vote
  B. Break FYI 10 m
  C. Goals for HOS - SY19-20 Discuss Artie Sullivan 60 m
  • Discussion of Goals for HOS for 19-20
  • Review Satisfaction Survey
VII. Closing Items 2:55 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Discuss Artie Sullivan 5 m