Learn4Life South Carolina


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM


In Person: 6209 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406


Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/QH3C7

Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 720054591#

Directors Present

C. Zaloumis, D. Luginbill (remote), M. Davis (remote), R. Thaler (remote), S. Cooper (remote), T. Senf

Directors Absent

M. Roberts

Guests Present

A. Gibson (remote), A. Holmes (remote), A. Magdaleno (remote), A. Miller (remote), B. West (remote), H. Ruiz (remote), Jeannette Cook (remote), K. Welsh (remote), M. VanKirk (remote), Nadar Ali II (remote), R. Reyes (remote), T. Brown, V. Chase (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Luginbill called a meeting of the board of directors of Learn4Life South Carolina to order on Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 5:02 PM.


Record Board Member Attendance


Introduction of In Person and Virtual Guests


Pledge of Allegiance

II. Approval of Agenda


Approval of Agenda

T. Senf made a motion to Approve the agenda for May 21, 2024.
S. Cooper seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes


Prior Meeting Minutes

D. Luginbill made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 04-16-24.
S. Cooper seconded the motion.

After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the agenda for April 16, 2024, for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Learn4Life High School-Charleston.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Reports



Mr. West shared on the income statement as of April 30, 2024, including the balance sheet, budget to actuals, and statements of revenue and expenditures. He also mentioned waiting on funds from the 135-count day and that funds should be caught up by the June board meeting.


School Leader

Dr. Brown shared her principal report that included the PADEPP standards. She also shared teacher appreciation week and administrative day celebrations.

Dr. Brown shared on career days with visits from military recruiters and SC Works.

Dr. Brown shared on a senior fun trip on May 3rd to Frankie’s Fun Park. She also shared on Prom and thanked Ms. Carole Zaloumis and her husband for chaperoning. She also mentioned that 25 students will be graduating on June 8.

Dr. Brown shared on the summer minimester that will begin on June 12-30.

Dr. Brown shared on enrollment of 155 students. She also shared there are 143 students that have reenrolled for the 2024-25 SY as well as 2415 LEP’s completed.

Dr. Brown shared on retention bonuses for teachers and gave an update on staffing and hiring efforts.

Dr. Jeannette Cook mentioned 3 new agencies that LLAC is working with to help with hiring.


Management Organization

D. Luginbill made a motion to Approve the Commercial Package and Non-Owned Auto Liability and Umbrella proposal.
C. Zaloumis seconded the motion.

Dr. Annie Gibson shared on the education update with development of educational key performance indicators & goals for the 2024-25 SY. She also mentioned all new goals & future plans will be shared at the August board meeting.


Ms. Magdaleno shared on the Commercial Package and Cyber Quotes from Great American.


After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the Commercial Package and Non-Owned Auto Liability and Umbrella proposal.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Legal Update

No legal update was given.

V. Consent Agenda


Items for Approval

R. Thaler made a motion to Approve the Consent Agenda Items, including the 2024-25 Course Catalog, the Revised Finance Policies and Procedures, and the 2024-25 Local Board Approved (LBA) Courses: Advanced Mathematics and Multimedia Production, African American History, Cosmetology 1: Cutting Edge Styles, Criminology: Inside the Criminal Mind, Digital Skills, Essential Career Skills, Financial Math, Forensics: The Science of Crime, Gothic Literature, Greek Mythology: Influence and Legacy, High School Career Discovery, Holocaust Studies, Interior Design, Introduction to Anthropology, Introduction to Archeology, Introduction to Astronomy, Introduction to Criminology, Introduction to Cyber Security, Introduction to Ethnic Studies, Introduction to Latinx, Introduction to Military Careers, Personal and Family Finance, Penning the Pandemic, Professional Skills, Real-World Parenting, Science Foundations (Use to be Science Essentials, just submitting for a name change), Skills4Life, Structure of Writing, Women’s Studies: A Personal Journey Through Film, & World Religions: Exploring Diversity.
M. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Discussion Items


Cyber Security Insurance

D. Luginbill made a motion to Approve the Cyber Insurance quote for the 2024-25 SY.
C. Zaloumis seconded the motion.

After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the Cyber Insurance quote for the 2024-25 SY.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Officer and Directors Comments


Open Discussion

Dr. Cook spoke on the closure of a school and is emailing those teachers directly as one of the hiring efforts.

Mr. Thaler would like all board members to receive a copy of the auditor’s letter at the end of the school yar to make dure the school is in compliance.

VIII. Closing Items


Next Board Meeting

Next Board Meeting is June 18, 2024 at 5:00p.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Holmes